Chapter 5

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~Time Skip 5 days~

Izukus POV

My heat is finally over today, I woke up and both of my mates were asleep. I was exhausted but I really wanted to take a bath. I sat up and a pain shot up my back causing me to yelp loudly. It woke Tomu up as Dabi is a heavier sleeper. "What's wrong puppy?" He asked tiredly "it hurts..." I whined out. Tomu quickly sat up looking at me with worry and then smirked. "Sorry puppy, why were you trying to get up though?" He asked and I looked down "I wanted to take a bath but didn't want to wake you two up" I said softly Tomu wrapped his arms around me gently lifting me up in his lap sitting me down. "Puppy, you don't have to be afraid to wake us up. Especially after the week you had it's okay, we would love to help you no matter what it is. Okay?" He said softly whispering in my ear and I nodded "You want me to get you a bath ready?" He asked and I looked up "Yes please" I said softly he laid me down in Dabis arms and covered us up. Dabi immediately wrapped his arms around me protectively and I snuggled into him "I'll go get your bath started and get everything you need okay puppy?" Tomu asked and I nodded "I want hotter water than normal though" I whispered he ruffled my hair giving me a quick kiss in the forehead "anything you my omega~" he whispered and purred out the last part causing me to shiver and hide my face into Dabis chest. Tomu chuckled and walked away towards our both room.

I must have fallen back asleep as tomu walked away, I woke up to someone shaking me and calling my name I whined and looked up to see I was sitting up in Dabis lap "Hey Princess, your bath is ready" Dabi whispered softly in my ear and I perked up a little too fast cuz the pain shot up from my back causing me to Yelp again "Hey hey calm down puppy, let's get you in the bath alright?" Tomu said softly while picking me up "will you come in with me?" I asked softly cuddling into his touch "if you want me too puppy. Though Dabi might get a little jealous" he said teasingly making me giggle "he can come too if he wants" I said while giggling "I better be able too!" Dabi yelled from behind us scaring us both "Eeek!! Toy don't do that!" I yelled not realizing I made a nickname for him. Tomu stopped and Dabi looked at me over his shoulder "What did you call me Princess?" He asked softly and I got scared... Tomu immediately caught on and released calming pheromones "T-toy.. tomu has a nickname and I was thinking of what to call you... do you not like it?" I asked softly putting my head down I finger came under my chin and pushed my head up "I love it princess." Dabi said and kissed my forehead I smiled softly "Let's get you in this bath before the water gets cold" Tomu said sitting me on the counter. He took my clothes off and I shivered Dabi got in the bath first and used his quirk to heat the water up tomu picked me up and sat me in the tub In front of Dabi. I snuggled into his chest as tomu got in sitting in front of me. Dabi wash my hair and tomu carefully washed my body, since we're in the bath he took his gloves off along with mine. We both had to be careful. I purred as they washed me loving the touch from it "You're beautiful princess" Dabi said as he kissed my cheek I blushed "He's right, your are very beautiful" Tomu said as he kissed my other cheek "Thank you..." I said softly after rinsing me off they washed themselves. "You ready to get out princess?" Dabi asked and I nodded he picked me up suddenly causing me to squeal. Dabi dried me off while Tomu dried off and got dressed to put his gloves on. Dabi put me in short fuzzy shorts and one of his hoodies.

After us getting dressed we decided to finally go downstairs. We were all hungry. During my heat they both went into rut luckily their rut only last 2 days. As my heat last 5-6 days. We made our way downstairs as I clung onto Tomu like a koala, Toga was the first to notices us. "IZZZZUUUUU!!!" She yelled and ran towards me stealing me from Tomu. Him and Dabi let out a low growl and I clung onto Toga "Hi Himi!!" He said back excitedly I heard to deep sighs behind me and turned to see Dabi and Tomu glaring at Toga. "So what happened?" She whispered in my ear only loud enough for me to hear "Can I eat and we can go to your room to talk?" I whispered back just as low. She nodded and we walked to the table and sat down with me in her lap, soon the rest joined and were surprised to see us. They all greeted me with hugs and Kurogiri sat our plates down in front of us. I immediately started eating. Mamagiri gave me more food due to me not eating for a week. "Slow down Izu!" Twice said to me and I glared at him. Toga went to grab a piece of bacon of my plate and I growled deeply at her. She apologized saying she didn't realize she was grabbing at my plate as she wasn't looking, all I did was nod and continue eating my food. After we ate Dabi quickly pulled me away from Togas lap growling "Mine" and walked away. He took me outside and I was confused as to why we were outside.

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