Chapter 6

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Izukus POV
I woke up the next morning being a sandwich between my mates. I smiled and nuzzled into the warm chest I was against "Goodmorning puppy" Tomu says tiredly as he kisses my forehead "morning tomu" I say back and open my eyes to see I was against his chest I look up and smile at him. "Sho texted me last night and said Aizawa wants us there tomorrow at lunch" I said and he nodded Dabi groaned behind me, I turned so I could face him and he was still asleep. I chuckled "what are you laughing at Princess" he groaned tomu chuckled "You're so grumpy in the mornings" I said while giggling. He opened on eye and looked at me. He grabbed me away from tomu and turned us around "Hey you stole my puppy!" Tomu whined "he's my puppy now" Dabi groaned while I was giggling. Tomu groaned and got up and I could feel the smirk on dabis face. "You know I'm both of yours right?" I said, Dabi nuzzled into my neck taking in my scent "I know princess but for now your mine until his crusty ass comes back" he said I poked his cheek "he's not crusty. Don't be mean to my Tomu!" "Take that you burnt chicken nugget!" Tomu said while walking out the bathroom "Hey leave my Toy alone Tomu!!" I yelled back "wait. That didn't sound right" I said flustered and they both laughed at me. I whimpered softly "you both are so mean" I groaned and tried to roll away from Dabi but it didn't happen "Don't try to roll away from me my precious little omega" Dabi said cutely and I got all flustered. "Toommmuuuuu save me!" I whined out playfully before anyone could move my stomach growled causing them to chuckle at me "let's go get you breakfast Puppy" Tomu said while picking me up. I latched on to him and lifted my head up above his shoulder and stuck my tongue out at Dabi who copied me and I giggled. Tomu dressed me in on of his hoodies and some shirts telling me that I can change before we leave.

After we all got dressed we headed down to the bar and were met with the yelling of Toga and Twice, Dabi and I groaned at the loudness "Geez you two act the same sometimes" tomu said while laughing. We both just looked at him "You act like he doesn't act like you either" Dabi said I sighed and wiggled out of Tomus arms and walked through the door. The yelling started getting louder "SHUT UP!" I yelled and they all stopped immediately and looked at me. I put on a bright innocent smile "Good morning guys!" I said nicely and they all shivered "my point on him acting like you" I heard Dabi whisper to tomu I turned around and glared at him "Hey don't forget who the Alphas are in this relationship omega~" Dabi said and I whimpered but nodded. Toga came up and hugged me "You scared him you big meanie!" She yelled at him "play along" she whispered for only me to hear and I whimpered and started to cry and hugged her she petted me softly and I could hear tomu growl I had to turn my head so they couldn't see me smile and try not to laugh. Toga broke the concentration I had and started laughing causing me to laugh. Twice and Spinner joined in. Tomu and Dabi were just looking at us confused "Holy shit Izu, I didn't think you were that good at acting scared!" Toga said while laughing "I had too many years to practice and got great at it" I said sadly and they all stopped laughing Dabi wrapped his arms around me "It's okay Princess, he won't hurt you as long as we are around. Besides. He can't beat Tomura and I" he said softly and I nodded "I'm sorry I glared at you" I whispered, he chuckled and kissed the top of my head "I was just teasing you Princess, we love your sassy attitude. If you get to carried away we can stop you though" he said and I happily nodded Mamagiri came out with breakfast and we all sat down some how in the middle of me eating I ended up in Tomus lap. "Don't forget we gotta train at UA tomorrow" I said and everyone nodded while tomu and Dabi groaned "I'm surprised you agreed to it Izu" Twice said and I shrugged "That just shows a little omega like me is better" I said with a smirk and they all did the same "But we can't kill them. I make no promises of me "accidentally" fighting Bakugo though" I said and they all chuckled "Not if we get to him first" Tomu mumbled.

~Time skip to UA~
I was really nervous to come back here and I think my pack could tell. Tomu may be the leader and Dabi his right hand but they listen to me more. They calmed down with their criminal work and now they're more like vigilantes. Well we still have to work with Toga. She gets too stab happy when she gets in a fighting mood. My mates released calming pheromones and they rubbed my back. We got to the gates and I swiped my ID to get in. I'm surprised they still let me use it. We started walking to the school as we were walking in we heard the bell ring for lunch. I panicked as students started coming out of their classrooms. A few people stared at us but the alphas in the group would growl. Shoto said to meet at the classroom by lunch time so that's where we are now. My pack and I standing in front of the doors. I could hear Bakugo yelling "WHY THE FUCK CANT WE LEAVE!" I groaned and opened the door everyone's attention landed on me. They were about to get up before my pack walked in behind me Bakugo looked at me and growled we all growled back "Sit down Bakugo! Before there's another fight between you two or his mates kill you." Aizawa said as he emerged from his sleeping back, my pack raised an eyebrow and I giggled "Hi Aizawa!" I smiled brightly "Hello problem child! You guys can all go to lunch. Todoroki your incharge of Problem child and his problem pack" Aizawa said tiredly and we all chuckled "let's go my favorite candy cane!" I yelled towards shoto he rolled his eyes and got up along with everyone else. My mates stayed right next to me Shoto is in front, Spinner is behind Dabi, Toga behind me, Twice behind Shiggy and Compress and Kurogiri were in the back. The class was in front of us looking back at me worriedly and I just smiled.

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