29: Operation Fallen Queen

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Scott looks with the outpost with nerves as this is unlike anything he's experienced before. He feels Jacob touch his shoulder asking if he's good.

Scott: "I'm fine, just nerves." He says kinda ashamed to have his nerves getting to him as he's doing for well over twenty years.

Jacob: "I hear ya, I get the nerves as well before every mission as it might be the one that gets me." He says as Scott asks why he hasn't retired yet. "I love my job and I struggle imagining what life will be like without it."

Farah buts in each handing them their rifles loaded with non lethals as they don't wanna kill anybody.

Farah: "Okay... what's the plan Scotty?"

Scott: "Base will lock down immediately if there's a possible threat, I want you to plant strategic explosives and detonate them once I find Janette... Jacob you'll secure a getaway vehicle for us." He says adjusting the his drone attached to his plate carrier.

Jacob: "Your drone's cloaking tech gonna last long enough to find Janette?"

Scott: "It better, otherwise I'm gonna have some words with Nighthaven's RnD team." He says looking directly at Farah who shakes her head. "Okay... Let's get this over with." He says beginning his approach using the darkness to his advantage.

Scott stays low sneaking past some outpost guards as the drone's cloaking tech hides him from the cams. He quickly gets behind cover seeing a truck coming up the road of the outpost.

Scott keeps his head low letting the truck pass by as he begins moving again.

Scott: "I'm in, beginning my search now."

Jacob and Farah acknowledge while in the middle of their objectives. Scott cautiously begins his search for Janette, not going inside the buildings exactly as he's not that dumb. However he can hear someone around the corner as he gets low and rolls underneath the building.

Scott calmly watches the guard's feet moving past as he begins crawling under the building as he looks out at the outpost with binoculars hoping to spot Janette somewhere. However he hears voices above in the building he's under as he gets low and as quiet as possible.

Janette: "I'm certain Leland's on his way with Moore now Gus, I'll be in my office if you need me." She says as Scott rolls out from under the building and begins tailing her as best he can occasionally hiding from those around the base.

Regardless of everything he has to do to avoid being detected. Scott follows Janette into a building as he stops for a moment.

Scott: "Guys what's your status?"

Jacob: "Getaway vehicle secured, bit close but I'm fine."

Farah: "Explosives planted and ready to go."

Scott confirms this telling Farah to do it as he lets a guard walk past. Multiple explosions can be heard outside as Scott sees multiple guards run past as he quickly enters Janette's office and points his sidearm at her seeing her wide eyed expression.

Janette: "I fuckin knew it." She growls out as Scott closes and locks the door.

Scott: "Don't flatter yourself too much Janette." He says motioning her to give her her weapons.

Janette reluctantly agrees to this having no real choice in the matter as Scott covers the windows and turns to Janette.

Scott: "I'd say it's time we had a talk... Over your inability to let me go." He says sitting down keeping his sidearm trained on her.

Janette: "We've had this conversation time and time again Scott."

Scott: "That's just part of the problem Janette, you've kept me under your control as if I was your attack dog and punished me if I stepped out of line... Leland's told me why but I want to hear it from you."

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