Chapter 9

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Izukus POV
We made it to his room, he's in the teachers dorms on the top floor by himself. I feel bad for him. Aizawa told me to knock on the door before I enter, he gave me the key to his room. I stood there for a second and knocked on the door "GO AWAY!" He yelled I walked in anyway dodging a pillow he threw "Katsuki Bakugo calm down" I said as I closed the door, he froze and looked at me "Z-Zuku?" He asked and I nodded "It's me Kacchan" he just looked at me I sat our stuff down on a table he has, which I'm surprised it's not broken, after I sat it down I looked at him. Within 2 seconds he jumped off the bed and landed on top of me as we hit the floor with a thud. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Izuku" he kept repeating through his sobs. I hugged him tightly "It's okay Kacchan, how about we go sit on the bed okay?" I asked calmly and he nodded we both got up and sat on the bed "Before we do anything, can you do me a favor?" I asked and he looked at me sadly "Will you eat with me?" I asked and he looked like he was about to say no but nodded. I smiled and ruffled his hair as I got up and grabbed the food, drinks and backpack. I sat back down on the bed I handed him his food and drink and he looked surprised "You remember my favorite food?" He asked I just looked at him. "Kacchan, you're my best friend. You have been since birth. What the hell kind of question is that?" I asked and laughed a little at he end. He chuckled a little "Yeah... I guess your right" he answered "Yes I am, now eat my little Pomeranian" I said with a small smile and got an eye roll out of him. We finished eating and I was surprised he ate all of his food. He seems to be better already but I know it's an act right now. "I'm proud of you for eating Kacchan, now next. You need a shower." I said and he looked at me like a deer in headlights. "Why?" He asked and I had to force myself not to laugh. "Because you haven't showered in days, I can tell. You reek, I brought you an outfit so go shower for me please?" I begged and he nodded. I got in my book bag and grabbed one of the outfits I put in there and handed it to him. 20 minutes later he was done and he came out and sat down next to me. He looked like he wanted to hug me so I let him. "You can hug me you know" I said and he perked up he crawled behind me and wrapped his arms around me laying his head on my shoulder as I played with his hair. "Alright, you can drop the act that your fine now." I whispered and he tensed but I could feel my shoulder start getting wet. "Why are you even here? Don't your alphas hate me!?" He asked loudly I sighed "We will talk about that later, but right now we need to talk about what happened with us and why I lost my best friend." I said he sat up but still held onto me "Where do we start?" He asked. I turned around so I was facing him we sat in front of each other for a second "How about we start when you learned you were an alpha and me an omega" I said and he dropped his head "I-I don't know what happened, I was happy you were an omega because it could have been you and I. I loved you then and I love you now. We promised it would be us until we found our mates, if not it would be you and I. I guess when other alphas seen you it pissed me off and my alpha didn't like it either. That's why I told everyone you were my omega and mine in general. I didn't want anyone to have you" he explained and I nodded "Kacchan, I didn't want any of them anyway, I was happy with you. I knew I had two fated mates but you were there not them and it hurt me back then because I wanted to be with you, then you changed.." I said and looked down "I- I know... when you would change a week before your heat I would be proud of you but then I started seeing how strong you were and I didn't like it. You got into a fight with another alpha and won and it pissed me off, I was supposed to be the one fighting to show that I was the alpha, your alpha. Then all of a sudden you came in to break it up and he hit you, before I could react you went at him like a feral fucking animal. My alpha didn't like it. You're an omega you shouldn't be as strong as me or stronger" Kacchan explained and I couldn't help but laugh when he called me a feral animal "Kacchan, I understand what you mean. I do, but there's a few things you didn't know back then and I was scared to tell you so YOU didn't turn feral." He looked at me confused and I sighed "I found out when I was 4 that I was a class a omega and had 2 fated alphas. The doctor told mom and I that we can't tell anyone, I was and still am rare like no one has ever known someone as rare as me. If word got out about me I would've had to hide. Villains would be after me, pervs from all over just to do who knows what with me. I wasn't aloud to tell anyone, not even you because you weren't my fated mate. We had to tell your mom so she could make me my gloves. I wanted to tell you but I was scared on how you would react, so we agreed to wait until we were 12 but us 3 noticed a change in you. Mom and Auntie told me not to tell you about me because they were scared you would hurt me or try to Mark me so I could never be with my fated alphas. That's why they made us promise not to Mark each other until after we graduated high school. When you told everyone about me being your omega. You don't even know the fights I got into or what I did to get other omegas to leave me the hell alone. A lot of the girl omegas wanted you, but you claimed me as your omega. They didn't like that. They would have me meet them behind the school and try to fight me but I wasn't about to let no bitch fight me over you. That led into alphas who wanted those girls to try to fight me, yeah it happened about 6 times. They'd get me to the point I was pissed and I'd just lose my fucking shit and beat the hell out of them. All those Alphas who would come back to school and look like they got hit my train, that was me." I said proudly and Kacchan just stared at me wide eyed "Then there was a couple girl omegas who tried coming at me again but I was over their bullshit. Do you remember the 2 girls who would basically drool over you?" I asked and he nodded "Yeah I was the reason they left you alone. That's how I found out I can "dominate" other omegas and betas. If I let out strong enough pheromones I can make alphas submit to me also, like you seen. I did that along with a deeper voice and those girls dropped quickly. We agreed to never talk about it again and they left you alone." I said and Kacchan just looked at me "So all those years you could've kicked my ass but you didn't? You could've fought back and made me realize what the hell I was doing?" He asked and I nodded "Why didn't you?" He asked sounding pissed and sad I sighed "I didn't want you too see the real me, I would act the why I did a week before my heat so I could control the