Chapter 13

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~Time skip a roo to the gender reveal~

Izuku POV
I woke up happy this morning, today is the day I find out the genders and I already feel huge, Shoto said that Endeavor and the rest of his family will be there also which I was surprised Endeavor wanted to go. Touya was a little iffy with it but I said it would be okay, I took a shower and did my morning routine. I got dressed

Just the shirt, pants and shoes ^

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Just the shirt, pants and shoes ^

I grabbed my wallet, phone, put my watch on and went downstairs to make breakfast. I made everyone pancakes, scrambled eggs, toast and bacon. I made myself scrambled eggs, toast, and my granola yogurt mixture. By the time I was done everyone was downstairs, I waddled myself into the dining room with my food and told everyone the food was ready. I am 19 weeks pregnant and I look like I'm about 8 months pregnant. Everyone thanked me for the food and Dad was extra happy today, I couldn't blame him. I'm just glad he found someone with a quirk to make him look normal again and not like a baked potato. These collars are amazing, I don't get morning sickness as much anymore since I started wearing them. After breakfast I kissed Touya and Tomu goodbye as they kissed my belly telling our babies by as well, I thought these two would be scared but they've done so much for me and are really excited and I couldn't be happier about it.

Mamagiri opened a portal for Dad and I and we walked through, once again were at the ally way across the street from the doctors. "You ready son?" Dad asked I happily nodded "I think I already know 2 of them but I can't tell the third gender" I replied back as we walked to the office. "One boy one girl is all I can tell" He said and I agreed. We walked in and the lady at the desk greeted me and said she will sign me in. I don't even tell her my name, everyone here knows me already, they've never met a male class a omega who is pregnant with triplets. The doctor called Dad and I back and led us to the ultrasound room. The doctor introduced him self to Dad and was surprised that my mates weren't with me. I explained that we were doing a gender reveal and everything but the getaway dad promised. He understood and we started the ultrasound "Alright baby A is a... Boy!" He said and Dad and I were happy "Baby B is a... another boy!" "Baby C is a .... ITS A GIRL!" He shouted I was crying and I think Dad was too but he was hiding it. "Congratulations Izuku, you have two boys and one girl!" The doctor said as he wiped my belly off. He helped my sit up and I pulled my shirt down as I wiped my tears. All 3 babies were healthy and growing like they should be. After setting up another appointment Dad and I left to go to the store to get the stuff we need for the reveal. After we got all that Mamagiri made a portal for us to UA were everyone already was. The cashier at the store marked them for us so that makes it a lot easier, I was thankful for that.

