Chapter 7

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Izukus POV

When I woke up I opened my eyes to the sun shining I groaned loudly and hid my face in the pillow "Well goodmorning to you too Princess" Dabi said in his tired voice. I growled and rolled over, which just so happened to be right into his chest "What's got you all grumpy?" He asked I looked up at him with one eye hardly open "too fucking bright." I groaned and dropped my head back down. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I groaned sliding further under the blankets. "Come on you grumpy puppy" Tomu teased and I growled at him "Don't growl at me, what's wrong puppy?" Tomu asked and he and Dabi moved down to me. I whimpered "I'm not ready for today" I mumbled "we aren't either baby, but it's something you have to do" Dabi said as he pet my head "At least the whole pack isn't coming" Tomu said "that would be chaos my mom would pry lock me in a cage and tell me I'm not coming back" I said and laughed a little making them laugh as well "sometimes I wonder if you guys are actually the league of villains or the league of crackheads" I mumbled. There was silence for like 5 seconds and they busted out laughing until Dabi fell off the bed to the floor with a loud thud. I peaked over the bed "You okay down there?" I asked with my head tilted to the side until Tomu pulled me into him and rolled us over making me yelp in surprise "Mine" he growled and I heard Dabi growl "not this again" I grumpily mumbled out. Before anyone could say anything Toga and Twice barged in the door making it slam against the wall screaming "WAKE UP GET UP GET UP GET UP "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled while growling a little "Sorry Izu.." Toga said I lifted my head up above Tomu "It's okay, but do it again and I'm not staying in bed. I will jump out of this bed and beat your asses" I said with a huge bright closed eye smile. "Geez your scarier than Shiggy" twice said as they ran out. "And you said he doesn't like act like you" Dabi mumbled getting off the floor. I giggled and snuggled into Tomu rubbing my face against his chest "Whatcha doing?" Tomu asked while laughing before I could answer Dabi pulled me out of his arms and I whimpered "I was warm" I whined out Dabi held me close to him and I felt the warmth so I snuggled into him "you guys need to learn how to share in the mornings." I mumbled into his chest. "We're taking a shower together Princess" Dabi said walking to the bathroom. I just nodded my head "Thanks for the invite" Tomu yelled "my point proven on the league of crackheads" I mumbled not meaning to. Dabi snorted "You act like you aren't apart of us Princess" he said and kissed my cheek sitting me down on the counter. He quickly undressed me and I shivered "I-it's s-so c-cold" I managed to stutter out. Dabi quickly undressed and picked me up and got in the shower once the water hit me I melted into the heat and snuggled into Dabi who raised his body temp "That better Princess?" He asked and I nodded I looked up at him but he wasn't paying attention. 'I hate being so damn short' I thought to myself as I whimpered he looked down "What's wrong Princess?" Dabi asked I pouted "I'm too short" I mumbled and he started laughing "Does someone want a kiss?" He asked and my head perked up "mhm" he chuckled and kissed me softly I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as his were on my waist. He went to pull away but I kissed him deeper causing a low growl to come from him he nibbled on my bottom lip and I opened my mouth he wasted no time sticking his tongue in and exploring my mouth as I let out little moans. Our kiss got heated pretty quickly he picked me up as I wrapped my legs around him he pulled away and started to kiss my cheek and down to my neck. He slowly licked over my scent gland that he marked and I moaned a little louder as nibbled on it. "Alpha~" I whimpered out "Omega~" he growled out I moaned just from the sound of it "STOP FUCKING IN THE SHOWER!" Tomu yelled scaring the hell out of me. Dabi and I both groaned. After our shower Dabi dried us off, and picked out an outfit for me. I love being taken care of by my Alphas.

After we all got dressed I looked at Tomu and Dabi "Tenko. Touya." I said sternly and they froze turning around to look at me "Yes?" They said and it sounded like they were scared "What. In the actual hell. Are you wearing?" I asked. Tomu was in a black hoodie and black jeans and Dabi was the same. "What do you mean?" Tomu asked "Were meeting my mom and auntie after breakfast. Please tell me that's not what you were going to wear?" I asked and they looked away "Your meeting my mom not robbing her. Just. Sit down." I said and walked into our clothes, being very thankful Dad gave me his credit card to go shopping with Toga, I bought them outfits and they don't even know. I didn't want nothing formal, auntie would probably make fun of them for it. I froze. 'Oh my. These poor mates of mine are gonna be scared with my mom and Auntie in the same room. They act like crackheads themselves when their together. Ha kind of like Toga and I' I thought and laughed to my self. I opened up a tub I have that's filled with outfits for them and grabbed 2 outfits, one side is Tomus and one side is Dabis, I sighed and got up. I walked out of the closet and gave them to them "Who's clothes are these?" Dabi asked "Yours. I have my own collection of outfits for you guys I bought when dad let toga and I go shopping. I just hid them from you" I said with a small smile they groaned and started changing. I had to stop myself from pouncing on them and begging them to fuck me when their shirts came off. After I calmed myself down they both were looking at me with a smirk "Um. I think breakfast is ready" I said and tried to run out of the room and Tomu caught me. "Thank you for the outfits puppy" he said and I nodded "You guys literally only wear black. And you guys suck at fashion" I said proudly "Hey I don't wear black all the time. I wear a white shirt" Dabi said and I just looked at him and shook my head "Let's go. I'm hungry" I said "You look beautiful by the way Puppy" Tomu said as picked me up, I latched myself onto him nuzzling into his neck smelling his scent that I love so much. "Thank you Tomu" "You look beautiful with or without clothes" Dabi said and I could feel my face heat up as I let out a squeak making them chuckle.

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