4: Ignited Rivalry

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Scott over the past few days has been getting himself adjusted to the new environment as it's been smooth thanks to some of the people he already knows such as Maverick, Thermite, and Ash. He's currently in the Research and Development center working on his gadget as he's putting the finishing touches on it.

Scott: "alright Alvarez! Testing." He says activating his drone based gadget as Mira checks the camera seeing that Scott and his drone are invisible to the camera.

Mira: "works like a charm, you must really know your way around this kind of thing." She says as Scott nods retorting he did a major in technology when he was university. "Right, you can go on now, I'll make sure your baby doesn't get hurt." She jokes as Scott rolls his eyes but with amusement taking his leave.

Eliza: "finally finished your gadget I see?" She asks while walking with him.

Scott: "hey I'm old, cut me some slack." As Eliza scoffs and retorts.

Eliza: "I will not, you may be in your forties but you're still in excellent shape and reasonably intelligent." As Scott looks over noting how she said excellent shape and begins teasing her about it. "your mind much like Jordan just goes straight into the gutter." She says shaking her head trying to play it off.

Scott: "whatever you say perv." He says with a shit eating grin as Eliza hits him in the side. "Ow... Still have that killer right hook I see?" He asks as Eliza smirks softly.

Eliza: "learned it from the best." She says as they see the rest of the FBI SWAT operators playing poker. "You guys better not be playing strip poker." She says while crossing her arms.

Jack: "nah cause if I was, Yumi would kill me, you interested in playing Scotty boy?" He asks as Scott shakes his head saying he doesn't exactly have his wallet.

Scott: "and probably a good thing I don't have it, cause I'd wipe the floor with ya guys." As Jack and Miles doubt this.

Jordan: "he's... Actually correct in that, he's got a mean pokerface." As Scott hears his and other operators called for training. "Give em hell Scotty." He says as Scott nods walking away.

Scott: "won't know what hit em." He says arriving at his armory and opts for his SOCOM 16 DMR equipped a 2.5x scope, vertical grip and suppressor. As his sidearm, it's his trusty 1911 TACOPS as there's no other pistol he would prefer using, he gets equipped in his uniform and heads out to stadium meeting his other teammates of Hibana, Ace, Thatcher, and Nøkk.

Hibana: "hello Crow, I'm Yumiko Imagawa codename Hibana." As Crow nods and gives a slight bow in respect. "Ace and Nøkk you're somewhat familiar, grumpy over there is Mike Baker or Thatcher." She says as Crow raises his brow.

Crow: "Thatcher? Like Margaret Thatcher?" He asks curiously as Hibana nods. "Interesting I'm guessing you're leading?" He asks as Hibana asks what makes him say that. "I mean you got that leadership vibe all over you." He admits honestly as Hibana acknowledges the statement.

Hibana: "I see but to answer your question yes I'm team captain, can you follow?"

Crow: "shouldn't be an issue." He says sitting next to Nøkk. "Surprised you're here, given you had a mission days ago." He says as Nøkk as Crow can't read her face due to the veil.

Nøkk: "well the only physically taxing part of that mission was carrying you." She says bluntly as Crow is taken aback by that.

Crow: "why do I get the feeling you got a rebuttal for everything?" He asks both impressed but somewhat nervous as he's not used to that.

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