Ch.9 | Pyrrha's New Tie

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A/n: Sorry for the late update. I was doing my homework and also studying for my mock exams tomorrow. After they are done I'll try to update every day.


Pyrrha sat with her colleges in the auditorium. They were just announcing the start of the festival. Many different students had temporarily transferred to Beacon for the festival. It was a cultural event which brought together the four schools in remnant so they could interact with each other, and to simultaneously celebrate the lasting peace between the four kingdoms as well, Vale, Atlas, Vacuo and Anima had been at war against one another for a long time before the war was stopped, and since then vytal festivals were used as a way to remind the world of this peace and to celebrate it.

Professor Ozpin along with professor Goodwitch stood next to each other. Next to them was a man with black hair and eyes. He was wearing a white overcoat with a gray undercoat, black sweater, a red necktie and a white glove on his right hand. His suit pants shared the same color as his overcoat and were tucked into silver boots accented in gray and behind these three were two holograms looking down at the multitude of people in the auditorium.

The huge number of people were split into four sections with names and emblems on them. Atlas, Vale, Vacuo and Anima. The four were separated but still inside the same place.

As the headmaster gave his speech, team RWBY and JNPR sat down chatting with one another. They were far away enough from the front seats and other teams that they could chat regularly without being found out by other people.

"Oh! That's a fancy tie!" Yang observed as she looked at Pyrrha's neck which had a green tie with a black button in the middle.

"Yea! Pyrrha's friend gave it to her as thanks for the cookies." Nora explained making Pyrrha touch the tie with her index and middle finger carefully.

'It is quite weird to receive a gift from him. I bet you guys helped him break out of his shell. If only a little." Pyrrha said, making the others nod.

"Wow, chatting is all it took?" Blake asked.

"Yes, I do find it weird." Weiss commented. "Not to be rude to your friend or anything, but he didn't seem like the kind of person who'd give away anything." She added.

Pyrrha sighed and then looked at the rest of team RWBY.

"Well, I bring him sweets everyday, maybe this is just his way of saying thank you for all those times?" Pyrrha defended making the others shake his head.

"Nah! It's probably a way of making you feel better about him, so that way he can deceive you into conquering the world!" Nora raised her voice which made Ren tap her shoulder.

"Nora, more quiet, we don't want to get in trouble." He said calmly. The others dismissed her comment and instead focused back on Pyrrha.

"I don't know what you have against the guy, he seemed like a pretty chill dude." Jaune said, making everyone look at him.

"Thank you Jaune!" Pyrrha said, making everyone else deadpan.

"Weren't you the one saying "Thank the brothers it is over!" Jaune?" Yang asked, making Jaune raise his hands.

"I found him uncomfortable to be around, but I am not doubting wether he'd give something to Pyrrha as thank you." Jaune answered.

"Not like it matters anyways, the weirdest thing about him was the way he talked by far!" Jaune added making Pyrrha frown.

"Yea! The way he speaks is so creepy!" Ruby agreed as the others chimed in.

"It sounded like he was dead inside or something," Yang nodded as the others shared their thoughts.

Ren simply watched the six comment on the boy's voice.

"I didn't find his voice that weird," He said. The others looked at him weirdly, he found his voice calm and emotionless, something excellent for analyzing and breaking down problems or puzzles.

"..." Everybody else other than Pyrrha looked at him as if he had grown a second head before dismissing his thoughts and going back to talking about the mysterious Light Yagami.

"I don't think the thing that weirded me out the most was the voice. I think it was the fact he had a mask on the whole time." Yang shared as Pyrrha sighed. She knew something like this would happen.

"Wait! There is one thing that's been bothering me!" Weiss claimed drawing the attention of the rest.

"How can a simple detective afford an apartment luxurious like the one we saw before?" Weiss asked, making everyone's eyes widen.

"Now that you mention it..." Ruby said, making the others nod look towards Pyrrha.

"Well, all I know is that he said he won some kind of competition." Pyrrha said as she tried to think of what kind of tournament her friend would do. A chess or checkers competition maybe.

"What kind of competition allows a person to get that much amount of money?!" Weiss asked, stupefied by the claim. There were several combat related competitions in Remnant, with very little non-combat related ones. The non-combat ones were usually very niche and so granted the least amount of rewards.

Weiss doubted the thin man that was Light Yagami would ever enter a combat competition, which meant he probably entered some kind of non-combat one.

"Well he also said that he invested his money in something, I am not sure what though." Pyrrha added, making Weiss' eyes widen.

"He explained something about the stock market and profit percentages, but I didn't understand most of it." She nervously chuckled while scratching the back of her head.

"So he told you the secret to make easy money... And you didn't take notes?!" Yang asked as her eyes twitched in disbelief.

"You're one to talk about note-taking." Weiss noted making Blake grin and giggle at her remark.

"That's different!" Yang claimed as the others tried to quietly laugh.

A few minutes later the speeches done by the headmaster of the different schools were over and so was the assembly.

As they left the auditorium a woman with black hair and hazel eyes stared at the empty auditorium with a frown on her face.

She was accompanied by a mint haired tanned girl with red eyes, and a man with silver hair and black eyes. 

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