14: Normality

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7:11 AM

Scott is resting rather peacefully as Nøkk is watching him sleep finding it amusing but he begins shifting uneasily like he's having a nightmare. Nøkk gets on top trying to calm him down as Scott snaps awake breathing heavily.

Nøkk: "that's a first, you okay?" She asks with concern as Scott remembers his dream. It was about Nøkk and him being happy but it quickly turned to a nightmare with Nøkk being murdered.

Scott: "no... Had a nightmare about you dying, now that's gonna haunt me for life." Scott says laying back but he soon sees Nøkk looking down at him and is inches away.

Nøkk: "it was just a nightmare alright? It wasn't real." She says gently caressing his cheek as Scott touches her hand.

Scott: "I know, just something I'm gonna have to get used to." He says as Nøkk kisses him while removing herself from his lap and stands in the doorway of the bathroom.

Nøkk: "you coming or no?" She asks rather bluntly as Scott follows her inside as they're taking a shower together as Scott stares at her back seeing scars but finds one on her neck.

Scott: "what's the story behind this one?" He asks touching the scar as it looks like it hurt when it occurred as Nøkk winces somewhat. "You alright?" Scott asks removing his hand as Nøkk turns to him.

Nøkk: "you're fine, that scar in particularly wasn't fun." Nøkk says guiding Scott's hand to the back of her neck touching the scar again as Scott is being more gentle. "Must've been Iraq if I remember correctly, my team and I were finishing up our routine and that's when a large group of Taliban attacked, RPG flipped the vehicle and a piece of glass was sticking out of my neck." Nøkk explains as that made Scott uneasy just hearing that.

Scott: "you're a tough one, more than some rangers I've met." He says as Nøkk finds this flattering but Scott gently turns her around and kisses the scar on her neck surprising her.

Nøkk: "oh. Well aren't you a sweetheart?" She asks turning around and kisses him. "If we didn't have training today I would definitely take it further than that." Nøkk says alluringly as Scott is speechless by how forward that was as Nøkk at first sight wouldn't give that impression.

They eventually finish with their shower and head to the mess hall seated by themselves like a couple would as Scott sees Jordan, Jack and Miles all giving him a slow nod of approval.

Scott (mind): "I swear to God." He thinks to himself but focuses on his food finishing it. "So Karina... Do I need to worry about gaining your parent's approval?" He asks just wondering out of curiosity.

Nøkk: "no cause if they don't I'm not changing my mind." She says as Scott can't help but feel flattered by her commitment. "What about your side of the family?" She asks feeling it's only fair.

Scott: "most you'll have to deal with is the constant questions like if you have a good job or if there's plans to eventually kids... Mostly from my mom, dad couldn't care less." He says bluntly as Nøkk raises her brow wanting an explanation. "My dad served in the Vietnam war as a combat medic, arguably the most strenuous role to have in that time and he lost most of his boot camp buddies so he doesn't find much point in asking about my life, not to say he doesn't care for me cause he does." He says as Nøkk acknowledges this understanding.

Nøkk: "I can't imagine he was pleased with you joining the Army." She says as Scott chuckles a bit.

Scott: "he just give me the advice that I should never get attached to anyone in that life... And I broke that four times over." He says looking her in the eyes as Nøkk has a good idea of who they are.

Nøkk: "that makes sense, given how you are." She says somewhat teasing as Scott shakes his head turning her with his body facing her.

Scott: "and there you go." He says playing along as they notice Leland approaching who asks if he can sit here. "Leland you're almost forty, you don't need to ask like a preschooler." He says chuckling a bit as Leland sits down.

Leland: "I was being polite." He says as Scott shakes his head but with amusement. "but Ursa hasn't wasted time giving rainbow some Intel, you're welcome to it if you want." He says trying to hook Scott with it.

Scott: "uh-huh and?" He asks as Leland responds that he figured he'd be curious. "For the moment I'm not working and I rather spend that free time in peace." Scott says as Nøkk feels Scott's hand touch her waist.

Leland: "okay I'll drop it, so... You two huh?" He asks noticing the way they're acting as Scott asks what of it. "I'm just surprised is all, I would've thought you'd be interested in redheads." He says as Scott knows who he's talking about.

Scott: "I mean they have their place somewhere, but that's your dream woman... Red as a hot passionate sun." He says snickering as Leland headbutts the table.

Nøkk: "what?" She asks baffled and confused by what Scotty just said.

Scott: "Delta Force and the Green berets had a joint training op a few years ago, it's how Leland and I met... Leland you were like what? 23?" He asks wanting clarification as Leland nods in confirmation. "Anyhow in my unit there was this redhead who was both stunning and could kick serious ass, Leland here grew a crush on her but the thing was she was into romantic poetry." He says as Nøkk slowly realizes where this is going. "So Leland here wrote a very cringe worthy confession trying to sound poetic." He says chuckling to himself as Leland scoffs.

Leland: "it's not like you're a poet." He says resting his hand under his chin.

Scott: "oh but I am one." He says as Leland raises his brow both curious and scared to hear what he finds poetic. "Leland, Leland, what a prick." He says as Nøkk finds this hilarious but Leland facepalms.

Leland: "that was hardly a limerick." He says when Nøkk chimes in.

Nøkk: "shut up it was funny." She says as Leland chuckles as that kinda caught him off guard. "Anyway we got training, come on." Nøkk says pulling Scott along as Leland chuckles seeing Scott get bossed around by his girl.

Crow gets geared up with Nøkk, Loki, Skinwalker and Seraphim as his teammates for today's exercise. The defending team consists of Pulse, Mira, Castle, Valkyrie, and Warden.

Seraphim: "so you and the old man huh?" She directs to Nøkk who looks over.

Nøkk: "jealous?" She asks as Seraphim scoffs shaking her head.

Seraphim: "Nah I'm just surprised is all, then again I don't know how old you are so he's probably around your age." She says subtly implying to Nøkk that she's old which she finds amusing.

Nøkk: "a reasonable assumption but no, I'm actually about ten years younger than him." She says as Seraphim looks in bewilderment asking that she's not bothered by that. "We're both consenting adults Farah, it's not like I'm seventeen." Nøkk says as Seraphim sees her point.

Seraphim: "sorry just with the way I was raised, I always figured people tried dating closer to their age." She says as Nøkk can understand that. Loki meanwhile is standing next to Skinwalker catching him looking at Mira.

Loki: "not even a month and already eying someone up?" He asks teasing him but Skinwalker elbows his side.

Skinwalker: "you can't blame me for looking at a fine latina Leland." He retorts as Loki rolls his eyes. "And besides, I'm kinda interested in dating as my daughter insists I shouldn't be lonely." He says as Loki glances over.

Loki: "you hoping she can fill that motherly role for Doli?" He asks genuinely curious.

Skinwalker: "no her mother treats her well, I guess I'm just tired of being lonely." He says as Crow gets their attention.

Crow: "hey focus, don't think with your... You know what." He says as Skinwalker assures him that he'll be fine. *Literally two minutes later.* "Goddamn it man! Why'd you have to simp!?" Crow rants in annoyance.

Skinwalker: "uh... She's latina?" He asks as Crow playfully smacks him in the back of his head as Crow feels as though he's part of a family as he doesn't understand why he feels this way but has a feeling it's because of Nøkk.

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