26: Phantom's Rage

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Meanwhile at the other port, Nøkk is watching it from a distance with binoculars but there's nothing to suggest Rose or that anything is going on here.

Nøkk: "May as well call Scott." She says calling him and waits about ten seconds but is surprised that Scott hasn't picked up, since he's usually pretty quick.

Meanwhile at the shipping container, Scott is whacked across the face by Rose whose hands are gloved.

Rose: "You ready to talk yet?"

Scott spits at her which only hits her shoe as she lands another strike to his face.

Meanwhile Nøkk is still trying to call him as she's done this at least five times in the last ten minutes.

Nøkk: "Come on Scott, pick up the phone." She sighs out but once ringtone goes to voicemail, Nøkk hangs up. "okay time to find you." She says opening an app that's tracking the device she put on Scott. "Alright."

*Thirteen minutes later.*

Scott is sitting in the chair bloodied and bruised but is still conscious as Rose is standing before with her gloves having blood on them.

Rose: "Come on Scotty just tell me what you've been doing these last few weeks and I'll let you go, simple." She says sitting before Scott who stares at her.

Scott: "Nothing's ever that simple, especially with you and your... Tactics, but if you must know? I'm on a road trip."

Rose: "That right? So you go on this road trip at the time Andrew and Foster get attacked... You never were a very good liar Scott." She says shaking her head.

Scott: "A better killer than anything but I can promise this, you're not gonna remember any of this." Which baffles Rose since she didn't expect that of all things.

Rose: "You're seriously threatening to kill me while strapped to the chair the way you are?" She questions.

Scott: "I never said I'd kill you or do it myself." He says hoping Nøkk will arrive here soon.

Meanwhile one of the operatives for Rose is out on patrol but sees a pistol on the ground but recognizes it since it belongs to one of the other operatives.

Operative: "Felton! You get drunk again? You know Rose hates that shit." He says walking around while holding the pistol. "Felton come on man, just come out."

The operative shakes his head at the fact he's on a goose chase for Felton. He walks around the port looking for Felton which annoys him greatly but he sees Felton knocked out and leaning against the fence.

The operative runs up to Felton who's out cold and tries shaking him awake but he grabs his radio to report a possible perimeter breach. His mouth is covered and pulled away while dropping his radio.

Back in the shipping container, Rose is continuing to question Scott but her radio goes.

Rose: "What is it?"

Nøkk: "I'm coming for you." Which alerts Rose while Scott holds in his chuckle.

Rose: "Who the hell is this?" She questions but gets no response. "Fuck... Everyone there's been a perimeter breach, lock down the ship and let the bitch come to you." She orders.

Scott: "It's not a gonna matter." He states knowing what Nøkk is capable of.

A pair of operatives are have their pistols out standing by the bridge that leads to the ship while other operatives are on the ship holding assault rifles.

Nøkk sees this and knows coming in the front is a death sentence. Nøkk moves around the side and carefully gets in the water and begins swimming towards the ship.

Nøkk finds the chain to the anchor, she grabs onto it and begins climbing up the chain as carefully as possible. She eventually gets on the ship finding herself at the back of it.

Nøkk: "Hang on Scotty I'm coming..." She states pressing down on a detonator.

The operatives are surprised when a succession of explosions go off before them.

Rose: "The hell was that?" She directs to her operatives via the com.

Operative: "Whole courtyard just went up in flames... No sign of the intruder." He says as keeping his eyes on the area before him but he's suddenly pulled in with his mouth covered and is injected with something as he soon passes out.

One of the operatives notices their friend is missing which makes them alert and begin searching around the ship staying together. They eventually find their friend passed out.

Operative: "ma'am this is Cooks, be advised there is a perimeter breach on the ship, I repeat there is a- shit!" Finding a flashbang rolling up to him and blinds everyone there.

One of the operatives keeps their eyes closed as he can't hear anything but his friends meanwhile are being knocked out in quick succession.

The operative's vision clears to see his friends knocked out all around him.

Operative: "What the hell?" He asks soon yelping out from somebody applying a choke hold to him.

Rose meanwhile is in the shipping container waiting for a response from her men.

Rose: "This a friend of yours or something? Hm? I'm almost surprised." She says as Scott looks up at her.

Scott: "Just cause I didn't like spending time with you assholes doesn't mean I hate people." He retorts as Rose scoffs lightly at this statement.

Rose: "Well then I guess that means whoever is here will want to save your life correct?" She asks rhetorically earning no response from Scott.

Soon there is a knock on the door of the shipping container as Rose cautiously gets behind Scott to use a meat shield.

Rose: "Who's there?" She questions when the doors open but doesn't see anyone.

Nøkk: "let him go, unless you wanna be crippled for life." She threatens calmly with her suppressed Five-Seven in her hands.

Rose: "And here I was expecting Leland to be here... I'll let Scotty go once Janette hears of this." She replies as Nøkk shakes her head hearing this.

Nøkk: "You won't get the chance bitch." She growls out tempted to peak but is worried about Scott.

Scott sits in the chair trying to think of a solution that'll give Nøkk an opportunity to get in and restrain Rose.

Rose: "Let me go with Scott and I'll be sure to send him back, one piece is debatable but that's the best you're gonna get." She says as Nøkk sighs to herself but gets an idea.

Scott sits in the chair knowing the gun is pointing at him as the next minute is dreadful from the waiting around and uncertainty. Rose hears a fuse burning away when the wall of the shipping container behind her blows up.

Rose turns pointing her pistol at the breach but feels a pistol pressed against her back.

Nøkk: "Drop it." She orders as Rose follows her orders and is knocked out soon after.

Scott: "Thanks." He says in relief as Nøkk cuts him free and gives him a kiss.

Nøkk: "I figured I'd have to save your ass." She teases as Scott gets up from the chair.

Scott: "Yeah but the soldiers are gonna tell Janette that it's me that's been attacking." He replies.

Nøkk: "About that, I used the memory wipe on them." She says as Scott's eyes widen a bit. "Don't worry there's still some left."

Scott: "Alright... Let's tie up Rose and get the hell out of here." He says as Nøkk is in agreement.

They take the knocked out Rose to the truck and quickly drive before authorities could arrive.

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