Ch.16 | The Second Detective

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A/n: I don't own any of the anime/manga/cartoon/songs/music references that might appear on this fic, all I own is the idea and the OC's I might use later on in the story.

I hope you enjoy the chapter.


"So did you manage to invite your creepy childhood friend?" Yang put her hand on Pyrrha's shoulder while grinning.

"Yes, as long as it's a masquerade party he will come." Pyrrha crossed her arms while looking away. Pyrrha stood in-front of the door of team RWBY's room as she talked with her friends.

"You better thank me like there's no tomorrow Pyrrha!" Yang said chuckling as she put an arm around Pyrrha's neck. She was smiling and laughing.

"Because convincing Weiss was nearly impossible, I had to sacrifice so much in the party so she would allow it." Yang pointed her index finger at Pyrrha while talking. Taking Yang's arm off her neck Pyrrha gave a polite bow.

"Sorry for all of the trouble." She said.

Yang simply shook her head.

"Not good enough." Pyrrha stopped bowing and looked at Yang in the eyes. She was grinning with her arms crossed, putting her weight on her left leg.

"How can I thank you then?" Pyrrha looked at Yang's eyes and froze up slightly.

'What's that weird glint in her eyes?' Pyrrha started and could not help thinking something bad was going to happen.

"I have to be the first you inform, when he asks you out on a date!" Yang smiled while looking at her friend, who could not help but deadpan at her reaction.

"What?" Yang asked, staring at the indifferent reaction her friend had on her face.

"You sound like my parents." She answered as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"I'll say this again," Pyrrha put her left hand on her temple and sighed, "I do not like Light romantically, neither does he like me ok? We are just childhood friends!"

Yang shook her head while shrugging her both shoulders.

"You are starting to sound an awful lot like Nora." She said, Pyrrha's eyes raised as she looked at Yang, searching for any logical explanation for the claim.


Light stood with his back against a gray wall. He was next to the CCT tower, leaning against the wall, while waiting for Ozpin to show up. He was wearing a skeleton mask while searching for something through his scroll.

He waited in that place for a few minutes, looking at the people passing by him and keeping a watch on the time as he waited for Ozpin's arrival. He continued to wait on the same spot for an hour, nothing had happened.

After a few more minutes of waiting Ozpin appeared at the CCT tower, followed by Ironwood.

They looked left and right in the middle of the small square in-front of the tower. L got a little bit closer from behind the two, trying not to arouse suspicion as he walked. The two headmasters simply stared at different people, trying to figure out who Coil might be, without much success.

Light tapped Ironwood's and Ozpin's shoulders at the same time and then took a step back as both drew their weapons.

"I feel hurt professor." Both the headmasters turned around, and saw a man wearing a skull mask. They both looked at the man with curiosity, but also suspicion.

"Sorry, we don't have time to talk to you, we are here on important business." Ironwood turned around once again and continued searching for the man.

"So, are you two now willing to pay?" Light smiled under his mask as both headmaster's froze. Ironwood turned around and looked at the boy in-front of him. He had red hair and from what he could see green eyes.

"Pay?" Ozpin questioned, looking at the boy in-front of him. He wore a suit consisting of a beige blazer and grey formal pants with a belt which had a silver buckle. His formal shoes were brown and he had a shoulder bag swinging from side to side as he held it on the joint of his arm.

"Well yes, off course, I am investigating L for you am I not?" Light questioned as he looked into the eyes of both headmasters.

"So this is Coil? The second best detective in the world?" Ironwood asked looking up and down at the boy.

"What? Are you too afraid to show us your face?" The general asked staring at the boy's skull mask,

"I am not afraid, simply cautious." He answered, his voice was monotone and flat.

"What is the point of us meeting then?" The general clenched his fists while looking at the boy in-front of him.

"Well, to show you that you can trust me." He said extending his arm towards the general and pointing at the gun sitting on his belt.

"I am a few feet in-front of you. There is a high chance I will die if you shoot me right now." The boy looked at both the headmasters in-front of him,

"Well, let's get to the chase." Ozpin looked at the boy and took a step forward.

"We will pay you the sum of money intended. I just need to know if you are able to do your job." Ozpin smiled as he saw the man he knew as Coil scratch the back of his head.

"Very well, what do you want me to do?" Light questioned staring at the two headmasters.

"I need information about L we are not aware of." Ozpin said as his smile turned into a grin.

"If you do that now, then I will hand over all of the money promised." He told Light who put a hand on his lip.

"Fine." The two headmasters looked at the man and awaited the information.

"L is living in a hotel in this city, did you know that?" He asked, the two headmasters looked at each other wide eyed.

"Are you certain?" Ozpin asked, making L nod.

"Yes, I know he is staying here to solve the case, I even know where he was last spotted." Coil said, smiling as the two headmasters looked at him and waited.

"..." Nothing was spoken between the three.

"Well? Where was he last?!" Ironwood asked. Coil simply took a few steps back.

"Well general, I guess you will have to pay to find out." Light slowly turned around and walked away.

"Ozpin, I will arrest him right now." Ironwood took out his handgun and aimed it at the red-haired boy who was leaving.

"No, if you do that he will not share his information." Ozpin calmed his fellow headmaster and smiled to himself.

"There is no need to rush things, Coil is an excellent and respected detective, I am sure he will keep his word." Ozpin said as both headmasters left the CCT tower square. 

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