25: Captured

182 9 1

March 8th 2021
8:21 PM

On a road that leads to New Orleans, Nøkk is leaning against the hood of the car looking at the city in the distance.

Nøkk: "So that's New Orleans, it's about what I expected with all the lights and noise." She states while Scott is looking over a map and his phone trying to determine where cartel operations would be taking place.

Scott: "There's a bit more too it than that... Say if you were tasked with taking down drug cartel operations, where would you look?" He questions.

Nøkk turns to him and gets in front of him while looking at the map feeling Scott rest his chin on her shoulder.

Nøkk: "hmm... Ports are a definite, especially with the bodies of water only question is which one?" She asks with Scott humming in agreement.

Scott: "We can split up and search each port, if we happen to find cartel members? Then we'll search the surrounding area for Rose and hopefully find her... She typically works alone so we shouldn't expect trouble." He replies but Nøkk turns to him.

Nøkk: "Not sure I like leaving you by yourself with your back problems."

Scott sighs somewhat figuring this would come up.

Scott: "I'll be careful Karina, Rose won't find me." He replies seeing Nøkk look away and sigh.

Nøkk: "I just don't want this to turn into a shit show Scotty, for both our sakes."

Scott: "I know Karina." As he kisses the back of her neck hoping it'll convince her.

Nøkk: "Okay we'll split up but I'm placing a tracking device on you, that way if you don't respond? I'll know where to find you." She says bluntly and placing a device in one of Scott's pockets.

Scott drives them into New Orleans as Nøkk looks at the bright lights and festivities, hearing the music outside.

Nøkk: "So... What's the occasion?"

Scott: "I couldn't tell you, I've only been here briefly, very briefly." He replies driving further till he looks at the location seeing that they're near one of the ports. "Alright I'll search this one, take the car and search the other one."

Nøkk: "Stay safe Scotty." As she kisses him goodbye and eventually drives off.

Scott walks the streets of New Orleans as casually and naturally as possible while adjusting his cap. He crosses the street and begins making his way towards the port and sees the entrance to it.

Scott doesn't find any guards but isn't gonna take any chances deciding to climb over the fence and lands next to some shipping containers. He lifts his facemask up and gets himself against one of the containers.

Scott looks around the corner finding no one so he moves up slowly and cautiously. Scott arrives at the end of the shipping container and has a better view of the port but doesn't find any workers or those who could pose as workers.

Scott: "They probably took the night off, but they wouldn't leave the place abandoned... And Rose knows that." He mutters to himself moving up towards a stack of metal bars and leans against them feeling the cold steel against him.

Scott looks the corner and sees a worker approaching as he quickly moves his head back behind cover but begins to back up to the other side of the metal bars.

Scott gets out of sight with the worker coming around the corner just as he did this. Scott lowers the volume of his breathing and waits patiently for the worker to leave.

Scott hears the worker complain about having to work on what was supposed to be his day off. Scott shakes his head though feels bad a little. the worker eventually leaves the stacked metal bars.

Scott continues his search of the perimeter of the port hoping to find any indication that Rose was here. Scott eventually arrives at a crane when he steps on something that feels off.

Scott looks below finding a phone. He removes his foot kneeling down and begins to examine the phone as there's nothing particularly special.

Scott opens the phone and is met with a bizarre message without context.

Message: "I see you."

Scott turns and is met with a butt stock hitting him in the face and knocking him out.

*Some time passes.*

Scott slowly comes to his senses and his vision clears seeing that he's in a shipping container while restrained to a chair. He soon curses to himself.

???: "Hi Scott, how's the head?" A feminine voice questions with Scott raising his head to face her.

Scott: "Splendid minus the headache Rose."

Rose: "hmph well that's a price to pay when you're sneaking around a CIA op unannounced... I heard you retired." She states.

Scott: "You heard right."

Rose: "Then what are you doing here?" She questions but earns no response and gives him a stiff backhand in return. "You're definitely hiding something, I bet you had something to do with Andrew and Foster being attacked and losing their memories."

Scott: "I have no idea what you're talking about." As Rose grabs his face and smirks somewhat.

Rose: "You wanna play tough? Fine... I don't getting my hands dirty if it means getting you to talk." She says hitting him across the face again.

Scott looks on with a glare and hopes Nøkk gets here and soon.

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