We got to UA and the gym was decorated in pink and blue and I was surprised by everything. Mom, Auntie, Midnight and Mic decorated it this morning. My mates came up to me hugging me and said they can't wait to find out what we're having. Class A and B were all here. After a while of eating and talking it was time for the reveal. "Okay everyone, it's time!" I yelled out and everyone cheered. "So Tomu and Touya are going to go first, then Mom, Rei and Auntie, Then Toga, Fuyumi and Shoto" I said and they walked up. "Don't use them until I say so!" I yelled everyone nodded and I gave them the confetti poppers. Midnight said she was recording so I told Tomu and Touya to go, once they popped it blue confetti went everywhere. Everyone cheered and they looked ready to cry. Next was Mom, Rei and Auntie, I nodded to them and once again Blue confetti EVERYWHERE! They were squealing along with everyone else. Now for Shoto, Fuyumi and Toga I smiled and nodded. They loooed at each other then to me and twisted the bottom and pink confetti flew EVERYWHERE! "OH MY GOD ITS A GIRL!!!" Everyone screamed. I think Tomu was the most excited out of everyone Shoto was crying as he hugged me saying he was going to be an uncle. Mom was cosplaying a waterfall along with Toga and Uncle. Haru was excited for me, we've gotten really close since we found him. Him and Shoto are doing amazing. Endeavor was happy, he even hugged me which surprised everyone but not me. I knew he would become a better person, which he did. Today was amazing and I loved every second of it. We continued the party by dancing to music, me eating more food, Aizawa and I napping after I ate all that food. Everyone was getting along and I cried a few times but oh well. Kacchan hugged me and told me he was proud of me, and that he was glad I was happy with everything. That was one emotional conversation. We both cried and hugged each other, auntie smacked him upside the head a couple times for yelling at people which led to them yelling and Mom and I laughing our asses off as everyone was in shock at how much they were similar. Midnight started asking about the baby shower and toga spoke up saying that she was already planning it. "I BETTER BE APART OF PLANNING IT! Or I'll beat your ass after you give birth Izuku!" Mom yelled and we all got scared "Of course you're apart of planning it! Izuku and I were already looking at ideas before this but we wanted to wait till we got the genders before we do anything. We will keep you updated on it" Toga said happily which my mom calmed down and went back to her normal sweet innocent self. After she stopped yelling Dad came out from his hiding spot. Which I thought was the funniest thing every, Touya and Tomu were sitting down looking at the ultrasound picture I got today, I walked over to them and kissed both of their cheeks. Tomu pulled me onto his lap as Touya put my legs onto his lap, we talked about how they wonder if one of them is the son I met in my dream "If one is, I think I already know his name.." I said with a smile "but I won't tell the names I've chosen until I give birth" I finished with a innocent smile "I'm sure whatever you chose they will be beautiful!" Tomu said as he kissed my forehead "You have baby names!?" Auntie yelled and everyone looked at us. "Yes but no one is knowing until I give birth" I said "I already know one!" Aizawa yelled out and I glared at him. Everyone started yelling at once and I started getting pissed off, I growled lowly "You all might wanna shut up!" Touya yelled out loudly but no one listened. Instead they got louder I growled again deeply and Shoto heard it "Uh guys! You might want to stop yelling!" Shoto yelled out but they all ignored him. I took my collar off "SHUT UP" I growled out and everyone was quiet. The omegas were whimpering as everyone dropped to the ground but Shoto, my mates, Aizawa, All Might and Dad. "We warned you guys! They're just baby names! We get you all want to know but maybe Izuku doesn't want to say them out loud because he might change his mind. You guys don't need to sit here and fight over it. If he chose to tell Aizawa then that was his choice, don't yell at him for it no matter who you are too him!" Touya said loudly as Tomu out my collar back on me. "I want to go home" I said as tears started filling my eyes. "Come on Princess let's go home, do you want me to ask Kurogiri for a portal?" Touya asked, I shook my head "I can use my shadow quirk because it doesn't harm me. I don't want anyone seeing me, I don't know why my mom is acting this way. Unless it's because Dad is here I don't know, she usually isn't like this." I said as tomu wiped my tears. We stood up and I used my shadows to create a portal of my own, Tomu carried me through as Touya followed. We walked through into our bedroom, Tomu sat on the bed with me still on his lap. "Did you really tell Aizawa a name for one of them?" Tomu asked I nodded "I told him a name I was thinking for the girl, I really like it but I don't know if I want to use it because I'll feel bad for Touya" I said as more tears flowed down my face "Why would her name effect me?" Touya asked "because it was mine and Tomus names mixed together but I've been thinking of a new name that had all three of our names together. That's why I didn't tell anyone but Aizawa, he said it was a beautiful name and he said that it makes it special because it's all 3 of ours.." I explained "Puppy, listen to me. I can tell a few people were upset with your mom on how she blew up, she had no right to start yelling at you or Aizawa like that." Tomu said as he kissed my cheek "I think Aizawa did that to see your moms reaction... I guess she's been in a mood all day and even Auntie started getting annoyed by her, When my mom got there she changed back to herself but Aizawa said that when we got there she was wondering why we didn't go with you and All Might told her that your dad did and she got pissed" Touya explained "Ever since I told her that I found my dad again this is how she's been, it's like she's mad at me for finding him again. Auntie and I talked about it a while ago and she noticed it as well. Auntie told me earlier that they don't talk or hang out all the time like usual. Mom told her a couple things and Auntie defended me and everyone here about it.." I told them and they seemed confused but Tomu seemed to understand first "She doesn't like any of us because we were villains, does she?" He asked I slowly nodded "Auntie told her that that it shouldn't matter, I'm happy and you guys are all changing but that seemed to piss her off even more. Then when she found out I took your last name I guess she destroyed the living room... that's why I don't talk to her all like that anymore. I try to keep her in the loop of things but if I'm being honest. I don't trust her, I don't trust her not to start fights like she did today, or involve our kids with it. Yeah when they are older they will know your past but everyone is accepting to you guys. They don't call you villains anymore they treat you like everyone should be treated... except mom... is it bad that I hope someone is yelling at her right now?" I asked and they shook their heads no and said they agree with me. My own mother is turning against me and it hurts.

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