Author's Note

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Hello, my name is... Well that's not important, just know that I am a writer who loves making stories and has a hyperactive imagination. I try to update everyday.

As per my wattpad name I will update late sometimes or most times depending on the time of the year.

Hopefully I am able to finish this story which I have planned. I do have the main events of this story all done, my writing problem are the small details which is one reasons I might not update one of the days.

I am writing to improve my writing,  storytelling skills and for fun. Go ahead and correct my grammer or something I might've gotten wrong in a story, I won't mind as long as you aren't an ass about it.

Don't be afraid to comment or ask me questions, as long as I can answer them comfortably or without telling any spoilers then I will try to answer to the best of my ability.

I will take suggestions on what stories to write, but beware that I will focus on this one primarily and will aim to finish it before starting a new one, if I can.

That is all, I hope you enjoy this fanfic. Remember that I do not own any of the anime/manga/animations/music/videos/cartoons that may appear in this fic, and I only own the idea of this story and possible OC I might use for it as well.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy this story.

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