Chapter 10

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Izukus POV

I woke up and I was sitting a field as the sun was setting or rising I couldn't tell. It was a beautiful sight, I sat there for what felt like was forever even though it was only a couple of minutes the breeze blowing through my hair but it wasn't cold it was warm like a hug. "It's beautiful isn't it?" I heard a voice say which made me jump and turn quickly. There stood a beautiful boy, around my age. Black hair that fades to a dark red, tall, and his eyes looked just like mine but his body reminded me on Tomu but his face looked similar to Touyas. His hair looked to be like Shotos but curly like mine. "Who are you?" I asked calmly but curiously "Well, I'm your son" he said with a small smile but it shocked the hell out of me "I'm not sure why I'm here as were the same age right now, and I'm not even born yet." He said and I smiled softly at him "It would make sense you look like a mixture between me and your fathers" I said with a laugh at the end. "Do I?" he asked confused I smiled softly "You do, your very beautiful as well" I said with a motherly smile "C-can I hug you?" He asked embarrassed which make me giggle "Come here" I said opening my arms he hesitated but quickly came over to hug me. He held onto me tightly as I held him. We may be the same age right now but I can feel my motherly instincts. He pulled away and he was just stunning, he was quite taller than me "Do you have any siblings?" I asked and he nodded "I can't say much because like I said, I'm not born yet I'm not even sure on how I'm here but I do. I won't tell you how many. I can't ruin the future. But do me a favor mom?" He said and I looked at him weird "What's that?" I asked raising an eyebrow "Whatever you do, never give up. Keep fighting. And when the time comes, let them know Karma will catch up to them" He said with a smirk on his face that represents my own and I knew what he meant. "I'll do my very best to keep that as a promise and not a favor" I said and he nodded he hugged me again and I hugged him back. After he let go and I turned my head to the left for a quick second to look at the view but when I looked back he was gone. I smiled sadly but things went dark again and I woke up.

I woke up with a smile on my face and I was happy, I just got to see but one thing still bothered me. "What did he mean by never give up? Or to let them know that Karma will catch up to them? Why couldn't he tell me more about him or the others? Why did he seem so confused on when I told him he looked like both of them? Maybe he wasn't real and was just a dream but he was so beautiful.. and looked just like them how could- IZUKU!" I was snapped out of my thought by someone yelling at me. I turned my attention to two pissed off alphas "Y-yes?" I said nervously. They both growled "Who is this he you were talking about?" Tomu growled out which scared me "Oh my god I was mumbling. I thought I got over that but calm the hell down. If you calm down and stop scaring me I will tell you" I said trying my damn hardest to not stutter and shake. They seemed to have caught on and stopped their pheromones but I could still see they were pissed "Explain. Now" Touya said I giggled "You guys can't be jealous of your own son" I said and they froze they looked at me like I was stupid "I'm not sure how, but I met our future son, he was beautiful, his hair was a mixture of mine and Shotos, but the top was black and it flowed down to a dark red, he had beautiful green eyes like mine, he was tall like Touya, his body reminded me of Tomus but his face looked like Touyas with my freckles that I didn't really notice before." I explained with a smile on my face and they just stared at me not saying a word "We talked for a little bit, but then he asked me to do him a favor but it more like a promise.. he told me to never give up and keep fight, and when the time comes. Tell them Karma will catch up to them. I don't know what he meant by that and it confused me but before I could ask he disappeared and I was left there by myself until I woke up" I finished explaining that's when they snapped out of it and both yelled "YOU MET OUR FUTURE SON!?" I just had a deadpan look on my face. I really wanted to smack them right now "That's why you got out of that whole thing?" I asked and they looked away from me "No, we heard everything but that was the first shock to us.." Touya said and I nodded "What did he mean by that though? The league isn't going to do anything to the heroes so what the hell does that mean?" Tomu said and we thought for a minute "WAIT!" I yelled and they looked at me "What if he wasn't talking about us? What if he was talking about him and his siblings? He said he has more but he can't tell me or it will change the future... or.. he's not talking about the league at all..." I finished saying "If it wasn't a message to us... it was too you. As if he was saying something will happen to you." Touya growled out. "I'm not sure, but what I am sure of is it's 7 in the morning, I'm hungry and we have to go train at UA today" I said as if on cue my stomach growled. They chuckled and we went downstairs in our pjs and Kurogiri was making breakfast already. After a while the rest of the league came down stairs including dad which confused me, and I think everyone else. "Goodmorning Dad" I greeted "Goodmorning son" he greeted back. "I can tell all of you are wondering why I'm here, I had a very bad feeling when I woke up this morning and it hasn't gone away, that was until I heard what you three were talking about this morning after my son woke up. That's when the feeling got worse" Dad explained and I froze I'm pretty sure Touya and Tomu did as well but I couldn't see them. I was staring at dad. "Izuku I think something might happen and if it does. It'll be at UA. If I have a bad feeling about it, something bad is going to happen. I'll be joining you guys at UA today. I won't do anything or attack anyone unless needed. I will need you too inform your teachers about this so All Might doesn't try to attack me. And another thing.... when did you plan to tell me your marked?" Dad asked and I could feel all the blood leave my face "I uh... haven't seen you?" I said but it came out more as a question. "I'll accept it this time, but whenever you find out your pregnant with my grand pups I better be the first to know" dad said with a smile and the blood that left my face quickly returned along with a squeak as I covered my face. I could hear everyone laughing. After breakfast I asked dad if I could go to his office for a little bit and he allowed it. Everyone looked confused or surprised but I was happy. Dad never lets anyone in his office unless necessary I happily got up and skipped my way to his office. I wanted to make a plan for today, we're doing longer training today as class b is joining us now. I sighed and got to work.

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