Ch.14 | Childish and Hates to Lose

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A/n: I don't own any of the anime/manga/cartoon/songs/music references that might appear on this fic, all I own is the idea and the OC's I might use later on in the story.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.


"Would you like to go to the dance with me?" Pyrrha asked.

"Hmmm, I am assuming you know I won't be going without a mask." He started walking towards the living room. Pyrrha followed soon after.

Her eyes widened. The room had changed completely from before.

Previously it had two leather sofas chairs inside the room. The two sofas were placed next to each other with the chairs facing them, and with a small table in-between. There were several shelves of books and two file cabinets.

The shelves would be at the back of the room, next to the windows and would be filled with books, while the file cabinets were more to the front and next to the small kitchen(Something Pyrrha knew to be her friend's sweet tooth's fault.). There wasn't much furniture, just those small elements, other than that there was nothing else in the apartment other than a freezer and a bed.

However now, there was nothing inside the room. The file cabinets were nowhere to be found, and the bookshelves had disappeared, making the apartment feel almost... Empty.

"S-so you've already started to move?" She asked, making him nod.

"Indeed" He said looking around the house.

"But that is not important, what is important, is whether or not I have to wear a mask to the dance." His usual monotone voice didn't surprise Pyrrha, what did in fact surprise her was his answer.

"S-So, y-you are-"

"Yes, I suppose going outside once in a while is good for my health." He said looking at his friend.

"More like a requirement at this point." Pyrrha answered making her friend nod.

"And, yes, you can wear your mask to the dance." Pyrrha said, making the detective nod.

"Alright, then I suppose I will escort you." Light looked at Pyrrha and nodded.

"Yes, the party starts at 7, please be there in time." She said reaching for her backpack and searching inside it. Taking her hand off the bag she took a golden envelope and handed it to the detective, who took it by grabbing it from it's edges with both hands and looking at it.

"It's a formal invitation... So you can come to the party." She explained, making the boy nod and place the envelope carefully on the only piece of furniture left in the whole living room, a small wooden desk.

"You may be able to keep your mask on, but that doesn't mean you can come informally dressed!" Pyrrha put her hands on her hips and stared at her friend.

"You better bring something nice to the party, like a tuxedo or something else." She said. The boy nodded and then put a hand on his chin.

'How should I go about sneaking to the CCT tower?' He questioned, removing the first problem from the list.

'No, first I have to know what kind of virus they are implanting on the CCT.' He thought, humming.

'I would consider a bombing, but they clearly stated they have a small device an expert made, which decreases those chances... No, I can't be too risky, there is still a 30% chance they will blow up the tower to destroy all forms of communication with the outside world' He thought.

He turned to look at where Pyrrha was, but she was nowhere to be found. He carefully looked at the living room and saw a small note on the desk next to the envelope. Light carefully took the letter and put it in-front of him.

<You seemed lost in thought, so I left. See you on Sunday> He read quietly while staring at the piece of paper.

He placed the letter down and walked towards the entrance to his apartment. It was closed, but not locked. Locking the door with his key, the detective made his way towards his room, where he listened to the wires he had placed on the Girl from before.

He looked at several different papers on the floor of his room. Each were files containing the names of different teams participating in the tournament months from now. He searched them one by one until finding the team he was looking for.

"Cinder Fall... Compared to him... You are quite an easy case." He thought sighing, while listening to the wires.

'If they aren't bombing the CCT tower then I have six days to create an antivirus strong enough to detain the problem, if it is a bomb then the best way to deal with it would be to disarm it, if that isn't possible then move it to a safe location if possible.'

"Aren't we also being watched by this "L" detective guy?" The boy of the group asked, making Light smirk as he listened closer to their conversation.

"If he was that great of a detective, we would already been found out." Emerald said in a mocking tone.

"Yes, we would already be in jail if he is half as talented as they say he was." Cinder's voice was heard through, it was quite arrogant and an insulting tone.

"Well, I have found you, the problem is that arresting you won't help my case on Salem." L answered as if he was talking to them directly.

"In fact, capturing now may only serve as a way for you to gain more supporters, or a way for you to gain access to the prison database. It is quite dangerous to arrest you if I do not know your goals fully." He continued.

Taking a cookie on a small jar next to his bed, the detective ate one.

"Although I do have a theory as to what your intentions are." L took Cinder Fall's file and dropped it right in-front of him.

"You seem to be quite sadistic and arrogant." Light put his cake down and put both hands on his knees as he looked at the screen in-front of him. The replay of the days before was re-playing in it.

"Not to mention childish, I would say that your goal is to gain power, no matter the consequence, to win at all cost. Your attitude and character do seem to imply that at least." He said looking at the cake on the ground.

"I somewhat understand..." L took a piece of cake and took a bite.

"After all." He said turning off the television and going towards the other files on his desk.

"I am quite childish and hate to lose as well." He looked over her file and wrote down a few notes on it.

The notes read  <Childish, impulsive and competitive>

"As for how you plan to take down CCT, well it doesn't matter, I will prepare for it in any way possible" He said, heading towards his bed and taking a laptop from under it.

He opened it and inputted his password.

"I could inform the Headmasters... But at this point they would only get in the way of my investigation."

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