Chapter 18

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-Time Skip 4 years-
3rd POV

Over the last 4 years Izuku has watched his former classmates grow into amazing heroes, some even took his advice on learning about villains before just assuming all of them are cold hearted monsters. Izuku has been an amazing teacher, he even got Kaminari to control his quirk, start getting A's in all of his classes. Izuku found out that he was pregnant again, a year after the triplets were born, he now has boy-girl twins because the author of the story couldn't chose between a boy or a girl so he got both. Kaminari had a baby girl around the time Izuku had twins. Bakugo found an omega in their second year and accidentally got him pregnant, their happy together and they had boy girl twins as well as Shoto and Haru, seeing as Haru wasn't apart of UA after the first year, he was taking online classes. They are all 20 years old now, Class 1-A graduated 2 years ago and they are all becoming amazing heroes. Shoto is the number 1 with Bakugo as the number 2 hero. Izuku has been teaching at UA since then, his students have learned a lot about Alphas and Omegas and everything in between. Izuku even helps them with other class work and tutors some of them as well. 2 years ago Tomura got hired as a teacher as well, he took over the teaching parts of heroics but also teaches them about Villains. There has been a couple times where he even told his story to his classes and their point of views changed on villains. Touya took over the training part at UA along with substitute teaching for classes. Training is only 3 days a week, the other two days he spends time helping Toga, on Friday's. They do wolf training and the other two days are hero training. Toga and Twice opened up a daycare for heroes, they do preschool and elementary there also. Spinner, Kurogiri and Compress work as their teachers for elementary. While Toga and Twice take care of the children and preschool, All For One, who goes by Hisashi Midoriya now, does the lunch and takes care of the infants. The former LOV all have their hero licenses and teaching licenses now.

The triplets are now 4 years old, Izuku had to take the day off of work and Touya subbed in as the teacher. Izuku took them to the quirk doctor and found out that Izurya, who know has the nickname Izzy, is a Class A Omega just like Izuku. They had a feeling she was when she turned into a wolf at the age of 3 but assumed it was due to her parents all being class A's. They all have very powerful quirks.. After they were done Izuku took them out to lunch and got their favorite foods along with Icecream! Once they got home they waited for Tomura and Touya to get home with the twins. They told them their quirks and everyone celebrated. Their personalities are adorable for them Izurya is a happy girl but, just like Izuku, she also has the 2 personalities. She can be a cute innocent bean but you make her mad you'll regret it. Karma is still a laid back kid, he acts a lot like his Uncle Shoto, but you make him mad he goes from cute to scary in seconds. Izuku swears he also has a devil quirk when he gets mad. Kaito is a mixture of all 3 of his parents. He is pretty quiet and chill but he gets irritated easily like Tomura, he loves to play video games with his dad along with his fashion sense is on point like Izukus along with how he cares about everyone. They may only be 4 years old but they act like teenagers already. Karma and Kaito are very independent but love to snuggle with their mom. Izurya is a literal Daddy's girl, she looks just like Tomura but her hair is black/grey that flows into a beautiful Snow White color. Karmas hair is similar to Shotos but wavy like Tomuras that's black at the roots and flows into a crimson red. Kaito on the other hand, he has Izukus hair but a little more tamed, he looks just like Touya. His hair is a light green that flows into a darker green. Izurya still adores her Uncle Kat (Bakugo) Izuku wonders if that's where her other attitude comes from. Kaito loves being with his Uncle Toshi, mainly for all they naps they take and the video games. The triilets and twins are close to Bakugo's and Shotos kids. Shotos daughter and Izurya are best friends already. They have sleep overs on the weekends sometimes. Kaito along with Bakugos son are pretty close as well, Karma will join their sleep overs sometimes but he's an anti social little bean like Tomura was. Bakugos son and Kaito are similar with their attitudes, Bakugos son is a mini version of him which is funny to Bakugo and Izuku because it reminds them of how they were when they were kids along with Kaito having green hair like Izuku it brings back a lot of memories for them. Karma usual hangs out with Bakugo and his omega (I haven't thought of names for them yet) and watches TV, listening to music, or drawing. The twins are 3 years old and are identical. They have red hair at the top that flows into a beautiful white color and red eyes. The girls name is Kiyo, the boys name is Kaaru. Kaaru is very close to Karma, as Kiyo is close to Kaito but acts more like Izurya.

-Time Skip 6 years-

The triplets are now 10 years old, they found out the two boys are most likely Class A alphas since when Karma was 7 he was able to change into his wolf form, Kaito was 8 when he changed. The twins 9 years old now, along with Kaminaris daughter, Bakugos twins and Shotos twins. They are all really close, they all have pretty powerful quirks also. The twins found out just like their older sister, they are also a Class A Omega, they believe they have a fated mate but don't have their quirk. (Kiyo does but it all forms into her quirk, along with Kaaru who just happens to be great at not missing anything) Izuku was happy that all of his children were Class A's. Toga teaches all the kids, with the parents okay, on how to train with knives has a protection. The omegas are the main ones as the alphas also learned but Kaaru aced all the weapons with flying colors which surprised everyone at how he was able to hit every target at any angle. Twice teaches all the Shigarakis how to act and fight in their wolf form since they are all able to change into them. They found out that Karma and Kaaru are a little on the sadistic side. That worried their parents a little bit realized they must get it from Touya, Izuku told Tomura that if they got it from Touya, he feels bad for their mates in the future.

-Time Skip 5 years-
The triplets are now 15 and the others are 14, all of them want to go to UA. So let's see how UA treats them. Will they all find love? Will they all still be great friends? How will everyone react when the Shigaraki siblings, Todoroki twins, Bakugo twins, and Kaminaris daughter show up and some of the raise hell while the others keep them calm? We will find out in the next book of

Fated Mates💜💙💚

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