other side of me. It made it easier that way. I was also scared that you would use your voice on me. That's the only way you would make me submit to you, I had to act as a regular omega so I got used to acting scared. When you would hit me it took everything in me not to hit you back and turn it into a full on fight. I knew your ego wouldn't like that, so I didn't." I explained and he nodded sadly "my ego isn't that bad" he mumbled and I busted out laughing I couldn't hold back. "HEY DONT LAUGH AT ME MY EGO IS NOT THAT BAD" he yelled and I laughed harder until I fell off the bed with a loud thud and stopped laughing "Kacchan your ego and pride are higher than Nezus IQ you don't even realize it. You were always the best, the strongest Alpha with the strongest quirk, as I was an omega who could easily take you down but. I didn't you looked happy being strong and not seen as weak so I didn't show it. I loved you too much to hurt you." I said as I sat back down "I still love you now, as my best friend. Yeah you hurt me, broke me and ruined me but I found friends who built me back up. But my question is. Why the hell did you do all that to me?" I asked and he started crying "I- I don't know. You were always around IcyHot as I thought he was your mate. I hated it, I still do. You were always happy with me and always with me but I could see that you were scared of me. My Alpha hated it when I would see you with him having the time of your life like we used to before I changed. It hurt me so much and I didn't know what to do and it turned to anger. I thought you were leaving me and I wasn't ready to give you up. So... I let my alpha take the role and I... I raped you... I thought if I did that no one would want you and you would stay as mine. But you could've fought back why didn't you?" He yelled towards the end I shook my head "I couldn't fight back, you kept using your alpha voice on me and I couldn't fight it. I was too surprised that you would even think to do that to me for me to even come back to reality. It broke me. The words you said hurt me even more" I said as tears left my eyes. "Izuku, I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have let my alpha take control and do that. I should've just talked to you. I never should have hit you or did any of that to you. I was supposed to protect you and... I turned into what I was supposed to protect you from. Even if I didn't know you were a bad ass" he said as he started crying also "It's okay Kacchan, I forgive you but I can't forget it. All I wanted was my best friend back. The first day of UA is when Shoto and I realized his brother Touya, also known as Dabi, was still alive. Him being a Class A alpha made things a little more difficult because he was stronger than you. When we met our "bond" formed. He became a protective older brother even if he's younger than me. On the weekends when I would leave with him we were going to see his family, besides Endeavor. We didn't want him to know yet. Which he does now... but besides that. That's why he acted the way he did. Then we found out about a brother bond..." I said and he nodded. "Do you remember our moms telling us about the other girl they were friends with?" I asked and he nodded "Rei?" He asked and I nodded "That's Shotos mom" I said and he looked stunned "WAIT WHAT!?" He yelled and I giggled "Yeah, after they graduated her and Endeavor got a quirk marriage. That's why we never met her, she got pregnant with Touya shortly after their wedding, ours mom lost contact with her after the wedding. Then came Natsuo, Fuyumi and Shoto. Shortly after that Touya ran away, after a while of searching they pronounced him dead. I'm the reason they found out he was still alive. Natsuo and I also formed a brother bond Fuyumi and I are really close also. I call Rei Momma Rei. Touya and Tenko are currently with them I have to go there soon but you were more important to me than that right now." I said and he looked surprised. We talked for a little longer about our past and why it happened. Now it's time for my alpha talk "Kacchan... I know your hurting, and I know you miss me. But I need you too move on, I would love for us to be best friends again. But I can't be your omega" I said softly hoping I don't piss him off. "I know... I know..after being in here for the past few days I realized that... but I thought I lost you forever. That I would never get my best friend back after 16 years of it being us. My alpha is the hardest to control, he wants you as his omega. And I know that you aren't my omega. Your theirs I know they hate me and want me dead but- stop right there" he said but I cut him off "That's not true, well kind of but they won't kill you. Trust me they did but once they realized that we were best friends and together since we were born their thought of you changed. They may not like you for what you did, but they even said that they feel bad for you, because if they were you they would be in the same spot. What you really need to do next time you see them, is drop that damn ego and apologize to them for what you did to me. They aren't mad at you for what happened at training. Once they realized your alpha had full control over you their main priority was protecting me. I have never seen you like that and it scared the hell out of me. I need you to get better, to start eating, to work on that explosive attitude of yours. And not just my mates but Shoto as well. AND ALSO!" I yelled out and smacked him over his head "That's for getting into a fight with Shinso you Jack ass! Why the hell would you even fucking fight him! Denki is one of your friends too you know! You treat them like shit but it's obvious you enjoy being with them and you care about them. SO STOP BEING A DICK TO THEM ESPECIALLY DENKI OR IM GOING TO KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS! HE IS MY OMEGAN LITTLE CHILD AND IM NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND LET YOU HURT HIM DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR!" I yelled out and he was still rubbing the back of his head but nodded "Yes you do! I'm sorry okay... but what the hell do you mean he's your omega child?" He yelled out confused and I giggled "Class A omegas are like the mother of omegas, the leader, the one other omegas look up to and go to when in trouble. I'm the strongest omega so other omegas look up to me for protection and stuff like that. When I left that's how the school found out there are more omegas. When I left they started getting depressed, that's why I came back. Too cheer up my omega children" I said proudly with a smile "You damn nerd." He mumbled. We ate some snacks and talked more until I needed to go and deal with Endeavor and hopefully save Touya and Tenko from their misery being in the same room as him. We said our goodbyes and I left the other outfit along with our pictures for him.

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