9: Rome I

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11:26 AM

Scott Branwen is currently in target practice landing good shots with his socom 16 as it's almost too easy as Erik is shaking his head.

Scott: "pay up Thorn I'm still the better shot." He says as Erik reluctantly hands him some money.

Erik: "you may be the better shot but I'm still a better intelligence officer." He says smirking as Scott nods seeing his point.

Scott: "I won't argue that, still baffles me you came back with enough intel to take the insurgency down after a year of being missing." He says as Erik can understand why he'd be baffled.

Erik: "that ban between you and Saif still being upheld?" He asks as Scott turns to him with his socom 16 resting on his lap.

Scott: "Does me staying on the other side of the building everyday not answer that? As Harry would say, it's too high a risk." He says as Erik nods but asks if the ban will ever be uplifted. "I doubt it, you saw Saif when we met up again... Guy was more blood thirsty then a mother bear." He says but Erik decides to be upfront with him.

Erik: "and you're acting like a child refusing to deal with the problem." He says as Scott shakes his annoyed by that comment.

Scott: "Erik I killed his friends, and rightfully so he is pissed with me, how am I supposed to talk him down?" He asks crossing his arms with clear doubt.

Erik: "and that's the problem, you don't trust him enough to listen... If there's anything I've learned being here? Grudges are nothing but a waste." He says as Scott scoffs with amusement.

Scott: "tell that to Saif." He says as Erik puts his hands up seeing his point.

Erik: "yeah on second thought, I still wanna have kids someday." He says as Scott raises his brow as he wasn't expecting that of all things.

Scott: "well Thorn good luck dealing with your future hell spawn as I sure as shit ain't having kids, I hated being a babysitter and I doubt being a parent is any better." He says as Erik shakes his head.

Erik: "and there's that classic cynicism of yours, you really like to expect the worst don't you?" He asks as Scott growls with annoyance.

Scott: "what do you expect? I'm from Baltimore." He says unintentionally getting Erik to laugh. "But in all honesty? I just don't see myself in that kind of position, I'd be a terrible father." He says looking away clearly believing that statement.

Erik: "oh come on Scotty, you wouldn't be the worst father... You helped that mother with her kids in Iraq."

Scott: "that doesn't make me a good father Erik, I only helped her cause I felt bad." He says as Erik sits next to him.

Erik: "and cause you felt an obligation, would you not feel obligated if you had your own kid?" He asks rhetorically as Scott finds this question to he annoying.

Scott: "of course I would but being a father requires patience and dedication, I'm getting old Erik and in my old age those things aren't what they used to be." He says as Erik goes to respond but they stop when Eliza enters with Nøkk

Eliza: "what you guys talking about?" She asks curiously as Scott and Erik look at each other as neither want to say it.

Nøkk: "oh Scott's just having self esteem issues over the idea of him being a dad." As Scott looks over annoyed. "I got ears you dumb fuck." She retorts as Erik almost snorts.

Eliza: "Scott in all the years I've known you I think you'd be a better father then most." She says ruffling Scott's hair who can't say anything. "Anyway there's a possible mission in Rome Italy, think you can check it out?" She asks as Scott is deep in thought.

Scott: "Rome? I feel I worked there before but sure I'll do it... It just or will I have a partner?" He asks as Eliza gives him a slight smile.

Eliza: "yeah... Me." She says as Scott nods and leaves with her.

Nøkk: "are you certain they're not a thing?" She directs towards Erik.

Erik: "I don't know, I don't dig into his personal life." He says being honest while Scott is walking with Eliza.

Scott: "so what's the deal with Rome?" He asks wanting specifics.

Eliza: "we got an anonymous tip that there may be a bombing of sorts, Harry just wants us to make sure it's legit." As Scott stops whilst crossing his arms.

Scott: "anonymous tip? Cause that's such a reliable source." He says speaking from experience as Eliza turns to him and pulls on his ear.

Eliza: "stop being so negative, please?" She asks smirking as Scott growls lowly but doesn't talk back as he finds it difficult to say no to her.

Scott: "damn you." He says as Eliza finds that amusing. *Hours pass.* Scott is seated across from Eliza as they getting coffee.

Eliza: "I feel like we're on a date though I know you'd never be that bold." She says teasing as Scott shakes his head not appreciating the teasing.

Scott: "cause you know I view you as a sister Liza." He retorts as Eliza nods understanding that.

Eliza: "but out of curiosity, was there ever a... Chance?" She wonders as Scott leans forward whilst adjusting his cap.

Scott: "there might've been but... I respect you too much to put you through a relationship with me." As Eliza retorts saying it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. "Maybe but I'm not a guy who's... Good for another person's well-being, can we stop talking about this please?" He asks clearly uncomfortable with this topic as Eliza decides to drop it.

Eliza: "sorry Scotty, apparently this anonymous tip said we could find them at a library?" She asks with uncertainty as Scott's mind just clicks.

Scott: "Biblioteca Angelica." He randomly blurts out as Eliza looks over confused by how he knew that. "That son of a bitch." He says walking off with Eliza following trying to get him to explain when they arrive at the library as it's surprisingly empty.

Eliza: "where is everyone?" She asks as Scott quickly pulls his 1911 and aims seeing Leland Wright or codename Loki.

Leland: "woah easy Scott! I'm not here to fight." He says with his hands raised which Scott scoffs at proceeds to walk up to him and smack him across the face with his pistol.

Scott: "you got some fuckin nerve bringing me back here, this some kind of sick joke?" He asks in anger when Eliza gets in front of him.

Eliza: "Scott look at me and take it easy okay? What's going on?" She asks as Leland gets to his feet still touching his jaw.

Scott: "Liza say hello to Leland Wright, former buddy of mine in the CIA SAD. We worked a number of operations together... Especially the shit show that was Rome." He says rather bitterly as Eliza lowers his 1911 and looks back at Leland wondering what he's talking about.

Leland: "couple years back give or take, CIA at the time had a anonymous source who'd been right every single time with his intel and he told us that Rome was possibly a target for an ISIS bombing in this very library." He says as Eliza doesn't follow on the anonymous source part.

Scott: "he was an information broker of sorts, CIA paid him or her well and they gave us valuable info but this time? Turned out to be a goddamn trap, lost four of my men that day." He says whilst looking Leland in the eyes.

Leland: "listen you wanna be pissed at me? Fine but I wouldn't be here it wasn't important, we actually found the bastard." He says as Scott raises his brow in doubt. "You don't have to believe me but a team of Marine Raiders are gonna assault his compound tonight... You and your friend? Girlfriend? Whatever are welcome to join." He says as Eliza crosses her arms in embarrassment as Scott stares thinking for moment.

Nøkk: "room for one more?" As the three look over surprised to see her.

Eliza: "the hell are you doing here?" She asks surprised as Nøkk simply says she was curious.

Scott: "is Ursa involved?" He asks as Leland shakes his head replying that he's actually in charge of the op. "Not my first choice but whatever." He says accepting it but still doesn't fully buy Leland's story but will act on it when necessary

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