Chapter 2: Forrest Trouble

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A/n: Damn, two chapters in a row! Welp I hope you enjoy this chapter, things are starting out kind of slow, but don't worry. It'll speed up soon.


Pyrrha walked around Forever Fall forest confidently with her team, with exception of their leader which was away with another team.

Pyrrha did not care however, he had made his choice. She watched over Nora with Ren, making sure she didn't drink too many jars of the sweet nectar that was the sap of the trees in forever fall. They had already collected a jar each and were ready to go. They had been tasked with filling the jars for the Tech excerpt and weapons teacher Mrs Peach who needed the jars for one of her experiments. They were done and could go back to the rondevu to rest and enjoy the scenery, however as the other two members of Pyrrha's team left she stayed behind.

"Pyrrha, cmon! Let's go! Maybe we can ask Professor Goodwitch for more jars!" Nora exclaimed excitedly as Pyrrha took an extra jar she had from her small pouch.

"She'll allow it Nora, she gave me an extra one." The red-haired girl said as Nora's eyes brightened.

"Is that one for us?!" She questioned excitedly. Pyrrha shook her head however, denying that claim.

"No, this is for my friend. He happens to like sweet things a lot." She told her, making the Valkyrie deflate once again.

"That's not fair! At least get one for us as well!" She claimed. Pyrrha giggled and nodded to her statement.

"Don't worry Nora, I'll be sure to get plenty for us." She told her which cheered Nora up.

"You guys go, I'll stay here and get the sap." Pyrrha said while extracting the sap for three different jars now. She knew if she got only one for her childhood friend he'd say it was too little. He had the biggest sweet tooth she had ever seen.

"Alright! Thank you Pyrrha!" Nora yelled while going back.

"Thank you Pyrrha" Ren said in his usual calm voice. Pyrrha simply nodded and continued to take some more sap.

She did a lot for her childhood friend, he was the only one who she could truly stand by when she started to gain fame. He never asked for anything, and he didn't seem to care about her fame either. He was a friend she could also count in, he had helped her a lot during their times together. Still she worried about him, he locked himself in his room, never getting out, never speaking to anyone outside. That might make him seem like a weirdo to some, or a creep to others. But the reality was that her friend was just misunderstood by people.

The three jars were finally full, and Pyrrha went ahead and put them inside her pouch.

"U-Ursa!" She heard someone yell. Widening her eyes she quickly got up and ran towards the commotion.

There she found one of the students running away from the darker parts of the forest. Russel was a teenage boy of average height and a slender build His head is shaved with a light-green mohawk. He wore a hoodie with the sleeves cut off, and two bracers on his arms extending from the wrist to just below the elbow. He wore a brown strap around his chest holding a spiked spaulder to his left shoulder. He also wore dark-gray pants.

Pyrrha held his collar and looked into his eyes.

"Where?" She asked. The student pointed towards deeper into the forest.

"T-That way! T-They have Cardin!" He yelled. Pyrrha let go of him.

"Go tell Mrs Goodwitch!" She yelled running deeper towards the forest. There she saw Jaune.

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