Chapter 8

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Izuku POV
I woke up sweating and panting, I was confused, I just had my heat a week ago. My eyes widen 'fuck. Even if I get an early heat I still go in my heat when I'm scheduled too' I mentally yell at my self. My mates aren't in bed with me and I whine. I quickly get out of bed and start grabbing their clothes and other things that have their scent on them and start making a nest on the bed and grab my hoodie that they both scented. I kept whining and panting wanting my alphas. I take my collar off even though I know the room is scent proof. "Tomuuu Toouuuyyaaa where are you?" I whine hoping they can hear me through our connection. "We're in the kitchen Puppy, what's wrong?" Tomu asked "I'm in heat again" I whined. Not even 30 seconds later the door was flung open I whined and I looked up to see my mates the door slammed shut and I whined rolling around in my nest "Did you make a nest Princess?" Dabi asked and I nodded I was panting harder and I started taking my clothes off. They got closer to my nest and I growled on instinct. They stopped I whimpered "I'm sorry. You can come in" I whimpered out they quickly got rid of their clothes leaving them in their boxers and carefully got into bed next to me "I thought you just had your heat baby?" Dabi asked "early heat or not my heats come when scheduled." I quickly answered back tomu started rubbing my side as Dabi started kissing my neck a wave washed over me and I cried out in pain "please help me" I cried. "Don't worry baby boy, we will take care of you" tomu whispered as he nibbled on my ear causing me to moan softly.

~Time skip after that Magical week because the author doesn't wanna write a smutty chapter for now👀🍵~

Izukus POV
Due to my heat starting again Dabi texted Shoto and told him we can't do training until the following week. I was upset but I can't do anything about it, now I'm laying in bed recovering since my alphas went into rut again and don't hold back. Tomu is currently cleaning my bite marks from both of them while Dabi is getting my bath ready. Tomu finished cleaning my marks with a proud smirk on his face "You two keep having a smirk on your face like that, I'm going to bite you two" I said pouting which made them chuckle "I wouldn't mind you Mark me Puppy" Tomu said Dabi yelled from the bathroom "I WOULDNT MIND IT EITHER" my face instantly turned red and I covered it up with my hands making a squeak sound. Tomu picked me up and took me to the bathroom for my bath. Dabi was already sitting in the tub and Tomu sat me down between Dabis legs. "You're not getting in Tomu?" I asked "No puppy, I took a shower this morning, the others also want extra training before we start teaching at UA so you'll be spending with day with the burnt chicken nugget" Tomu said with a sad smile "Oi fuck you crusty" Dabi said "I am not crusty" tomu pouted. They kept arguing and I giggled making them stop and look at me "It's okay Tomu, we can spend a day together too." I said with a smile he kissed me softly and said we said our goodbyes, I was happy he actually kissed Dabi goodbye. Usually they just argue and walk away and fight over who gets me.

I snuggled into Dabis warm chest trying to ignore the pain all over my body. "You okay Princess?" He asked softly while kissing my cheek "I hurt. Everywhere." I mumbled back making him chuckle "Sorry baby, we got a little crazy." He replied chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck "Yeah you think?" I replied back glaring at him. "Don't act like you didn't enjoy every second of it. Omega~" he whispered while kissing down my neck causing me to shiver "I did, I enjoyed every second of being your submissive omega... Alpha~" I said with purring out the alpha. He let out a low growl and bite down deeply into my shoulder, I let out a loud moan and whimpered after I felt the pain. I could feel the blood start to make its way down my arm. Dabi pulled his teeth out licking the Mark he made "watch you your teasing Princess" he said as he kissed my neck "and if I don't? What are you going to do fuck me again?" I shot back making him growl at me. "Is that what you want omega?" He growled lowly in my ear and "Alpha~" I moaned out he wasted no time picking us both up out of the bath and taking us back to the bed.
(Okay... this will be smutty and don't worry Tomura will have his own day with our precious omega we all love😏)

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