Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

It's been almost 3 months since I found my mates. We've gotten closer than ever, Dad got me my own phone and I text mom, auntie and Shoto sometimes but I'm happy here. I know I should be scared that they're villains but I'm not. Toga has become my best friend, twice and spinner also but toga and I are closer. We got me new clothes and I've been so much happier here. I woke up between my alphas earlier and they went downstairs. They haven't marked me yet, or touched me in anyway like that. They don't help me with my heats either... Even though I want it I'm scared to ask... so now I'm making my way to Togas room to talk to her.

I knock on the door and she immediately opens in pulling me in "What's up Izu? You look a little nervous.." she said as we sat on her bed. I nodded "I'm not sure how to tell my alphas I'm ready..." I said and her eyes widen "You guys haven't done it yet?" She asked and I shook my head "No, I'm scared the memories of what Bakugo did will come back. But I'm ready to try. I want them to Mark me. Fated mates or not. If Bakugo finds me. He will Mark me and make me his and I don't want that. I'm scared to tell them that but they need to know" I said softly with tears forming in my eyes. Toga hugged me tightly "Izu, you know they're worried about you right? You cut your communication with them and you've been acting weird. Everyone is worried, if that's all it is. Tell them, we won't let that Time Bomb hurt you or touch you.... Izu is that why you won't leave here unless you have someone with you?" She asked and I nodded. I couldn't help but start crying "I'm scared Himi.... I'm scared they don't want me. Those were the last words I heard before I ran away. Bakugo telling me how worthless and useless I am and that my mates would never love me or want me after what he did to me. Those words kept playing on repeat the 6 days I was out in the woods until they found me. They came back a few days ago along with the memories of what he did to me. I don't know what to do!" I yelled at the end while sobbing "I love them so much... but I feel like they don't want me. The voices in my head say it also. I'm a terrible omega to them" I cried out. she held me tightly and started rubbing my back "Izuku, listen to me. They love you, they care about you, I'm sure they want nothing more than to mate you and make you theirs for life. It's okay to be scared, it's okay to cry. It's okay Izu, but you have to tell them this... you are a wonderful omega, don't ever think any different. You need to tell them this." She said trying to cheer me up but I was shaking and letting out my distress pheromones. Surprisingly she wasn't getting effected by them "It's okay Izu, please calm down... I'll have to call them in here if you don't. My room is scent proof so they can't smell them but as soon as that door opens they might charge in here." She said and I nodded holding her shirt like it's my life line. I couldn't stop crying and shaking "please get them" I said quickly and let go of her. She opened the door and quickly shut it. I fell into her bed and start sobbing. 'They're not going to want me anymore...' was all I could think about.

Toga POV
Once Izuku started breaking down it broke my heart, I knew the only ones who could calm him down would be Shiggy and Dabi. He told me to get them so I did I quickly opened and closed the door hoping the smells wouldn't air out. I made my way down to the bar quickly with tears in my eyes. My heart broke for him. Everyone looked at me when I slammed the door to the bar opened. "Are you okay Toga?" Kurogiri asked and I shook my head no "I need you two to listen to me. And don't run past me until I finish. I don't care if everyone hears" I said sternly looking at Shiggy and Dabi with tears flowing out of my eyes. They all nodded "Izuku is having a breakdown in my room. But before you run up there. You need to know he wants to two to Mark him." I said and they're eyes widen and I could see the panic in them "He's scared to tell you guys because of what that Time Bomb bastard said to him before He ran away and found you. He's scared that if he leaves and he finds him that he will Mark him and take him away from you. The 6 days he was out in the woods the words he said to Izu played through his head and came back a few days ago. Bakugo told him that his mates will never love him or want him after what he did to him. He thinks you guys don't want or love him anymore. He cried saying that he is a terrible omega. " I said with tears flowing down my face. I could see the tears in everyone's eyes "It's not just you two either. He thinks none of us love him or want him around. That's why he spends his heats in my room. And I stay with twice. He thinks you guys don't want him or anything to do with him, he didn't have to say it out loud for me to understand what he meant. You guys are worried about protecting him but really your hurting him worse. He cut everything off from you guys so you don't have to feel the pain he is in so he doesn't make you guys "hate" him more than he thinks you do. NOW GO BE A FUCKING ALPHA AND HELP MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND!!" I yelled and they jumped up from their chairs and ran to my room. I looked at twice and he quickly made his way to me and I started sobbing in his arms.

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