11: A chat

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A few hours have passed Scott and the others captured Russo and now Leland is driving them to the location where he'll be meeting up with Ursa.

Leland: "we're getting close but are you okay Scott? You were really rough with Russo." As Scott scoffs saying that was the least he could do. "Maybe but that's not you." He retorts as Scott shakes his head.

Scott: "is that so?" He asks becoming more annoyed. "What do you want from me Leland, what would you do if you were betrayed?" He asks as Leland somewhat glances over.

Leland: "I don't know, but I certainly wouldn't let it change me." He says as Scott has a cold rebuttal to this.

Scott: "Easy for you to say when you're not the one who was betrayed." He says as Leland sighs heavily but parks the vehicle.

Leland: "stay here till I signal for you." He says getting out and pulls Russo out dragging him along.

Ursa: "ah Leland I see the op was a success, I guess I had nothing to worry about with you selecting the Marine Raiders." She says as one of her guys takes Russo away.

Leland: "wasn't just the marines." He says signaling for Scott to come out as he does so approaching but Ursa's guards aim their weapons at him.

Scott: "quite a warm welcome." He says as Ursa chuckles somewhat.

Ursa: "ah Leland should've known your conscious would get the better of you." She says as if she's amused by this.

Leland: "I figured we'd owe him that much Janette." He says as Janette looks towards Scott who is somewhat glaring with Janette signaling her guards to stand down.

Janette: "what do you want Scott?" She asks calmly as Scott gets straight to the point.

Scott: "an explanation, you immediately listing me as a traitor just cause I couldn't shoot a kid? The hell is up with that?"

Janette: "you didn't follow orders Scott, you know how the CIA is... You don't join this organization if you aren't willing to get your hands dirty, you know that better than anyone." She says as Scott shakes his head.

Scott: "sure I've gotten my hands dirty but I never once had to kill a kid." He says as Janette sighs heavily.

Janette: "yeah and that kid you spared? He had all of his father's guards killed shortly after you left." As this comes as a surprise to Scott as Leland looks away knowing this will hurt Scott. "Believe me I don't think kids should die either but if they're clearly gonna be like their terrible parental figures? Then we're doing a world a service making sure more like them aren't around."

Scott: "you honestly hear yourself? The CIA has programs to help kids like that!" He barks back getting more irritated by the second.

Janette: "what's that saying? If you don't kill then your soul's in the clear? That kid had 15 men killed all cause you couldn't put aside your own morals." She says as Scott closes his fists angered by this.

Leland: "Janette." He says looking over as Janette sighs somewhat realizing that this is only getting worse.

Janette: "look Scott, I understand why you couldn't do it and maybe I overreacted... What can I do to make up for it?" She asks as Scott turns away.

Scott: "there's very little but... I'd like for you to drop the traitor charges against me, do that? And I'll officially represent the CIA SAD at rainbow." He says turning to her as Janette looks at Leland who nods.

Janette: "that's more than fair, but if you don't mind I'd like for Leland and his buddy Skinwalker to join as well." She says as Scott crosses his arms for a moment.

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