Ch.3 | Unknown Detective

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A man with grey hair and brown eyes sat down atop the tower of the castle that was known as Beacon Academy. He had shaded glass spectacles and a small, purple, cross-shaped pin on the cowl around his neck. His outfit mainly consisted of an unzipped black suit over a dark green, buttoned vest and green shirt. He also woreblack trouser shoes and long, dark-green pants.

He sat down in-front of another three holograms which had only a basic appearance.

"Can we really trust this so-called "Genius Detective" Ozpin?" One of the holograms asked the grey haired man who smiled. The voice was rigid and strict, although it hid a layer of warmth under it.

"Telling him about Salem, is that really that wise?" A softer voice asked, this time it hid a layer of fear and nervousness.

"Calm down Leonardo, James." Ozpin said, holding his cane with his right hand. He looked towards the third hologram and stared at it.

"What is your opinion on this Theodore?" He asked, making the hologram laugh.

"Are we really trusting a child with this responsibility Oz?" He asked, making the headmaster of Beacon Academy smile. The voice was stronger and deeper than the earlier two.

"I am afraid it is not a question of whether to tell him or not. It is a question of whether we tell him the full truth or not." He explained.

The three men gasped once they heard this.

"You've already told him?!" The rigid voice asked Ozpin.

"Oh, no I haven't. He discovered it all by himself. It was quite impressive really." He told the other three.

"Who is this child anyways?!" Theodore asked, making the headmaster sigh.

"That is completely unknown." He explained making the others quiet down.

"..." Nothing was said for a while as the other three headmasters processed what Ozpin had just told them.

"I see." Theodore said, drawing attention.

"Wouldn't it better to tell him then? If what you say is true, then he already knows the general idea and just needs the specifics no?" He said making the others ponder the idea.

"I-I don't think it's a good idea to bring children into this." Leonardo said over the hologram. Ozpin sighed and then looked at them.

"What do you think, Ironwood?" He asked the last to voice his opinion.

"I think we should tell him Oz. At this point there is nothing we can do about the information he has. Only to force him to keep quiet." He explained making the headmaster hum.

"I shall tell him then." He said making the other headmasters nod.


Pyrrha sat down in the cafeteria next to her friends. She smiled as she took the fork and knife to start eating. Nora was telling her tales while Ren corrected her, Jaune was talking to Ruby and Yang(who was teasing him). Weiss spoke with Blake as she just sat there eating.

"So Pyrrha, tell us a little about your friend" Nora asked. Pyrrha looked at her friend and swallowed the food in her mouth before answering.

"Well... He's very shy." She said thinking about what she could tell them about her childhood friend.

"Oh? Who are we talking about?" Yang interrupted drawing everyone's attention.

"Pyrrha has this friend she sneaks out every night to talk to!" Nora exaggerated making Pyrrha blush.

"I do not! I meet him before curfew and return just in time everyday!" She explained. The explanation didn't seem to erase Yang's shit eating grin however.

"Ohhhh, what kind of friend is he?" She asked in a teasing tone. Pyrrha simply sighed.

"He is a childhood friend." She explained making Yang raise one of her eyebrows.

"Suuuure." She said sarcastically and teasigly.

"So what kind of person is he?" Ruby asked.

"I bet he is a refined and gentle boy, with manners, who is both intelligent and strong." Weiss interrupted making Yang shake her head.

"No I bet it's a bad boy, who constantly gets into fights. A man who lives for the thrill!" Yang fantasised making everyone chip in.

"I bet he's a sugar-loving person who loves to bake and eat sweets!" Ruby said drooling from the corner of her mouth.

"Perhaps a faunus boy who is gentle and smooth. A person who makes love like a ninja" Blake whispered, making everyone look at her wide-eyed.

"Or maybe! He's an ALIEN!" Nora yelled making everyone forget about Blake's weird description.

"So which is it?" Weiss asked impatiently.

Pyrrha simply reflected about her friend and then sighed.

"He's a bit of all?" She questioned remembering her childhood friend and how he acts.

"What do you mean?" Weiss asked.

"Well he is very intelligent, he likes challenges, loves sweet things and when it comes to somethings he is very smooth. Although he is always bored..." She explained making everyone look at her intrigued.

"Is he also an Alien?!" Nora asked, making Pyrrha giggle.

"No Nora, he's not an Alien." She said as everyone laughed.

"So, what does he look like?" Yang asked, making Pyrrha freeze.

"Um..." Pyrrha hummed without knowing what to say.

"Wait... You don't know how he actually looks?" She asked, surprised.

"Of course she knows Yang! It's her childhood friend!" Ruby debated making Pyrrha deflate.

"Wait..." Weis said.

"YOU DON'T?!" Everyone yelled, drawing attention to them. Pyrrha looked down with a blush on her face.

"Well, he always hides his face..." Pyrrha defended herself making everyone listen closer.

"Like I said he is very shy..." Pyrrha said once again, making everyone look at her.

"Since when have you known him for?" Yang asked, slightly weirded out.

"Since I was five..." She answered, making WBY sigh in disappointed.

"Wait. He's not in beacon right?" Weiss questioned. Pyrrha nodded.

"So what does he do?" She questioned.

"Oh, he is a detective, a really good one at that." She told them with stars for eyes.

"I-I see..." Weiss answered while getting a picture in her head.

"A Detective! That's awesome!" Jaune exclaimed with excitement. Ren closed his eyes and nodded.

"Yes! He is brilliant, a genius!" Pyrrha told Jaune who was even more excited about meeting this "mystery friend".

"Why did he not come to Beacon if he is so smart?" Weiss questioned making Pyrrha sigh.

"He's... Just too shy." She tried to explain making Ren hum.


"Hmmmm" A boy could be seen in the dark. Shadows fell on his face, hiding his face. He was staring at a screen with several different papers.

"Salem..." He whispered to himself, the voice was monotone and flat, emotionless.

He turned around and walked to a desk filled with papers.

"Why does your name appear everywhere I look?" He questioned going to a chair and sitting down.

"Hmmm" He hummed in the dark as he looked at the several students coming from other kingdoms.

He stared at one application in specific.

"Guess I'll be seeing you sooner than I thought..." He said to himself.

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