Chapter 3

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-Tike skip 5 days-

Izukus POV
I've been running for I don't even know how long, I'm weak, I'm tired, I can't even change out of my wolf form but out of everything. I'm lost. Bakugo words are still in my head I can't think of anything else... maybe he's right. I never got the chance to find my mates because of him, he ruined me. Now because of my dumb ass emotions everyone knows I'm a Class A omega. I tried to get up but I couldn't I was a whimpering mess. I haven't ate in who knows how long. I can't call out for anyone to find me. So I laid there.
-After a couple hours-
I woke up to a smells that smelled so peaceful to me. One is camp fire and cinnamon the other smells like rain and sugar? I whimper softly wanting to be near the smell. I hear footsteps and voices coming toward me I look up and I see 2 figures I whimper and try to hide but I feel safe and calm in a way. The keep coming closer and the smells are getting stronger I use all my strength to stand up and look at them the last thing I hear is "He's our omega" and darkness surrounds me.

Dabis POV
Tomura and I were sitting at our hideout with the rest of the league when I felt someone close to us. I looked at Tomura and he felt the same way "Dabi do you think it's our omega?" He asked my eyes widen and we jumped up before we could leave through the door Kurogiri stopped us "Find your omega, but be careful. It takes days to journey through this forest. He could be hurt." He said and we both looked at each other and ran out the door. We ran towards the pull we were getting. After what seemed like forever, which was only 10 minutes. I spotted a beautiful black wolf with green highlights. Tomura and I stopped and looked at each other. We slowly walked closer and we could hear him sniffing the air and whimpering. It broke my heart, he stood up and I was surprised at how big he was. He looked at us and whimpered I felt it. He's our omega. I looked at Tomura and he nodded "He's our omega" he said we looked back to him and he dropped. I quickly ran over to him and picked him up. We both had the urge to kiss him and claim him but we couldn't. We wanted to wait until he could change his form. We quickly carried him back to base. He snuggled into me while I carried him like an overgrown baby but I loved it. Tomura was petting him and we could hear the soft purrs coming from him. We made it to base and everyone immediately looked at us. Kurogiri was coming out of the kitchen with food and drinks for him. He sighed when he seen him as a wolf and sat everything down and quickly went back. We sat down on the floor with who I hope is Izuku, his name is on both mine and Tomuras wrist, as I held him his head and half his body was on my lap while the other half is on tomuras as we both pet him. The league looked at him like he was the most precious bringing in earth and it made us happy. He's the only omega here. Kurogiri came out with two bowls. One had fresh meat in it and the other had fresh water. We all wanted to eat it but the pup on my lap lifted his head up. He struggled to get up and stand as Kurogiri placed the bowls in front of him. He let out a whimper that seemed as a thank you and started eating and drinking. He quickly finished it it was like it brought back his strength and everything. He sat down and looked at us for a second before tilting his head to the side slightly. We all died from the adorableness of his ears flopping with him. "We won't hurt you, are you able to change back into your human form though?" Tomura asked softly he looked around and looked at Toga. We were all worried when he started walking towards her. She surprised us by being calm. Izuku used his nose to point at her skirt we didn't know what he meant "Do you need clothes?" Toga asked and the pup nodded his head "Okay! Do you want pants and a shirt?" She asked and he nodded and let out a whimper he moved from in front of her and came back in front of us and nudged his bowl. We giggled and a portal opened and another bowl of food dropped down in front of him. He yelped and jumped back but quickly made his way to the next bowl of food. Toga came back down as he was finishing she sat the clothes next to him, patted his head and walked away. He looked at us then the clothes "Hey can you guys turn around so he can get dressed?" I asked and they all did. We even turned around so we don't scare him already. After a couple minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and seen the most beautiful boy I have ever seen. I looked at Tomura and he was in awe "H-hi" he said in an adorable voice we quickly stood up and hugged him tightly which made him yelp but he snuggled into us quickly. The others turned around and everyone was saying "aww" or "he's so cute!"

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