10: Rome II

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Scott is currently in the passenger looking out the window as Leland is driving and tries thinking of a way to make conversation which Scott immediately recognizes.

Scott: "it doesn't matter what the subject is Leland, I'm still not gonna be nice to you." He says as Leland sighs slightly. "So why are Marine Raiders on this op?" He asks curiously as this seems like something Delta or Seals would handle as Leland keeps his eyes on the road.

Leland: "I handpicked them for this op, those boys need some good credit every once in a while plus I know the guy who's charge of the unit I selected, Jacob Tyler ring any bells?" He asks as Scott's brows furrow as he actually recognizes the name.

Scott: "didn't he make you the godfather for his daughter or some shit?" He asks curiously as Leland nods. "Hmph must be nice being trusted like that." He says unintentionally sounding bitter.

Leland: "I had my orders Scott." As Scott shakes his head having an easy rebuttal for this.

Scott: "doesn't mean they were good orders." He says as Leland just decides to shut up and sees Eliza and Nøkk minding themselves.

Leland: "so Eliza Cohen, I understand you recruited Flores into rainbow. Personally I wished he stayed out of the life but can't always get what we want, I only hope you know what you're doing." He says as Eliza glances questioning how he knows about Flores. "CIA assigned me to watch him during his time in Argentina, I would've recruited but you got there first." He says as Eliza nods acknowledging his statement as Leland then diverts his attention to Nøkk. "Can't say I know anything of you." He says bluntly as Nøkk simply hmphs at this.

Scott: "she doesn't talk much." He points out as Leland shakes his head having a joke in.

Leland: "Gee I wonder who that reminds me of." He says as Scott looks over in annoyance not finding that to be amusing.

Scott: "better than being a blabbermouth." He retorts as Eliza and Nøkk look amongst themselves finding that their insults to be very specific... Way too specific.

Leland: "we're here." He says parking the vehicle as Leland exits whilst grabbing his bag. "And I know you don't have the best history with Marines but please don't be an asshole."

Scott: "that'll depend on them." He responds as they head to the hideout and see some of the Marines messing around lightly wrestling as the Marines watching are treating this like a football game. "Knew I should've brought earplugs." He thinks to himself as Leland leads them to Jacob Tyler codename Skinwalker who's busy talking with what looks a new member of this unit.

Jacob: "so you wanted this thing integrally suppressed? Then why the confederate flag flying fuck does it look like a cheese grater Greenfield?" He questions as Leland motions for the three to wait wanting to see how this goes.

Greenfield: "isn't that what you're supposed to do?" He asks as Crow, Nøkk and Ash look at each other in disbelief.

Jacob: "no! I mean yes but it requires you to be more deliberate and careful plus why do you want an integrally suppressed M4A1? You're using standard 5.56 rounds not 300. Blackout." He says as Greenfield scratches the back of his head embarrassed.

Greenfield: "I thought it'd be cool." As Jacob sighs somewhat and looks over the M4A1.

Jacob: "300 Blackout, 5.56, 7.62? They all have their uses but a weapon is still a weapon that's only deadly if the user truly understands the ins and outs... You understand?" He asks holding out the M4A1 as Greenfield nods taking it. "Just... Don't fuck with it without gaining approval from me first alright?" He asks as Greenfield nods understanding as Jacob motions him to go.

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