Chapter 12

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(This is what AFO looks like, but a little older now)

-Time Skip 6 weeks-

Izuku POV

The past couple weeks have been really weird, Dad has been acting weird lately. Aizawa called and said that our training is going to be pushed back due to exams so our training will start back up next week. I have a feeling that I am for sure pregnant but I haven't said anything to anyone yet. I woke up early this morning and started making breakfast, I was also thinking about talking to Nezu about me becoming a teacher so I'll give him a call later. I finished making breakfast and I started feeling sick, before I could even do anything I ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. There was a knock on the door "y-yes?" I called out "Izuku are you okay?" Thank fix it was Mamagiri "N-no. You can come in" I said as I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. He came in and seen my on the ground "I think we should call the doctor" he said and I nodded "Do you want me to call or you to call?" He asked "I can call I guess..." I said and started brushing my teeth. "Very well, I'll find a doctor for you and give you the number" he said and walked out "DONT TELL ANYONE!" I yelled out to hear "okay" back. I rinsed my mouth out and walked out to the kitchen I made myself yogurt with granola and fresh fruit along with toast with avocado spread. Getting myself a bottle of water I sat down at the table as everyone started coming in. Dad kissed the top of my head and said Goodmorning which I greeted back, Touya grabbed my chin and kissed me softly greeting me tomu did the same thing. 'What the hell is going on' I thought to myself. I sighed and continued to eat as everyone came down getting their food and saying thank you. "Izuku don't forget to call Nezu after breakfast" Mamagiri reminded me I nodded "Thank you Mamagiri" I said with a small smile. He warped a paper onto my lap and no one noticed. I looked down at it and it had a doctors name and number on it. I nodded my head as a thank you which he returned. After I finished my breakfast "I cooked you guys clean, I have to make a phone call" I said and they nodded. I got up grabbing Tomus hoodie and started walking outside. I sat on my favorite swing and called Nezu.
N- Hello Izuku, how can I help you?
I- Hi Nezu! I was wondering if I could ask you a question, or possible meet you at UA to talk about a couple things?
N- Of course! If you'd like you can meet me at my office in about an hour if that works for you!
I- Yes it does! It'll just be me, if it's okay I'll pry have Kurogiri opened a portal into your office so no one sees me.
N- Perfectly fine! Just give me a heads up before
I- will do thank you Nezu!
N- It's not a problem Izuku. See you shortly
I- See ya

I hung up the phone and sighed I'm going to tell Nezu about my "issue" and call the doctor in his office so these people can't spy on me. With a smile I got up and headed up to my room so I can shower and get dressed. I tried a couple different outfits but my pants wouldn't fit, my butt has gotten bigger and so has my belly. I cried after the third pair of pants wouldn't fit. So I grabbed a pair of bigger leggings and an oversized hoodie and thankfully they fit.

With black leggings and black high top converse along with a book bag that has his stuff in it (wallet, notebook, all that fun shit)

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With black leggings and black high top converse along with a book bag that has his stuff in it (wallet, notebook, all that fun shit)

After I finished crying, once again, I made my way downstairs to find Mamagiri and luckily no one was around. I texted Nezu and said I'll be there in a minute or two which I got an OKAY back. "Hey Mamagiri, are you able to make a portal to Nezus office?" I asked "Yes I can, are you okay?" He asked looking at me I shook my head no and tears starting forming in my eyes "No... afterwards I need to go to the mall. If I text you will you be able to make a portal to the mall for me?" I asked as I wiped my eyes "Of course I can, I'll let everyone know you went to a meeting with Nezu as well" he said and I nodded. The portal appeared and I stepped through as I wiped my eyes. Nezu looked at me with concern "Hello Izuku, everything okay?" He asked "No. but I'm fine. I wanted to talk to you about a couple things" I said and sat down "Would you like some tea before we start?" He asked and I nodded "please and thank you" He brought out a whole ass tea set from literally no where and poured the hot tea in a glass puting sugar and a little cream in just how I like it. I smiled and thanked him again as I took a sip "So what did you want to talk about?" He asked I sat the tea cup down with a sigh "I was wondering if I could become a teacher here? Like training and teaching students about alphas and omegas and all that" I asked and he thought for a second and nodded "I can accept that, but you'll have to graduate first" he said I nodded "I can do that, I'm pretty smart if you want I could come in and take tests with you so I can graduate, I know I'll have to get a teaching license also" I said "Yes you will, now I know your grades before you left were in the top 5 of your class but I feel you're smarter than what you put out to be" I nodded "Yes I am, I wouldn't say I'm as intelligent as you but I'm close to it. Growing up as an omega I had to learn not to be better than alphas so I always restricted myself from out smarting them" I explained he seemed surprised by that "Well, I can give you some tests and if you pass them you won't need to take the regular tests. I'll approve of your graduation, if you do pass you'll have to get a teaching license along with a hero license as well. You can do a written one if you'd like, If you trust them All Might, Aizawa and another teacher or pro hero could sign off saying that you have mastered your quirk and are very powerful giving you the okay to just take the written form of the test which can be taken here." He explained and I happily agreed to it. "Alright, we can set up a time next week and get you started on taking the test, what is the other thing you'd like to talk about?" He asked I took a sip of my tea and sighed "I uh... I'm pregnant" I said and he almost spit his tea out "I haven't contacted a doctor yet, I was going to ask if I could call here so know one will spy on me. The reason I came in crying was because none of my clothes fit me anymore. My butt got bigger, my stomach got bigger, I threw up this morning and now I have to go shopping for more clothes and I'm just an emotional wreck all because I couldn't get my pants on" I said starting to cry Nezu chuckled "I understand now, you can call the doctor. If you are pregnant, which I'm going to say yes, you can still do the trainings but I don't want you fighting against others. You'll stand on the side and teach" He said sternly "I understand, that's why I wanted to tell you, only Kurogiri knows right now and no one else does. I think my dad does because he's been all weird and happy the past few weeks." I say with a giggle Nezu nodded "I'm going to step out and go to the teachers lounge so you can have your privacy. Also, that will give you another reason not to take the psychical exam for a hero license." He said and walked out the door. I sighed and grabbed the paper Mamagiri gave me and called the doctor. I told them the situation along with all my information and they gave me an appointment in 2 hours. The lady was extremely happy and asked if it was just me or if my mates were coming I told her it was just me for today she set the appointment up and now I have 2 hours to kill. Nezu came back in right as I hung up the phone. He asked when the appointment was and I told him "If you'd like I could give you one of the test now, if you don't finish it in time you can finish it another time" he said "Sure, why not" I said he grabbed a packet out of his desk and handed me a pencil. I thanked him, he set a timer and I got started. I finished the test in an hour and handed it back. He looked surprised "Did you finish all of it?" He asked I nodded "Yeah, it wasn't that hard" I said with a shrug and I don't think he expected that answer. He started grading it and when he finished he just looked at me "You... you passed it with a 100%" he said surprised "Why so you sound so surprised?" I asked "This test is for someone with my IQ... none of the teachers were able to pass it" he said and now it was my turn to be surprised. The timer went off and I had 15 minutes to get to my appointment. We said our goodbyes and I called Mamagiri and told him that I needed to go to the appointment.

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