Chapter 17

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Izuku POV
I was woken up by crying, again. I looked at the clock and it was 7:30 am, before I could move Tomu and Touya got up and said they will take care of them and for me to sleep since I've only gotten 3 hours so far. I was surprised by that but I smiled and said thank you and fell back asleep. A few hours later I woke up to a quiet house and I could hear faint baby babble and Touya talking. I smiled and got up out of bed, I grabbed an outfit did my morning routine along with a shower. After I was done I knew I didn't have to dress up to go see Dadzawa, it's almost like a rule when you go over there. They live by sweatpants when they don't have to go to school or work, except Eri she can wear whatever she likes. I chuckled at the thought of everyone being in sweatpants and Eri being in a dress. That I started thinking about a girls day, well Izurya, Eri and I. I texted Dadzawa about it and he agreed to it as long as he sees the boys which I told him he could but Touya and Tomu would probably be there, he said he didn't care he just wants to boys. I chuckled I got dressed and then had an idea I used my shadows and went to the mall to get us all outfits. I was back home 10 minutes later and no one noticed I left. I got Eri and I matching dresses and Izurya a match romper. I walked out in the dress making my way downstairs where I have Izuryas romper, bow and black socks to go with it since Eri and I have matching black converse. I went over to see her in the swing holding her teddy bear before I could do anything a pair of arms wrapped around my waist causing me to yelp I turned around to see Tomu and Touya came in front of me "Where do you think your going looking like that Princess?" Touya asked and I blushed "Dadzawa said I could have a girls day with Eri and Izurya. Eri had a matching dress as well and Izurya has a matching romper." I explained before I could do anything else they started scenting me Touya lifted my dress and I got flustered "W-what are y-you d-d-doing?" I managed to stutter out "Making sure you had shorts on which you do. No need to be all flustered Princess" Touya said and Tomu agreed. Touya kissed me softly as we broke the kiss Tomu turned my head and kissed me softly also. I giggled "we gotta get ready" I told them "Were going to Aizawas, the best house ever, sweatpants and video games all day" Tomu said cheerfully "You better be careful where ever you go Puppy, if you need us and can't get to your phone you know how to talk to us." Tomu said and kissed my cheek "I know, I'm going to need the smaller stroller today though along with another diaper bag" I said and started walking towards the nursery. I packed one of the other diaper bags I have along with grabbing a single Stroller. I stopped my by room and grabbed a purse putting my phone, wallet, 2 extra collars and a couple other things. I made my way back downstairs to the living room to see Izurya dressed in the outfit I got her and the boys in new pjs. Tomu was getting bottles ready and handed me a couple of them to put in my diaper bag. I thanked him and we got ready to go. I texted Dadzawa and said we would be there in a couple minutes. We put the trio in the stroller and I made a shadow portal and we walked out in front of his house. We made our way up and I knocked on the door. Hito opened it and he was dressed in jeans and a hoodie. We walked in and said our hellos. I asked where Eri was and Mic said she was in her room I nodded and made my way to her room. I knocked on the door and in her adorable voice she told me to come in. I opened the door and she got all excited "Hi Izu!" She said as she hugged me "Hey Eri! You wanna go on a girls day with me and Izurya?" I asked and she lit up like a Christmas tree "I got a match outfit for us!" I said I gave her the outfit and I stepped outside. A few minutes later she opened the door in her dress and shoes

 A few minutes later she opened the door in her dress and shoes

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