Ch.7 | L

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A/n: This is my update for today and tomorrow, enjoy. Mock exams next week.

I do not own RWBY or any of the anime/manga references in this fan fiction! I only own the story and the OC's I might create for it


"So?" Ironwood asked as a hologram in Ozpin's office.

"Where is this Detective Ozpin?" He asked. Ozpin looked at the holograms in his office. He looked at the three holograms in front of him and couldn't help deliver a sigh.

"He is going to be here soon." Ozpin answered as the other holograms nodded.

"Is this child even that big of a deal?" Leonardo asked as his hologram touched his chin as if he had a beard.

"This child managed to solve a total of 105 cases alone for the police." Ozpin told the three holograms who stared at Ozpin through their holograms.

"105?!" Ironwood asked, impressed by the sheer number of cases.

The four said nothing for a long time, the detective didn't seem to want to show up.

"Is he coming?" Theodore asked impatiently as the hologram crossed his arms.

"Yes, I suppose he is a bit late." Ozpin realised looking at the clock on the other side of his room.

A knock came from the front door.

"That must be him." Leonardo said as Ozpin got up from his chair and went to the other side of the room to open the door. As he walked to the other side of the room he felt something was wrong. Opening the door he saw a man a little smaller than him enter the room. He was wearing a trench coat and a cloth mask covering his whole head along with a hat.

"Ozpin who is this?!" Ironwood asked as the man put a scroll on the table of the headmaster and then walked away from the room before closing the door behind him.

The scroll lit up, and from the headmaster's table came another hologram. This time it was an L, from the hologram came a distorted mechanical like voice.

"Hello, I am L." The voice said over the hologram.

The three holograms stared at the L hologram with different expressions but all felt the same thing, anger.

How could they trust someone who didn't show his face, nor his name.

"Hello, L." Ozpin said going back to his seat to listen to the conversation.

"Firstly I'd like to explain that-"

"Magic is real and that you gifted it to four different girls?" He questioned over the hologram.

"..." Everyone fell silent.


"How is not important. What is important, is catching this queen of grim no? Protect the four relics and in the end imprison the responsible party. To bring justice to the world and to Humanity." The voice said surprising many others.

"You may think I am young by my method of working out investigations, but experience is something which I do not need." He said as the other holograms listened to the boy talk.

"It is not your experience we are worried about!" Theodore yelled from his hologram as Ozpin watched.

"It is whether we can trust you, and frankly speaking, it is hard to trust you, without knowing what you look like or without knowing your name." Ironwood added.

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