Chapter 14

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-Time skip to the Babyshower-
-Izuku is now like 26 weeks pregnant-
Izuku POV
I was rudely woken up by Toga, Twice and Spinner telling me I need to get up before I could even yell at them I remembered what today is, my baby shower. "Okay okay, come here and help me up" I groaned as I was stuck between my alphas who were still asleep somehow. Twice carefully sat me up and picked me up bridal style and gently sat me down on the floor "Thank you" I said with a sleepy smile. "Izu... you know that shirt I ordered for you?" Toga said nervously I nodded "Well I bought it like several sizes bigger so if anything it could be like a dress.... but... it's soooo small... it hardly fit Spinner.." she said sadly and I was surprised "What the hell" I pouted "Ooo wait... I have a couple sweaters that will fit perfectly" I said cheerfully hoping to cheer her up.. she looked at me and smiled "Let's go to closet!" She said quietly as we all made our way over. I walked in first and grabbed a few of them "Sooo which one" I asked. Toga grabbed the bigger one that is honestly my favorite for how soft it is. I smiled, she grabbed me black leggings and my shoes "Toga... could you... help me" I asked shyly since I can't really do much any more. "Of course I can Izu" she said as we walked to the bathroom "Did you want to take a shower first?" She asked and I nodded "You can go wake Tomu or Touya. If they found out I showered by myself they'll be mad" I said sadly "What if I stay in here with you? I won't look or anything so that way if you do need help I can do it" She offered "That works" I said with a smile. I managed to get my clothes off without help and carefully got into the shower. I am glad I am flexible so I was able to wash mostly everything. "Hey Toga, could you wash my back for me?" I asked shyly. "Of course Izu! I'll close my eyes if that makes you feel better" She said and I agreed. She may be like my sister but it's still weird to see each other naked. She washed my back and turned around and sat back down on the counter and played on her phone. Now the hard part... drying off and getting dressed. With a sigh I carefully got out of the tub and tried to dry off but I just cried because I couldn't. "Izu why are you crying?" I looked at her "Because I can't do anything without needing help I try to do things on my own but I can't because if I squat down I can't get up, even if I sit down I still can't reach past my damn knee, my back hurts and I can't do anything!" I yelled while crying "Oh izu. It's okay, I don't know what your going through but it's okay to ask for help, I'd rather help you then you get hurt or something. Here I'll dry you off and help you get dressed." She said with a Soft smile I knew I couldn't do it by myself so I nodded. She took my towel and dried me off and helped me get dressed just like she said she would. She even helped with my shoes which I was very thankful for because I can't get my shoes on anymore. "Thank you.. it means a lot to me" I said softly. She hugged me and got kicked in the process which made us both laugh as she whined to my stomach saying not to be mean to their auntie toga which made me laugh more. We opened the door to find both of my mates standing there with their arms crossed. Toga and I looked at each other and back to them "Why didn't you wake us up?" Tomu asked "I." I got cut off by Touya "You know we would have helped you, you should have woken us up" I looked down "Guys stop, Izu told me to wake you up but I didn't, I told him that I will help him and I did. So don't be mean to him for something that I chose to do. He's like my brother, I'm not going to do anything to him. I got him to stop crying and he was laughing until you guys came in acting like the big bad wolf" Toga explained and I nodded in agreement. "Why were you crying?" They both asked at the same time. "Because he wants to do stuff on his own but he can't, that's why I said I'll stay in here, he took his shower by himself and he looked happy until he got out that's when I had to calm him down and tell him it was okay to ask for help. I don't think he realized but he was smiling the whole time in the shower when he did it by himself" Toga said and I was smiling at her. "I love when you guys help me I really do, I know I have to ask for help since I look like a damn hippo but I felt accomplished that I was able to shower without needed help it made me feel good. Toga stayed in here in case I did need anything, she didn't leave me alone" I said with a small smile, they nodded and smiled "Well I'm glad that made you happy, and you look adorable in that outfit." Tomu said and Touya agreed. I giggled and said thank you and we headed out of the bathroom. Tomu and Touya took a shower together and quickly made their way out in the outfits I picked for them last night.

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