24: A Favor

170 8 0

March 3rd 2021
3:27 PM

Scott is laying in the backseat of his vehicle that's parked off-road resting peacefully while Nøkk is outside leaning against the car hood calling up Leland.

Nøkk: "Hey Leland, I'm just calling to tell you that Scott and I are in Arkansas, shouldn't be long till we arrive in New Orleans." She informs.

Leland: "Good, is Scott doing any better?" He questions as Nøkk looks back seeing Scott still resting.

Nøkk: "He's walking but I can tell it's not pleasant for him, did Scott have back problems?"

Leland: "Not that I can recall, you should probably take him to a Doctor just to be sure." He suggests.

Nøkk: "Easier said then done Leland, especially when it's Scott." She retorts as Leland can agree with that.

Leland: "I know, anyway I got no new Intel on Rose so just keep going to New Orleans." Which Nøkk acknowledges soon hanging up.

Scott groans a bit gaining Nøkk's attention as she pokes her head into the car window looking right at Scott.

Nøkk: "You feeling any better?"

Scott: "More of the same really, I gotta- ugh!" He says in pain trying to sit up which worries Nøkk. "Son of bitch..."

Nøkk: "Okay it's clear you're not gonna get any better, I'm gonna take you to the hospital." She states.

Scott: "Karina..."

Nøkk: "I'm taking you to the hospital, end of story." She says getting in the driver's seat but sees Scott trying to hand her a piece of paper with an address and number. "What is this?"

Scott: "A doctor who owes me a favor." He replies laying back and sighs from the pain.

Nøkk drives off following the directions to the address on the card. She looks back as Scott who looks annoyed yet defeated.

Nøkk: "Talk to me Scotty."

Scott: "I've survived some crazy shit in my life from a prison riot, a tank, there are points where I should've kicked the bucket... Yet I survived just so my back can give out on me." He says calmly but Nøkk can tell it bothers him.

Nøkk: "How is that a bad thing Scott? You're still alive and that's just what matters."

Scott: "Well maybe I don't deserve to live after everything I've done..." He retorts which irritates Nøkk as she pulls over.

Nøkk: "Scotty enough with the self loathing... Yes you've done some questionable things that keep you up at night but so has everyone else in this line of work... Do you honestly think you deserve to die for it? Especially now?" She questions harshly.

Scott: "I... I guess I've been in this for too long that I can't imagine myself living a normal life even though I want to."

Nøkk: "You're not the only one, another thing you and I share." As she sees Scott sit up with struggle.

Scott: "yeah... Look Karina I don't mean to make you think I don't wanna live cause I do... Thanks to you." He replies scratching the back of his neck.

Nøkk: "Thanks to me?"

Scott: "Uh... You gave me a reason to live and move on despite my shitload of baggage."

Nøkk: "Heh you do have a shitload of baggage, but I'm not really one to judge as I'm no different. But I'm glad you said that, it's... Nice to be a positive influence for once." She says driving onto the road again.

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