Ch. 11 | The weird man

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I do not own RWBY or any of the anime/manga references in this fan fiction! I only own the story and the OC's I might create for it


A man stood in-front of Beacon academy. His posture was poor as he hunched his back while standing. His hands were in his formal pants as he stared at the school from the gate. He wore a classic brown trench-coat with black baggy jeans. He sported trainers which once were possibly white, but now looked worn out and grey. His dressing made him look suspicious, however that wasn't what drew the attention of the guards who stared at him from their positions, no. What drew their attention was his creepy rubber mask which seemed to be skeletal, but at the same time had a human-like face. The man's mask covered his face but not his hair which was a skeleton white with blue tips on top which complemented the mask's features which were it's fake lipstick and markings

The man stood in-front of the academy for a few seconds, looking at his watch and then at some of the guards around.

'There are a lot of guards here.' He thought looking around and looking at his watch once again. The guards wore helmets which covered almost everything with exception of their mouth and nostrils.Their pants were black, with some gray areas on them, and they had a belt with a few pouches, a handgun strapped to their hips and a sword in collapsed mode, strapped to their lower backs. They stood atop towers near the entrance of Beacon with rifles on their feet.

They stared at him anxiously as they watched every single one of his movements. His suspicious behaviour and his posture made them stand on guard, while his rubber mask made them keep an eye on him.

The man kept waiting on the door of the academy, he just waited there. Second after second, hour after hour. He wouldn't move from his spot, and it was starting to drive the guards insane, they kept watching him, in case of any sudden movements, or any threatening stances, but the man just stood there. People passed by him, coming and going to the school to do their daily routines. They'd look at his costume and laugh, or take pictures.

The man didn't seem to mind. Some of them got angry at the man, yelled at him for standing there creepily. The man never answered, all the guards could see was him moving his lips, uttering one word every time, like a hunted ghost, cursing people as they passed by.

'Was he even real?' Was a question which surfaced by many of the guards watching the man as he just stood there, casually looking at his watch every thirty minutes. Many speculations arose as to what he was doing there, who he was or what he was, many joked of the man being a spirit, there to just haunt the guards and to ruin their work, to mess with them.

At one point the people stopped interacting with the boy, and started to just ignore him, passing by him without telling the man anything.

"It seems the Haven academy students are going out." One of the guards observed as they saw some of the students wearing the Haven academy leaving.

"I thought they could only leave thursdays and fridays." He commented.

"Nah, these three have authorisation from one of the Headmasters to head out." Another stated.

"Oh look! They're about to pass through that weird guy!" He said making the other regards toon in order to look at what would happen.

"I bet they'll just ignore him." One said .

"Alright, 50 bucks!" Another replied. The two guards talking shook hands and put lien on the table in-front of them as they watched from above, to see what would happen.

They passed by the man like any of the others had done before them. The guards squinted their eyes to see if any reaction would occur, nothing happened.

The three girls and one boy passed through the masked man without batting an eye.

"That's 50bucks!" The guard said cheering at his own victory.

"Yea yea." The other said passing the money from the table to the winner.

"What'd you say?!" They heard someone yell from the entrance of Beacon. The guards all looked down at the scene and saw the black haired girl with hazel eyes holding the masked man's collar.

"Yes! Give me those monies!" He intentionally miss-prounounced while taking the money from the other man who was now sulking.

"Darn it! What the hell happened?!" He asked while looking down.

"You lost 50 bucks." The other man answered while putting the money in his pocket.



The man stood there as the four Haven Academy students walked towards him. As they were about to pass by him, the man pulled out a paper with several things on a list. The four split in two and tied to go around the man, trying to ignore his attire and what Cinder thought to be a clear call for attention.

"Salem" His voice, monotonous, his tone flat and his stance poor. The four may have casually been walking out of Beacon, but upon hearing that name they all stopped.

'What did he just say?' Cinder asked herself.

'No, how would he know of her? There is no chance in Remnant he'd know.' She assured herself while turning around to face him.

"What did you just say?" She asked, turning around to face the trench-coat wearing man.

"Salem." He repeated. Cinder's eyes widened and her face paled.

'Have I been discovered?' She questioned, there was only one thing she could do now.

She walked towards the man and put her hands behind her back. She looked at Mercury, then Neo and then Emerald. They nodded and started to surround the man with a mask.

"Oh, I misspelled Salami" The man realised, looking at his list.

"What'd you say?!" Cinder asked, grabbing the man's collar with her arm. Her heart beated twice it's natural speed, and she shook with the amount of adrenaline going through her body.

"Woa, woa. Calm down." The man said putting his hands on the air, in surrender, waving his right arm, where he held the piece of paper. Mercury yanked the piece of paper from his hand and read it.

"Bread, sugar, broccoli and Salami... Wow, I thought my handwriting was bad, his a looks like an e, and his i is so small it's barely visible" Mercury passed the note to Emerald who read it and knit her eyebrows in confusion.

"How can you even read this? I can barely distinguish his B." Emerald asked, handing the paper to Cinder who read it and glared at the man in-front of her, leaving a curious Neo, who couldn't find the right moment to take the paper from them.

"How about, instead of working on your dressing skills, you work on your writing ones!" She shoved the paper on the man's chest, making him hold it with both hands as she turned around.

"What a joke, made me nervous for nothing." She whispered as the other three in her group slowly left the man alone once again.

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