2: Crow's Old Pals

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10:13 AM

Crow is laying in a bed calmly as he opens his eyes looking around with his light brown eyes seeing that he's on a bed and that he's shirtless with a bandage on his side.

Crow (mind): "well aren't I lucky?" He asks himself while getting up and holds his side in pain. "Shit... That bullet really got me." He quietly says to himself and hears the door opening as a young woman in her early 20's enters but stops seeing him up and about. "Uh... Where am I?" He asks as the woman rushes out of the room but returns with an older man who has a nametag saying Noah.

Noah: "put some clothes on American, then we'll talk." He says grizzled as the woman hands him a pair of fresh clothes and gives a soft smile but leaves with her father.

Crow: "okay then..." He says not thrilled as he puts on some dark collared jeans, a black shirt and grey jacket over it. He exits into the living as Noah signals him to sit. "How'd you know I was American?" He asks while sitting.

Noah: "well for one you got the boring american accent and two? Your gear had an american flag on them, so what happened? An operation go to shit?" He asks jokingly as Crow scoffs saying that'd be putting it mildly. "What's your name?"

Crow: "Scott Branwen though Crow works just fine." As Noah strokes his grey facial hair.

Noah: "well... Crow I'm not gonna ask for specifics as you'd get in trouble for that so I'd like ya to leave as soon as you're able." As Crow nods understanding why when there's a knock on the door. Noah's daughter opens it as Crow's eyes widen seeing who it is.

???: "Ah Crow, just the man I was looking for, we gotta talk." He says gazing with his hazel eyes and moves his blonde hair out of his face as Crow approaches pushes him outside as they're out in the front.

Crow: "the hell are you doing here Loki?" As Loki scoffs at the fact he even has to say it.

Loki: "ain't it obvious Crow? You disobeyed a direct order and then run off... That's desertion Crow, that shit's serious and I gotta bring you back." He says circling him like a predator. "The question is... Are you gonna come quietly or are you gonna be problematic?" He says pulling out a syringe as Crow sighs heavily.

Crow: "walk away Loki, you do not want me as your opponent." He says turning to him as Loki sighs

Loki: "problematic it is then." He says trying to inject him with the syringe but Crow catches his wrist and knees him in the side as Loki backs up but once tries to inject Crow with the syringe but he eventually knocks it out of his hands and decks him in the cheek.

Crow: "don't escalate this any further Lee." He says as Loki quickly punches him in the side as Crow backs away in pain holding his side.

Loki: "I'm not the one disobeying orders Scott, this is all on you." He says stiffly hitting him in the face twice but Crow counters a punch with a quick headbutt temporarily stunning Loki as he lifts him up and slams him into the ground and begins slamming his elbow against Loki who keeps his arms up.

Loki catches his arm and tries applying an armbar but Crow punches him in the ribs hard as they both get back to their feet and are evenly matched but Crow kicks him against a tree and knees him right in the jaw knocking him out cold, Crow holds his side in clear pain but searches Loki's pockets and takes his phone and looks into the messages seeing that Ursa herself arranged this but also mentioned that White Masks are apparently in the area.

Crow: "interesting." He says to himself as he heads back inside.

Noah: "take your stuff and leave." He says harshly as Crow grabs his gear putting it in a duffle bag and leaves the house.

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