Ch.10 | What is the best day to Attack?

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A/n: Yo! Most of my homework is done, so I decided to write a chapter! Hope you enjoy it. I do not own RWBY or any of the manga/anime/cartoon/songs/music in this fanific, just the idea of it itself, nothing more, nothing less.

Thank you TeenShallot for your feedback, I appriciate it. 

Hope you enjoy!


"Student ID and headmaster verification please." An Atlas soldier said to the black haired girl and her friends. The girl looked at the soldier and nodded. "Here it is officer" She said, taking the ID's off the mint haired girl, black haired girl and silver haired boy before handing him the four cards with their supposed ID in it.

The officer stared at her ID, looking at every date and at every code to check if it was false or forged. Not finding anything out of the ordinary he took the card and scanned the bar-code with his scroll. The scroll glew green with a check-mark on the center of the screen and the officer nodded. He gave back the girl's card and nodded.

"Here, welcome to Beacon." He said as the four passed by the soldier into a corridor. They were in the auditorium a few seconds ago and wanted to check in their temporary dorms.

"Sure don't feel very welcomed, and do they have to do that every time we go through that corridor?" The silver haired boy commented as the mint haired girl sighed and shook her head.

"Yes, it is quite a pain." The black haired girl said as they walked through the corridor to check out their dorms.

"Their security has increased since we staked the place out." The boy mentioned making the mint haired girl look at him.

"It'll be harder to do what we want now." He complained. The mint haired girl got tired of it and face palmed.

"Do you ever get tired of stating the obviou, Mercury?" She asked the boy who shrugged.

"Just stating the facts. No need to get so aggressive Emerald " He said as they walked through the corridors.

"It is a pain I agree." The amber eyed girl complained, the two which were complaining stopped and looked at the third girl who had black hair tied in twintails, the girl chuckled before smirking. She looked at the door in-front of her and put her ID over it. The four heard a clicking noise before all of them entered the room and closed the door behind them.

"Emerald, if you were so kind." Cinder said as the mentioned looked around the room in search for any kind of wire or camera while pretending to innocently be looking for something else.

"There's nothing here." Emerald said as the three nodded. The black haired girl sat down on one of the beds in the room and smirked.

"It might be a pain, but there is nothing they can do against us. After all, we have IDs given directly by Leonardo Lionheart" She took out the mentioned ID's and put them on the desk next to the bed she was sitting on.

"Yea, but still Cinder." Mercury opened one of the closets and saw several different suitcases.

"Oh look, they brought us our suitcases." Emerald said from the back of the room as she opened their suitcases to look at her outfits.

"Isn't it possible that with the whole upped security, that they find out about Leo?" He asked with a smile on his face as he walked to the bed to the other side of Cinder.

"That's not possible, because they aren't investigating a traitor, but someone infiltrating with some sort of forged or fake ID" Cinder had a huge grin in her face as she talked.

"No one will suspect us, ace students from Haven academy with IDs given to us by the headmaster himself." She said as Mercury laid down on the bed he had chosen as his.

"Worse comes to worse we can use a mix of Neo's and Emerald's illusions to get out." She said closing her eyes and smiling.

Neo who was the black haired girl with twintails, smiled and nodded.

"Yea, but how are we going to infiltrate the CCT tower if security is so tight?" Mercury asked while putting both his hands behind his head.

"Oh Mercury, that's the easy part." Cinder said with a smile on her face as she watched Emerald unpack their bags.

"You see, there is a night on the Vytal festival where all security will be short staffed. One day where the defences around the CCT tower will be lowered. " She explained making everyone in the room look at her.

"Which day?" Mercury asked, sitting himself up. Cinder just smirked.


"The day of the dance in Beacon..." Light said looking attentively at several papers with different locations written on them.

"If anyone were to attack... I'd be then." He thought out loud as he took a piece of candy and unwrapped it.

"If my deduction is correct, then either the one responsable for the white fangs attacks or the person infiltrated in beacon will sabotage the CCT tower during the dance." He deduced as he put the piece of candy in his mouth.

'If it is the white fang who are attacking the CCT tower, then they have bigger chances of stealing dust from Vale and other places in the world. Not to mention it would help with organised violent protests, without communication they could attack without anyone knowing' He thought, looking at a few files in-front of him.

'They are being helped by Roman Torchwick so that idea isn't entirely impossible.' He thought before looking at a picture of the CCT tower. It was a large tower-like structure.

'If it is Salem's informant, or the person infiltrated in beacon, then by taking down the CCT tower they could disrupt communications, and possibly take down beacon. I am not aware of Salem's full capabilities, but assuming that she can order grim at will, then it would not be farfetched to say that she could potentially swarm beacon or Vale with grim to kill Ozpin.' He deduced while looking at the picture.

'But for that plan to work, she'd need to make some sort of emotional trigger. Something that makes everyone feel negative emotions so that the grim can swarm the city. She may be able to order Grim, but I do not think she can fully control their actions, otherwise she would have organised attacks to disrupt the peace between grim and man.' He thought as he put a thumb to his lip.

"Both of them seem to gain advantages from this action. Will they act independently? Or can I assume that they are working together?" Light asked.

"I need more information to draw a definite conclusion." He said, humming as he stared at a screen in-front of him.

"But, the chances of this being true are over 40%. But even so, I feel like they are working together, or is it because I want for them to work together?" He said, taking a piece of candy from a bowl and eating it.

"No, that doesn't matter." He told himself in his usual monotone and flat tone.

"The priority is catching both, it doesn't matter whether they are working together or not right now. For now I need to go inside Beacon and investigate myself, if I want to find any answers." He thought before getting up and thinking about his next actions. He scratched his ankles with his foot and put his hand on the back of his neck.

"Could I go visit Pyrrha to get more information? No, she would suspect something." He thought out-loud while walking to the entrance of the room.

"In this case, I think it's better to tell her that I am investigating someone in beacon, and that she should stay quiet about this case because it could lead to my death if I fail. That would provide a reason to be there, and a reason for her to keep my investigation a secret." He thought 

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