21: No Memories

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9:22 AM

Scott is currently sleeping in the backseat peacefully while Nøkk is sitting in the passenger while debating in her mind.

Nøkk (mind): "I have to tell him, but what if he's intimidated by the idea?" As she sighs heavily when Scott is awake and sits up. "Hey Scotty, sleep well?"

Scott: "mhmm." As he exits the truck and stretches out. "Leland call yet?" He asks waking himself up.

Nøkk: "not yet." As Scott looks back seeing that she seems distracted.

Scott: "hey what's up? You seem down" He asks leaning on the door as Nøkk is surprised by his question.

Nøkk: "it's about my dream, Scott I dreamed of us having a family together and living happily." As Scott wasn't expecting to hear this of all things but lets her continue. "But I remember you weren't exactly confident about the idea of kids and I won't force you if that's not what you want."

Scott: "Karina... It's not a matter of wanting them, I just don't know if I can be a good father... I don't exactly have the best father figures." He admits with Nøkk looking up at him as he holds her hand. "But I'm willing to try." He says making Nøkk smile.

Nøkk: "that's good to hear, I didn't even have to twist your arm."

Scott: "real funny Kari." As he gives her a kiss when his phone rings and answers it. "Leland."

Leland: "hey Scott, South Dakota is getting a lot of attention, I'm guessing you had something to do with that?"

Scott: "possibly, we're just outside Chicago, tell me about Foster." He says putting it on speaker so Nøkk can listen in.

Leland: "Patrick Foster codename Ranger, former Army Ranger later transfered into the CIA SAD and specializes in taking down gangs, hence why he's in Chicago." But Scott finds this odd for a number of reasons.

Scott: "I thought CIA operatives couldn't work domestically?"

Leland: "they can, they just need permission from the FBI so expect them to be there as well." As Scott acknowledges this with the call ending. Leland continues what he's doing till Eliza comes around the corner.

Eliza: "I was wondering where you were." Giving a smile as Leland glances over curiously.

Leland: "nobody told you?"

Eliza: "well it seemed like you never told anyone to begin with." While sitting next to Leland who nods admitting he didn't tell anyone. "I assume this is your secret area where you talk to Scott?"

Leland: "more or less, also serves as a place I can simply be at peace... So any particular reason you seeked me out?" He asks curiously as Eliza looks over while playing with her braid.

Eliza: "I just wanted to talk to you, you holding up?" As Leland presses his head against the wall behind him not sure how to answer that question.

Leland: "it seems like all I'm good for is betrayal, did it to Scott and now I'm doing it to a large number of people... Coworkers." Moving his brown hair back releasing a heavy sigh since he feels like a bastard.

Eliza: "Lee." While interlocking her hand with his getting his undivided attention. "Your coworkers had it coming for what happened to Scott and he needs now more than ever." She says as Leland appreciates this act but can't help himself.

Leland: "that can't be the reason you're holding my hand." With Eliza blushing somewhat which gives him an idea. "You like me don't you?"

Eliza: "yeah..." Awkwardly as Leland waits for her to continue. "I'm not that good at this, I've just grown to care for you." Feeling completely embarrassed and like a school girl or something.

Leland: "you needn't explain, I can see it all over your face." Having a laugh with this but Eliza hits him in the chest but she's somewhat laughing to herself. "But you sure about this?"

Eliza: "if you give me the whole I'm not good enough speech I'm gonna smack you." Surprising Leland who laughs due to how unexpected that was.

Leland: "okay then..." As the two sit awkwardly waiting for the other to make the first move. "Oh screw it." He says gently pulling Eliza into a kiss as she immediately returns it with this taking up a good minute.

Eliza: "well... That was... Great."

Leland: "I hope so." He says as Eliza sits in front of him and lays back against him. "Thanks Red."

Eliza: "for what?" She asks curiously with Leland wrapping his arms around her.

Leland: "for giving me another chance." As Eliza hums softly feeling at peace and closes her eyes with Leland realizing she's gonna fall asleep but isn't gonna stop her.

Meanwhile in Sioux Falls South Dakota, Janette is checking on Centurion who currently is in the hospital.

Janette: "Andrew? You there?" She asks trying to get his attention as he snaps awake.

Andrew: "Janette? Where the hell am I?" While looking around as Janette notices how disoriented he looks.

Janette: "a hospital, witnesses say you got into a heated gunfight with someone and the paramedics found tied to a chair and beaten... Do you recall that?" But Andrew looks clueless hearing this.

Andrew: "I don't... I remember finishing up drinks at the bar but after that? Everything goes blank." Which worries Janette significantly but is also confused.

Janette: "the doctors don't report you having a concussion and there's no way you're having memory loss... You're only 40 and no one in your family has medical conditions relating to memory loss." She says having read his file in detail but Andrew shrugs.

Andrew: "I don't know what to tell you, I don't remember... Except... Somebody going by... Corvus?"

Janette: "Corvus..." She says thinking deeply but she's drawing blanks soon leaving the room and calling up Foster.

Foster: "Janette? I'm kinda busy right now." In the middle of interrogating a gang member with the FBI.

Janette: "you've encountered plenty of mercenaries, any of them go by Corvus that would be ballsy enough to go after CIA operatives?" As Foster mentally questions this.

Foster: "not that I'm aware of, boss what's this about? Your past finally catching up with us?" He asks rhetorically only annoying Janette.

Janette: "Foster..."

Foster: "I'm joking, guess I'll just need to keep looking over my shoulder." He says with Janette acknowledging soon ending the call.

Janette: "who the hell are you Corvus?"

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