17: Memories

399 15 5

FEBRUARY 22 2021
1:23 PM

Scott Branwen is in the research part of the base with Doc and Dr Steven Hart as they're discussing Dr Hart's research notes on the memory wipe serum.

Doc: "merde how could you develop something like this?" He asks but Scott impatiently chimes in.

Scott: "can you counteract the effects?" He asks impatiently while scratching the back of his head.

Doc: "it's possible but dealing with something like this? It's dangerous as your hippocampus could be damaged from how often you were put through that." He explains as Dr Hart decides to add to this.

Dr Hart: "and not to mention, it was difficult to exactly pick what memories to wipe out, recovering those memories would be just as if not more difficult, I suggest recovering your memories another way." He says as Scott looks down knowing what that would entail.

Scott eventually leaves doc and Hart to get to work as Scott walks the halls questioning himself if anything he did mattered and if his valor was nothing but lies covered up by the CIA.

Erik: "Scott." He says walking with him as Scott acknowledges his presence. "Liza just told me about what happened with Leland... It's fucked up." He says as Scott looks over and scoffs.

Scott: "you think? I have to live with the fact that I've been leashed like a dog, meant to serve." He growls out in anger as Erik doesn't know what to say to that. "And it's all because of one person." He says referring to Janette but Erik doesn't know who he's talking about. They eventually find Jordan as Scott stops before him.

Jordan: "Scotty." He says knowing about what happened as Scott looks down.

Scott: "what was the point? I'm hardly in control of my life." He says but Jordan places a hand on his shoulder.

Jordan: "you're in control now, whatever you need? Don't be ashamed to ask." As Scott nods but asks to be left alone which they grant as Scott arrives in Nøkk's room.

Scott: "hey Karina." He says as Nøkk turns to him as they sit next to each other.

Nøkk: "everything okay?" She asks as Scott shakes his head being honest. "What's next?" She asks wanting to see where his head is at.

Scott: "Janette and anyone else involved with what happened need to be held responsible... But I don't think rainbow should get involved... It could end badly." He says as Nøkk nods in agreement as it would.

Nøkk: "what are you suggesting?" She asks looking him in the eyes as Scott decides to upfront with her.

Scott: "I may have to do it myself." He says as Nøkk doesn't like this at all.

Nøkk: "so you'd have to leave me?" She asks clearly frustrated with this idea.

Scott: "Karina... This is important to me, Janette took away my freedom, I can't stand for that." He says as Nøkk sighs and looks up at him.

Nøkk: "Scott... I can understand what this means to you, but it won't end well if you pursue it, I won't lose you." She says as Scott places his forehead against hers.

Scott: "you won't." He says and tries whispering something but this is soon interrupted by Leland knocking on the door.

Leland: "I found everything that relates to the times your memories were wiped." He says as handing a handful of USP ports as Scott looks at these debating.

Scott: "what should I expect?" He asks with uncertainty as Leland looks down.

Leland: "nothing pleasant." He says as Scott grabs his laptop and puts the USP port in seeing a variety of videos as he sighs heavily knowing what he's about to see won't be good.

He plays a video seeing a bloodied ISIS member with his hands chained up to the ceiling just hanging there as he's standing on a stool. Scott sees himself walk up to the ISIS member.

Crow (video): "okay this is your last chance Sami, give us the Intel on the ISIS outposts in this area." He said in the video as Scott looks up at Leland looking for an explanation.

Leland: "Sami used to be an undercover asset for the CIA but he betrayed us for ISIS, you wanted nothing to do with interrogating Sami as you two were actually friends but Janette wiped your memory of your friend ship so that it wouldn't get in the way." He says as Scott looks back at the video.

Sami (video): "I've already told you Crow, I don't know! You have to believe me." He pleads as Scott looks on uncomfortable with this.

Crow (video): "why should I? You betrayed the CIA for ISIS." He said rather coldly when Janette appears in the video.

Janette (video): "this is proving to be a waste of time, kill him... He's of no use to us anymore." She said as Crow in the video pulls out his 1911 tacops and shoots Sami in the head with little to no care.

Scott looks away from the laptop as he feels an overwhelming wave of guilt. He moves on to the next video which is dated 2016 in Hong Kong, he sees a taiwanese man strapped to a chair as it's storming out with himself circling the man.

Crow (video): "Jui-En... Your business with various terrorists organizations has cost the lives of many American citizens and soldiers... Do you deny that?" He asked as Scott is remembering this as Jui-En was accused of being involved with terrorists.

Jui-En (video): "this is a big misunderstanding! I was only-" but Crow shoves pieces of glass in Jui-En's mouth and then punches him in the face multiple times.

Nøkk is stunned by this level of brutality as that's just as bad as Caveira's interrogations.

Crow (video): "don't bullshit me! You've been funding many terrorists groups for years and you've profited from it!" He said grabbing Jui-En by his chin and goes to continue but Scott pauses it.

Leland: "Jui-En is currently serving a life sentence though he's definitely not the same after what you did to him." He says as Scott moves through the other videos as he is horrified by what he did as he even tortured a woman who was part of the CIA but it turned out to be a big misunderstanding.

Scott: "what I have done?" He asks looking down hating everything he's done. "My career is nothing but a lie, there's no valor, no honor... Just atrocity after atrocity." He says as Leland looks at his friend clearly in distress.

Leland: "what do you plan on doing?" He asks as Scott looks up raising his brow in suspicion. "If I know you? You wouldn't let this go unpunished." He says as Scott stands up trying to figure him out.

Scott: "what are you getting at?" He asks as Leland looks at his scarred hand.

Leland: "what Janette did was wrong, what I'm saying is... If there's anything I can do? It's help you make Janette pay for what she did." He says as Nøkk stands up annoyed.

Nøkk: "absolutely not! Trying to get revenge on someone is an easy way to ruin your life." She says denying this for good reason as revenge almost always never ends well. Scott debates in his head trying to figure out what matters more... Justice or Nøkk.

Leland: "I'll let you two talk it out." He says exiting the room with Scott and Nøkk looking at each other.

Scott: "Karina..." But Nøkk looks away crossing her arms.

Nøkk: "I know it's personal Scott, way more than most I've seen but please... I can't..." She says as Scott gently touches her shoulders and turns her around.

Scott: "I never said I'd do it alone." He says as Nøkk thinks for a moment but her eyes widen.

Nøkk: "you want me to come with?"

Scott: "yeah... That way you can keep your eye on me, I know your career would be on the line so I won't blame you if you decline." He says while touching her cheek as she gently grabs his hand.

Nøkk: "fuck it... My career likely would be done, if that's what it takes to keep you? Then yes... Talk about it with Leland." She says resting her head against his chest hearing his calm heartbeat enjoying the temporary peace.

Author's note: and that's another one down, next chapter is more or less a transition into the final arc for this story, not sure how many chapters are left to be honest but it'll definitely be close to thirty.

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