Information on my OV AU

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So this isn't a chapter, I just want to explain my AU.

So in this male omegas and fated mates a extremely rare, along with having more than one fated mate. A fated mate is similar to a soul mate but differ. Fated mates are instantly in love with each other, very protective, once they find and kiss each other a link comes between them, they are able to speak telepathically and basically share everything together they can feel each other's emotions, the omega is able to turn this off and on. Soulmates are basically the same thing but they can not speak to each other telepathically, instantly fall in love or feel their others emotions. Soulmates are drawn to each other but not like fated mates. With fated mates, the alphas family with become protective of that omega. Not in a romantic way but a family way. Even if the fated mates haven't met yet.

They are able to change into wolf form as they please and can show their ears and/or tail as they please. There are different types of Alphas and Omegas.

Class A Alpha: Strongest Alpha breed. Rare. In wolf form they are bigger than other wolves. Can dominate any Alpha along with other class A alphas, when having fated mates their quirks are shared with their omega. They can be mates with another alpha but it is very rare, if they have an alpha mate that means they have an omega who is connecting them. Only effected by their omegas/mates pheromones. Very very protective and extremely aggressive when their mates are in danger or approached by another alpha. Can be effected by Class A omega pheromones, if older than this omega they will become protective like a parent to this omega.

Class B Alpha: Most common Alphas, can only dominate omegas and betas, can mate with Omegas for pups. Can mate with betas but chances of having an Alpha pup are low. Can be affected heavily by Class A omega pheromones, class B alphas are usually able to control their alpha when affected by omegas except class A.

Class A Omega: Extremely rare, there is only a 2% of the population who are class a Omegas. They can hold their own against a Class B alphas unless they use their alpha voice. Can "dominate" other omegas along with betas, usually pretty strong, they are usually the group leader to omegas. Have a powerful quirk along with their fated mates. These Omegas can have one or the other or two sides to them. One being shy, easily flustered, but are are also laid back. The other, a sassy, out going won't back down type of personality. When they have both personalities the first one takes over more until you get to know that omega, or if you piss them off. Heats are more extreme and last longer than a regular omega, instead of last 2-3 days their heat last 5-6 days.
If a class A omega has a class A alpha fated mate, they are able to use their alphas voice if needed for a short time.

Class B Omega: Regular omega

Male omegas can be strong but they still have feminine body types, even with muscles. Izuku wears both male and females clothes.

Betas: Your normal everyday human. They have scent glands but their pheromones/scent are very weak.

Class A alphas in my story:
All For One
All Might
Aizawa (I really like Aizawa don't hate 😭)
Todoroki (he will be a weaker class A but still stronger than class B)

Class A Omegas:


The rest of the class:


Denki (plays as beta)
Jiro (plays as beta)
Mina (plays as beta)

Class 1-B:
Awase- Alpha
Kaibara- Alpha
Tetsutetsu - Alpha
Kendo- Alpha
Monoma - Omega
Pony- Omega
Ibara - Omega

Rest are betas.
I'm sorry I don't know too much about class 1-B so I just took a guess on them.

Mineta isn't in this class, Shinso is 👀

Also if the fated mates do not find each other by the omegas age of 16 their names will appear on each other's wrist

I think that's everything, if not I'll add it in the story

I think that's everything, if not I'll add it in the story

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This is what he looks like (I found this on Pinterest)

This is what his body looks like and just for the hell of it

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This is what his body looks like and just for the hell of it. He's thicc 👀🍵
He's also 5'6

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