Chapter 15

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Izuku POV
I woke up around 4 in the morning in pain. My stomach looked even bigger than before. Tears were forming in my eyes as I felt another wave of pain, I whimpered loudly. All of a sudden the bed was wet and it clicked on what was happening. The contractions were stronger I grabbed my phone and called Dad. He answered and I told him I was in labor. Not even a minute later my door fling open o was whining my mates were still asleep "IZUKU ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Dad yelled Tomu jumped up and Touya sat up "NO IT HURTS!" I yelled at while crying "Oh my god are you in labor!?" Tomu screamed. Dad and I just looked at him like he was stupid. I screamed out in pain as the contractions got worse and closer together. Soon everyone came running into my room "Kurogiri we need to go to a hospital now!" Dad yelled Tomu and Touya changed quickly as Toga went to grab my hospital bag along with the baby bag. Touya quickly picked me up and we all ran through the portal. We got to the hospital and everyone was freaking out "HES IN LABOR!" Twice yelled out. The nurses quickly started moving as they got me onto a bed and started taking me to the operating room. I told them how far apart my contractions were and they started running faster. Luckily my doctor was in today Tomu and Touya stayed by my side as they were the only ones aloud in there with me. They put a sheet in front of me and got to work.
-Time skip to after the birth-

"You have two handsome boys and one beautiful little girl Izuku, congratulations" The doctor said as I was looking at the oldest boy, Tomura demanded our little girl and Touya had our second little boy. All 3 had a head full of beautiful hair. "Thank you Doctor" I said through my tears "I hope those are tears of joy" the doctor teased I laughed softly and nodded "They are along with something else but it's all happiness" I told him with a small smile "Well I will let you know, you have a whole waiting room of visitors, we had to take them to a different room there was so many of them! Along with Pro Heroes also" One of the nurses said. My eyes widen "Oh boy... this will be a long day" I mumbled "Glad we have a huge room" Tomu said we all agreed even the nurses. "After you guys leave you can let them all in. But please tell them to be quiet or they will feel my wrath" I said with a smile. The nurses nodded and finished checking on me and my babies. About 7 minutes later there was a knock at the door "Come in" the door opened and holy shit there was so many people Dad, Auntie and Aizawa all came running to my side, Rei, Endeavor and Shoto ran to Touya, Midnight and Mic ran to Tomu everyone was quiet and I chuckled a little "Hey Izu?" Shoto asked I hummed in response "What's their names?" He asked I smiled and everyone's attention snapped over to me "The girls name is Izurya" I said looking at Tomu "The boy that Touya is holding... his name is Kaito" I said with a smile I looked down to the little boy in my arms and smiled "And this little guy right here... his name is Karma" I said as tears fell from my eyes. Everyone looked like they had sparkles and hearts in their eyes. "Why Karma?" Aizawa asked I smiled "Well, it's kind of a long story" I replied "I think we all want to know Zuzu" Hito said I nodded "Well before I got pregnant, when we were attacked in the woods, that morning I had a dream where I met my future son. He had my eyes and freckles, his hair looked like Shotos but wavy like mine, the roots were black and the black flowed into a dark beautiful red. He asked me to do him a favor, he said no matter what I do to not give up or quit fighting and that Karma will catch up to them... when he said the ending his eyes sparkled as he said Karma and it was almost like he was telling me that HE will get them. The day I marked Tomu and Touya he came to me in another dream like state, he told me of this secret place and said that he knew I planned to take a tomu there but he also hinted to take both my alphas. So I did. Once I got pregnant i haven't seen him since.... and this little guy right here... looks just like him" I explained everyone just looked surprised "So what about Kaito?" Pony asked "Kaito means Sea or Ocean, when I seen his eyes it felt like I was looking at the ocean... and for Izurya... it's a mix of mine, Tomus and Touyas name but the Y is silent" I explained they all nodded "Sooo can I hold one of them now?" Denki asked "Grandparents first" Endeavor said and everyone who wasn't a grandparent huffed Endeavor came over to me since dad took Izurya and Rei took Kaito, I smiled and carefully handed Karma to him. "He looks just like you Izuku" Dad said as he looked at Karma "Just with black and red hair" I replied "Kaito looks just like Touya and if I'm being honest, Karma looks like a mix of Izu and Shoto" Rei commented and I smiled "Izurya looks like me, she even has my eyes and hair color" Tomu said proudly as he sat next to me "Why does one of my kids have to look like one of my siblings?" Touya asked I giggled "Hey at least I'm not ugly" Shoto said as he stood next to Endeavor "If you say so" Touya teased "Alright it's my turn" Aizawa said the 3 looked at each other and Dad sighed "I'll get more time with them then most of you guys will" he said as he handed Izurya to Aizawa who smiled. Endeavor gave Karma to Auntie as Rei handed Kaito to Shoto "I'm such a proud uncle" Shoto said as he smiled brightly. I noticed Kacchan was looking upset "What's wrong Kacchan?" I asked Tomu and Touya looked at me weird then at Kacchan "They're so tiny.. and compared to Endeavor and your dad they look even smaller..." He said and we couldn't help but laugh "Do you want to hold one of them?"I asked and his eyes widen "no, I'd break them" he replied back with a shaking voice. I giggled "Hey Dadzawa, can I have my daughter for a second please?" I asked Aizawa groaned and handed her to me "Come here." I said looking at Kacchan, Tomu got up and stood next to the bed as Kacchan made his way over and sat down next to me. Everyone stopped and was watching us I sat up telling Kacchan to fully sit on the bed in front of me. He did he held his arms out and Auntie and Uncle looked the most surprised out of everyone I carefully handed Izurya to him. He started crying as he held her, she opened her eyes and looked at him and it was the cutest thing I have ever seen. She was making happy noises and grabbed his finger Mitsuki was taking pictures like it was a photo shoot along with all of Kacchans friends, I even took a couple "I'd say she likes you Bakugo" Tomu said as Touya and I nodded "If she grows up and her favorite dog is a Pomeranian we all know why" Shoto said I snorted "And if Kaito likes Candy Canes we know why also" Kacchan replied with a smirk Karma was just content chillen with Hito but I wondered when he got him. Kiri tried to take Izurya away from Kacchan and she started whining as she held onto his finger. Kiri stopped and Izurya quit whining. Kacchan laughed as Kiri pouted "I just want baby cuddles" Kiri pouted "You can hold Kaito" Shoto suggested. Kiri quickly put a smile on his face as Shoto gave him Kaito. Izurya stayed with Kacchan for the rest of the day and he even got to feed her. Touya and Tomu fed the boys and I took a nap.

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