15: One of many faces

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FEBRUARY 20 2021
6:11 AM

Scott is sleeping peacefully with Nøkk in his arms as he's gotten comfortable sleeping with her finding her presence to be comforting but that doesn't prevent the various nightmares though his current one is strange. He finds himself walking in an abandoned town with snow all over the place, Ash walks up and turns to him giving her typical smile which he finds pleasing.

Ash: "you doing okay?" She asks as Crow nods but feels off like something inside his head is just digging to get out.

Crow: "where are we?" He asks confused as Ash tilts her head as Crow a glimmer of light before his eyes and soon sees a bullet pierce through her skull but the bullet stops before Crow's face.

???: "Feel that? That's the pain of the hundreds you've tortured for no reason." A both masculine yet feminine voice says as if it's combined.

Crow: "who the hell are you!?" He asks fiercely seeing it's face change to a variety of people.

One of many faces: "who do you think!?" It asks angered as Nøkk suddenly appears bloodied and beaten. "Remember... Or this shall be your precious Karina's fate." It says pulling the trigger as Scott wakes almost screaming as Nøkk wakes up to this.

Nøkk (Danish): "easy Scott, I'm here, you're okay." She says getting on top of him as Scott breathes heavily with a cold sweat. "Another nightmare?" She asks caressing his cheek as Scott rests his head in her shoulder.

Scott: "you and Liza died... With some thing telling me to remember." He says as Nøkk strokes his hair gently hoping to calm him down. "Why would that happen? What do I have to remember?" He asks in confusion as Nøkk looks him in the eyes.

Nøkk (Danish): "it was just a dream... Come on let's take a shower." She says kissing his cheek and drags him as they take a shower together. Scott is trying to focus but his mind can't get the nightmare out of his head as Nøkk turns to him with concern. "Scott..." She says softly while wrapping her arms around his neck.

Scott: "I just don't get it, that nightmare makes no sense yet I feel obligated to listen to it." He says closing his eyes as Nøkk doesn't know what to do and leans in. "Karina... A kiss isn't gonna fix it." He says respectfully as he doesn't want to be mean.

Nøkk: "maybe not but it'd make you feel a bit better right?" She asks as Scott nods feeling Nøkk's soft lips on his as he backs up against the shower wall with Nøkk up against him as she sees their position and is uncertain if they should proceed.

Scott: "I... Only if you want to." He says as Nøkk is really tempted to but her mind is telling not yet.

Nøkk: "not yet... We'll save that for a special occasion... Perhaps my birthday." She alluringly says while caressing his abs. They eventually finish their shower as Scott is still shaken by the dream but stays positive so he doesn't worry Nøkk.

Scott: "come on." He says as they leave to get breakfast early as they are alone. "Hmm so what's your plans besides rainbow?" He asks curiously as he is getting up there in age and wants to settle down eventually.

Nøkk: "well it definitely involves you." She says gently touching his nose as he smiles somewhat seeing this. "As for what I want? Well... I do want a family of my own but I won't force you into fatherhood if you don't think you can handle it." She says as Scott tilts his head as he never expected her to want kids.

Scott: "you don't come off as the type to want kids... What led to that?" He asks with curiosity.

Nøkk: "I do adore kids, there just aren't any around since it's a military base, plus... I want to be a better parent than my father was." She says as Scott looks curiously hearing that. "my father wasn't around... He's a rich man with a family of his own, my mother just happened to be a maid he knocked up resulting in me." She says as Scott is somewhat surprised but Nøkk asks what he thinks of kids.

Scott: "I don't mind them, but having one of my own? That's gonna take awhile to get used to... Lemme think about it... Sure you don't wanna get married first?" He asks as Nøkk chuckles amused by the question.

Nøkk: "marriage is overrated, love is determined by our feelings... Not by some words a law makes us say and I personally never saw myself in a wedding gown." She says as Scott is just picturing it replacing her typical veil with the ones you'd find in weddings.

Scott: "and what do you see yourself in?" He asks as Nøkk crosses her arms with a flirty smile.

Nøkk: "don't know... depends on the mood." She says catching Scott off guard but they overhear their names including Loki, Skinwalker and Ash called for a briefing. They head to the briefing finding Zero with some coffee.

Zero: "okay for this op you'll be going to Finland to disrupt a weapons supply line, hostiles will be well equipped which is why you'll be doing some recon and then the raid however you want." He says noticing Crow looking to speak up.

Crow: "any civilians?" He asks as Zero confirms there aren't any that they know of and are soon dismissed once no one has any questions. They head to their respective armories as Crow is deciding to go with his M4A1 for once.

Loki: "been awhile since we worked Finland." He says making conversation as Crow nods but feels as though his mind is going blank on the location.

Skinwalker: "okay you sad bastards and ladies, let's go freeze our asses off." As they look his way thinking he's a weirdo.

Nøkk: "your humor is incredibly unfunny." She says rather bluntly as Crow chuckles to himself as Skinwalker catches him doing.

Skinwalker: "hey! I know she's your girlfriend in all but no bias!" He says as they exit the building and head towards the chopper and get in.

Loki: "this coming from the guy who threw the match all cause he has a hard-on for Mira?" He asks as Skinwalker stammers trying to retort but he can't as everyone laughs somewhat.

Crow: "jäger! Let's get going." He says banging on the door as jäger decides to joke.

Jäger: "does everyone have their seatbelts on?" He asks jokingly as Crow slowly looks back giving him a death stare as everyone is laughing seeing his look.

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