Chapter 16

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-Time Skip 3 months-

Izuku POV
The last 3 months have been very eventful, the triplets are more alert now. They, thankfully, sleep through the night now. We haven't gone out in public yet with them. For the most part they're pretty chill babies and I love it. Karma is the most laid back out of the three, Kaito is pretty calm mostly but gets upset easily, Izurya is happy with her stuffed teddy bear and some toys, give her those and she is content until she's hungry. Izurya still likes to be held and cuddled with along with the boys, they love when I sing to them as well. Tonight we're going over to Shotos house for a family dinner, Kaito was up all night as everyone slept I stayed up with him. I finally got him to sleep around 7:30 this morning, which got me only 2 hours of sleep before I was woken up. As Touya is low key really nervous about being in that house again, Tomura just seems chill, I'm freaking out making sure I have everything for the trio. I went through the list and the diaper bag 3 times already making sure we have everything. Luckily I'm able to use my shadow quirk to travel with the babies and it doesn't effect them at all. I made sure we have enough bottles and formula along with diapers. The trio is down for a nap before we leave because for some reason we have to be there at 3, which I personally think it's so they can spend more time with them which I'm not complaining. Now it's time for us to get ready. I went into the room to see both of them wearing sweat pants. I sighed and walked to the closet grabbing 3 outfits.

Izukus outfit^

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Izukus outfit^

Tomuras outfit^

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Tomuras outfit^

Tomuras outfit^

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