Chapter 11

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Izuku POV

I woke up to a dark room I looked at the clock on our nightstand "4:38 AM" I sighed and snuggled into the warmth of my mates but I couldn't fall asleep. I wiggled out of their hold. I walked to the closet and grabbed an outfit and walked to the bathroom closing the door and turned the light on which I instantly regretted. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I turned on the hot water as the bathroom started to steam up I got undressed and go in the shower. The water felt like it was burning my skin but it felt amazing, I closed my eyes taking in the heat. Some people feel suffocated by the steam but me, I feel like I'm standing on the beach and feel free that nothing can go wrong. As my eyes were closed I seen the boy again "Hello mom" he said and I smiled "Hello, son" I said back. He hugged me and It was like a missing piece "I'm surprised you don't want to ask me about the last time we met" he said and I nodded "I do, but I enjoy the time I get with you as well." I said back and he smiled "me too mom, even though your not dreaming I just want to say I love you" he said as he hugged me again "I love you too, is something wrong?" I replied while holding him. "No, not at all. I'm just glad you kept that promise. I also know that you wanted to plan a date with dad today, so I may or may not help you" he said with a smirk and I raised an eyebrow "What do you mean by that?" I asked curiously which made him chuckle "There's a beautiful place a little further into the forest, it's magical, I was brought here to help you with it. When you go to your special place keep walking past it. After a while you'll find a beautiful that no one knows about. Take Dad there, spend time with him and be happy mom." He explained and I couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes "Oh and mom, make sure you take my other dad with you next time. It'll be a better magical experience. Or you can take both of them it's up to you." He said and I smiled "Thank you son, you wouldn't be able to tell me your name would you?" I asked and he shook his head "Thats one thing I can't do either, if I tell you and you change it I won't become real" he explained and I nodded "Well until next time mom, don't forget about my idea" he said as he hugged me before I could say anything he disappeared I opened my eyes with a smile on my face.

I wet my hair and got my shampoo and started washing my hair as I rinsed it out there was a knock on the bathroom door scaring the hell out of me and I yelped loudly "Y-yes?" I said trying to calm down "Are you okay Puppy? You've been in there for a while now?" Tomu asked and I smiled "Yeah, I'm fine Tomu." I said happily "Can I come in?" He asked and I nodded until I realized he can't see me. I facepalmed and yelled out a yes. I grabbed the conditioner and covered my hair in it. I grabbed Tomus body wash giggling and started washing my body "What are you giggling about puppy?" Tomu asked as he stepped in the shower "I didn't know you were coming in with me" I said still giggling he wrapped his arms around me and sniffed my neck "Dod you use my body wash?" He asked and I giggled more "maybe~" I said and he chuckled "did you miss me that much you had to smell like me also?" He asked as he kissed my cheek "Hey Tomu, can I ask you something?" I said as I looked up to him "Of course you can puppy, what's wrong?" He asked I smiled "Can me you and Touya go on a special little date? And just spend the day together, I wanted it to be us but I wanted Touya to be there for this also" I explained a little nervous "That's fine puppy, but I want you too myself one of these days" he said and I nodded hugging him "I'd love a day with just you Tomu, I was thinking about just us going today but I feel like Touya should be there with us for this" I said as I kissed his chest "And what's that?" He asked I giggled "it's a secret" he groaned but accepted it. I finished rinsing off and washing my hair as I helped Tomu with his hair and body. We got out and started drying off "What should we wear today?" He asked and I smirked "Whatever you'd like but we're going in our wolf form" I said and he looked confused but nodded. He put on grey sweat pants and I black short sleeve shirt which made me have a nosebleed. "You good puppy?" He asked "yup. Just peachy. I'm good" I replied back fast as I took care of my nosebleed. I finally got it to stop bleeding and Touya was still asleep. I smirked and looked at Tomu "He's gonna kill you" he said "Don't get jealous of this, since I can never wake you up" I said and he raised an eyebrow looking at me.

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