Chapter 1: Prologue

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Author's note: I do not own rooster teeth, or rwby or any of the othe rmanga or anime I might include in my fanfics. The only thing I own is the idea and the idea alone and maybe the characters I create for the fic.

Hope you enjoy the fic ^^


It was evening.

There was no sound to be heard in Beacon academy. Most students were sleeping, playing video games and with very little of them actually studying. But that was to be expected from an academy like Beacon, a prestigious school for huntress and huntsmen. A school designated to train warriors. Trained in teams of four the school prided itself in its unique sense of training and special methods of teaching students. It was an elite school for elite people.

In a room of said school were four people. A man with black hair tied into a low ponytail sat down on a bed. He had magenta eyes and wore a dark green, diagonally-buttoned, long-sleeved tailcoat that is red on the inside, with black and gold trimming and pink cuffs. The trimming went down the right side of his torso and formed a black collar. Along with this, he wears a black, long-sleeved shirt beneath the suit and light-tan pants with black shoes.

"..." The man stayed quiet as he heard a girl scream in the room.

The girl screaming had orange hair and blue eyes. She wore a collared black sleeveless vest, with a blue central front section with red accents, her vest hadher emblem on the back. Under the vest, she had a white sleeveless t-shirt with a heart-shaped cutout above her breast line in the centre accompanied with a pair of white detached sleeves on each arm. She wore a short pink skirt with a single white layer under it. Her white ankle boots had pink soles with part of her emblem, the lighting bolt, on them and low heels with pink laces, the tops are folded over revealing the pink lining. She also wore a silver armor piece that wraps around waist, under her breasts and around the back on her neck with metal connecting each piece together at the front.

"That's so awesome! We get to go to Forever Fall forest!" The girl yelled excitedly while jumping around.

"Yea, too bad our leader is busy helping his new friends!" Another voice came from the bathroom in the room.

The girl had crimson red hair which was tied to a ponytail and emerald green eyes.As a top, she wore a brown overbust corset with a vertical strip of lighter brown in the center. Additionally, wore an elastic, black, A-line mini skirt and brown opera-length gloves on both arms. She wore a red ankle-length sash that wrapped around her skirt.

"Well anyways I'm heading out!" She said, being stopped by the oranged haired girl who put herself in-front of the red-haired girl.

"Nora, may I please pass?" She asked making the orange haired girl shake her head with an enormous grin on her face.

"Not before you tell us where you're going!" She yelled making the boy in the room look up to see the two.

"You've been going out every night without telling us what you're doing Pyrrha!" The girl known as Nora exclaimed.

The boy got up from the bed he sat in and placed his hand on Nora's shoulder.

"Nora, it may be something private, maybe it's better if we do not ask." He told her. The girl however would not back down.

"No! She's definitely hiding something!" Nora exclaimed.

'What is it?! Is it your plan to take over Vale?!" She asked. Confused by the sudden question Pyrrha took a step back.

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