1: Operation Fallen King

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11:43 PM

An early forties man going by Crow is in a submarine getting prepared to deploy as he tinkers with his air filter making sure it's on properly when his CIA handler going by Ursa approaches him.

Ursa: "we're five minutes out from the target, you ready to go? Cause this isn't your usual target." She says as Crow looks his suppressed M4A1 and while shaking his head from her asking.

Crow: "every target's just another target ma'am... Lars might be the most dangerous arms dealer in recent memory but it's nothing I can't handle." He states nonchalantly as he's geared up and settles into the diving propulsion vehicle.

Ursa: "get the job done." She says as Crow nods with little emotion as his diver propulsion vehicle is deployed as Crow breathes slowly staying calm as he can as he's not exactly an expert in maritime like operations but knows enough.

Crow: "thirty seconds out from destination... Depressurizing in twenty." He says into his comm as he does these exact things raising to the surface seeing the yacht lars is using. "Climbing onto the yacht now." He says climbing up the ladder on the side and slowly peaks over the edge seeing that it's mostly clear and quietly climbs onto the deck. He removes his air filter and tank while readying his suppressed M4A1 and 1911 TACOPS.

Crow scans his surroundings closely determining a best way of entry and notices that there's a storm coming in which causes him to smirk as he believes its perfect for this situation. He holsters his M4A1 opting for his 1911 TACOPS as he sneaks up on a guard wrapping his arm around the guard's neck with his pistol against his spine.

Guard (Danish): "who... The fuck are you!?" He barely gasps out as Crow shoots him two times in the spine as the guard goes limp.

Crow (Danish): "you don't get to ask questions." He growls quietly and dumps the dead guard overboard as he hears two guards around the corner as he waits for the perfect moment for thunder to come in and mask the sound of his suppressor. "Three, two, one..." He whispers to himself as thunder roars allowing him to shoot both guards in the head as they both fall to the ground seemingly dead.

Crow double taps each of them as he can never be too sure in this instance. Crow peaks into a room seeing more guards having the time of their lives. He looks up seeing a ladder as he slowly climbs up while holding his 1911 TACOPS but switches his suppressed M4A1 as a guard exits a room as thunder roars again as Crow shoots him in the head and catches him so that his body doesn't make noise. He enters the room seeing a guard napping heavily.

Crow swiftly stabs him through the back of his neck as he locks every except the one that leads outside as he slowly moves up the stairs seeing a 9×9 size bed seeing Lars sleeping. Crow approaches as he aims his suppressed 1911 TACOPS at his head who soon wakes up.

Crow (Danish): "hello Lars, I've heard much about you... All bad." As Lars tries making but Crow shoots him in the shoulder. "you know why I'm here?" He asks as Lars nods hearing this. "Then none of this should be a surprise." He says as Lars spits in his direction while holding his shot shoulder.

Lars (Danish): "who sent you hmm? CIA? MI6? Or FSB?" He asks with a glare.

Crow (Danish): "it doesn't matter, you've supplied terrorists which got you an ocean of blood on your hands well... Maybe half an ocean of blood... Either way nobody's gonna miss you when you're gone." He says as Lars sits up trying negotiate but Crow shoots him point blank in the head with no mercy at all. "Ursa, Lars is K.I.A, sending confirmation photos now." He says doing this but quickly turns hearing a voice behind him as he sees a young boy no older than 9.

Ursa (comm): "Crow? What's happening?" She asks noticing the silence.

Crow: "ma'am I got a young boy before me, Lars' son I reckon... Please advise." He says keeping his pistol trained on him as Ursa doesn't him.

Ursa (comm): "eliminate him." As Crow pardons her confused. "We can't have any witnesses Crow, the boy saw you so you gotta eliminate him... Don't let those morals get in the way."

Crow: "it's a fuckin kid." He says growls in his earpiece with anger.

Ursa (comm): "Crow you just killed the boy's father, there's a chance he grows up and causes more bloodshed than his father ever did and we can not take that chance." She says with irritation as Crow stares at the young boy as he decides to turn off his comm.

Crow (Danish): "you got family that'll take care of you?" He asks slowly holstering his 1911 TACOPS as the boy slowly nods. "Okay... I'm gonna go now." He says slowly leaving while facing the boy but is shot in the side as he quickly turns and kills who shot him as he realizes he's been compromised. He quickly rushes to the front of the yacht equipping his scuba gear and dives into the water and takes the scuba propulsion vehicle but is headed in the opposite direction of where the submarine is. "Can't go back, not after that." He says to himself and keeps going for a couple hours but his gunshot wound in the side is affecting him severely and the cold water isn't helping at all.

Crow: "must... Keep... Going." He says faintly and soon passes out and resurfaces when a small ship comes around and finds him. Meanwhile at the Rainbow base in Greece, one of it's operators going by Nøkk is in the middle of target practice nailing every single target in the head with expertise.

Maverick: "what'd the targets ever do to you?" He asks trying to be witty but Nøkk shakes her head as she's not one for comedy.

Nøkk: "they're targets, it's what they're designed for Thorn." She says bluntly while setting her desert eagle down. "There something you need?" She asks while adjusting her hood.

Maverick: "briefings in five mikes." He says directly as Nøkk acknowledges this and quickly puts her gear away and heads to the briefing being one of the last ones to arrive as she leans herself against a wall as operators Maverick, Finka, Kali and Ace are there.

Nøkk (mind): "Kali and Ace... Great." She thinks to herself as tensions are high between NIGHTHAVEN's operators and Rainbow's operators given what happened during the tournament but Zero gets their attention.

Zero: "I'll get straight to the point, Danish officials have reported suspicious activity of White Masks in a small town called Ulfborg, they could be trying to start up a small cell but we're not gonna let that happen." He says as a map of Ulfborg shows up. "Specialist Nøkk will be charge of this operation as she knows the area and can interact with it's residents no problem" He says as Ace butts in.

Ace: "I technically could as well, Norwegian and Danish are not that different." As Maverick scoffs hearing this.

Maverick: "yeah but Nøkk won't come off as a pompous ass... Unlike a Norwegian we all know and love/hate but mostly hate." He jokes as Ace is not at all amused.

Kali: "enough Ace, Nøkk is actually the better choice." She says as Zero dismisses them.

Nøkk: "was that really necessary Thorn, tensions are high enough between us and NIGHTHAVEN."

Maverick: "fair enough, though a currently missing in action friend of mine would've gone further than just insulting him." He admits as Nøkk just remains not caring that much.

Author's note: Hey just to clarify some things, (example) is when a character is speaking a different language or speaking in their mind, I'll be sure to clarify but I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of my first book on here.

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