Ch.8 | Move number 0

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A/n: Sorry for not updating yesterday, long day for me! Hope you enjoy this chapter ^^


After talking to L in the conference with the unknown detective the professors were silent for a while, they processed all of the information that had been dropped on them. They realised what kind of person L was. He couldn't be allowed to know more than the information he already had!

"Deny the entry to students this semester Oz!" Ironwood yelled. Ozpin looked at the general with a concerned look.

"You know I can't do that Ironwood." Ozpin said smiling behind his desk.

"It's the Vytal festival, no one can stop school applications that time of the year! It would damage the image we have as elite schools!"

'Het got us. If I don't shut down Beacon he will investigate every single student, and he might find my next Fall maiden candidate, that or he could find out more about me and Salem's past.' Ozpin thought slightly nervous.

'But I shut down Beacon then I risk my public image being torn to shreds. The Vytal festival is supposed to commemorate acceptance and unity, which is why many try to enter our school at that time of the year. The press won't leave us alone, they will leave no stone left unturned and might accidentally stumble on our Fall maiden project. Not to mention shutting applications would indicate that we are hiding something from him.' Ozpin thought as he saw his three fellow Headmasters discuss what to do.

'There is nothing we can do!' He realised closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Ozpin! What will we do if he finds out about the relics' different abilities! He might just go hunt them down himself!" Ironwood said, making Ozpin shake his head.

"For all we know, he already has an idea on what they do. But yes, it would be a hassle if he goes treasure hunting." Ozpin said

"Then we'll just have to keep an eye on everyone entering Beacon!" Theodore said making Ozpin look at the several applications.

"That's it! We just have to look at the latest applications to find out who L's associate is! The one that was sent the latest has to be his!" Leonardo realised making everyone widen their eyes except Ozpin.

"No, if you recall, he said that he told us out of courtesy, which means he already had this plan in mind. He most likely sent an application together with most people so he wouldn't stand out too much by sending it too early or too late. " Ozpin told the headmaster, making the other sigh in disappointment.

"It doesn't matter anyways, because he said he was infiltrating Beacon." Ozpin told them.

"What do you mean by that?" Theodore asked Ozpin who turned around to look at Beacon academy from above.

"He could be a student in other academies who is coming for the Vytal festival, we don't know. There is nothing we know about his associate, just that he will be in Beacon during the Festival." Ozpin explained making the other's eyes widen.

"H-he got us. There is nothing we can do to find him!" Ironwood said as his hologram put a hand on his face as he thought of a solution.

"No! Wait!" He said, drawing the attention of the other three headmasters.

"What if we conduct checks on every student's past! That should give us some clue about whoever is infiltrating the school! Or at least narrow down the suspects!" Ironwood proposed making everyone's eyes widen as they nodded.

Ozpin's expression stayed the same as he looked at the scene in-front of him.

"We will catch your associate L, before you can find any more of our secrets."


Inside a dark room stood Light Yagami, sitting in his unusual sitting position. He stared at a screen with the letter L on it while looking at the screen emotionlessly. He had cookie crumbs all around his mouth as he took a bite out of another.

'They might not know it, but unconsciously they will be investigating each other, they might say that they are investigating me, but in the end they will be investigating one another, giving me all of the information I need for my deductions.' Light thought as he took a cookie and took a bite out of it.

"Wow! These are good." He said still with his flat tone while eating another bite out of the cookies Pyrrha had given him.

"Now I wonder, Salem. What will you do with all of the increased security?" The detective asked as he walked lazily to the living room. He now had to prepare himself for beacon academy.

Going towards the sofa, the boy looked at a mask which was left on the sofa. His skeleton mask was laying there. Emotionlessly looking at it for a few seconds, he decided to use it.

'It'll be easy to get in.' He thought as he looked at the corner of his room.

'After all, I already have agents inside.' He told himself as he picked up the box and then lazily put it in-front of the entrance.

'I wonder Salem.' The boy walked to his room and crouched down as he sat in his bizarre way next to his bed as he looked down at some papers. He took a piece of candy from a small jar under his bed and put it in his mouth.

'The chances of you actually infiltrating Beacon are 70%' He thought as he looked at the several papers on the ground. He took one and then looked at it in detail before going to another. As he went through the different files he reflected and connected dots in his mind.

'If I take that these white fang robberies are connected to Salem...'

'No, there isn't enough evidence pointing to that. As it stands there is only a 0.5% chance this connected to Salem.I need more information before I make a move.'

'There is a chance I am investigating two cases at once... That could complicate things.'

'No, even if these two cases were to be separated, I'f still need to look into them, and if they are connected, then I will find proof of it through my data collection in beacon.' 

'This is the move before my first move... I guess it would be something like my move number 0'

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