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We just finished what lisa did for lunch and honestly it was delicious.
"Y/n what do you want to do?"

She asked, we were laying on the couch looking like potatoes, well I looked like a potato, Lisa even in this position, her stomach sticking out of her t-shirt which was a little raised, swelled from the amount of food she ate, she had a gummy smile plastered on her face cause that is one of the first time she didn't burnt something or even the    whole plate, with a little rest of food sticked at the corner of her mouth, she was looking like a godess.

"I don't fucking know, maybe go take a midnight swim in the pool?" I said while she nodded.
"Baby come" she said, I scouted closer to her
"Put your ear on my belly and listen" I laughed but did it anyway.
"Do you ear it, that's our baby, I'm pregnant" she said and I bursted into laughter, she pouted while drawing circles on her stomach with her finger
"What's his name?" I asked still laughing my ass off
"Mr. Food, or Mr. Chicken I don't know but look I'm swelled so basically I'm pregnant"
"Yeah yeah..." I said, a little smirk appeared on my face, I quickly went back to lisa's stomach height and started whispering silly things to it while tickling her
"Do you know that I'm your dad little Mr. Food, and we all know that you prefer me than your mom" as I said that I received a smack on my head, I looked and saw lisa pouting at me
"See she just hit me, domestic violence" I said rapidly still staring in lisa's eyes, I received another smack on the back of the head, I hopped off of the couch and started running for my life while I heard lisa's step behind running after me
"Y/N I SWEAR TO GOD IF I CATCH YOU YOU'LL BE DEAD I HAVE A SLIPPER WITH ME I WON'T HESITATE TO USE IT" she screamed while searching me through the whole mansion
"OMG LISA NO NOT THE SLIPPER PLEASE I'M SORRY............BUT WE ALL KNOW THAT I'M THE FAVORITE OF MR. FOOD BETWEEN US TWO" I screamed back, I heard her groan while mumbling something to herself.

Lisa POV

Ok so I made a plan for making y/n come to me without having to move, I went back to the kitchen with the slipper still raised in the air.
"Y/N COME BACK TO THE KITCHEN I HAVE CHOCOLATE" I screamed to her hoping that she heard me cause the mansion is so huge, I heard a loud gasps
"WHAT FLAVOR IS IT?" she asked, I looked through the drawer to find some of the precious food y/n cherish
"OMG THAT'S MY FAVORITE!!" she exclaimed
"WELL COME EAT SOME WITH ME....BUT IF YOU DON'T COME BACK IN THEN SECOND I GUESS I'LL HAVE TO EAT IT BY MYSELF" I smile mischievously, I heard her step coming towards me, she was obviously running as fast as she could, I raised  the slipper higher and made a baseball position ready for when I'll see her.
I saw her little face coming from the corner of the wall
"Where's the chocolat" she asked dumbfounded when she didn't saw the chocolate anywhere and in what position I was
"Oh, I'm in a trap isn't it?" She said and I nodded, she started to turn around running but I threw the slipper at her and it landed right on her ass,I heard a loud smack that resonate in whole mansion. Y/n stopped running immediately while I was standing proud of me cause I have a good aim, she putted her hands on her butt while fake laughing of pain and turning around
"Owwww mon cul" she said in french, I tilted my head to the side because I didn't understand what she just said
"What that means?" I asked
"Owwww my ass" she answered and I nodded
"What about you teach me to speak french?" I proposed, I saw her eyes light up
"Really?" She asked like a little child jumping in place while clapping her hands.
"Yeah" I giggled at her face, she came to hug me
"I would love to teach you french" she whispered and I smiled in her neck inhaling her fabulous scent
"So we're gonna make that midnight swim or no?" She said and we went upstairs to find some swimsuit.
"Babe, I'm to bored to take a bikini what about we go in the pool naked?" I asked pouting, she turned around facing me with her brows furrowed
"Are you serious?" She asked and I nodded
"Well okay let's go" she said and we walked to the pool.


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