Ch.12 | Apartment change

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I do not own RWBY or any of the anime/manga references in this fan fiction! I only own the story and the OC's I might create for it


It was another Monday and L sighed in his room. On top of his bed laid a trench-coat and a mask placed upside down on the bed.

He put his thumb on his lip while looking at a screen in-front of him, this time the screen had its volume up as L looked at the video inside.

"Oh, I misspelled Salami."

"What'd you say?!"

He repeated the video multiple times. The video only showed Cinder's torso and above, and he could not see her other friends or anything else other than Cinder.

The video solely focused on her, and although there were the sounds of the others talking they were not necessary for the brilliant detective.

"Hm" He hummed with his flat tone of voice.

'No matter how much I look at it, I always reach the same conclusion.' He thought while taking a piece of cake from the small table next to him and taking a bite out of it.

'I do not have enough proof to say she is in fact Salem's follower, but I can't help but feel like it is her.' He turned around and looked at the mask he had left on the bed earlier.

"Hmmm, let's revise the bug." He said pressing a button on the screen and getting on his usual sitting arrangement. He pressed a button next to the one he had just pressed which started glowing with the word "Record" on it.

"Cinder, you still haven't said what we are doing to the CCT tower." He heard a male voice over his screen.

"Oh, that is simple. We are using this device our clever tech expert gave us-" She said making L hum.

'Could that be a flash-drive? Or perhaps her scroll?' He deduced while closely listening to his screen.

L heard a knock on the door. L tensed up and rolled sideways so he was behind his bed.

"Hello! Room service" The voice said as Light took a gun from under his bed and put it on his pocket, due to his pockets being shallow the gun stuck out, leaving the handle outside for him to draw. Taking the mask on top of his bed and putting it on he slowly made his way to the door.

When he arrived he made sure to put his gun barrel against the peephole.

He looked at the desk next to the entrance and opened a small drawer. Inside said drawer was paper filled with numbers and names.

"State your name and ID number." The boy said in his usual monotone tone of voice.

"What?" The voice on the other side of the door asked as Light took the paper from inside the drawer.

"State your ID number and name." He repeated, reading the list with one hand and aiming his gun at the peephole with the other.

"Cmon man, I'm just doing my job!" The person on the other side of the door answered. Light stayed silent.

The boy sighed.

"Fine!" He sighed once again.

"Cyan Mitskay. Number J:1023348" He answered. Light checked through the list he had and took the gun off the peephole.

He unlocked the door, but still kept the gun ready just in case.

The door creaked as he slowly opened it to look at the employee.

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