5: Mentality

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Author's note: I just wanna apologize for how long it's been since the last chapter, finding the time to work on this just hasn't been there.

Scott is in the armory putting his gear away while grunting quietly as his fight with Saif really roughed him up good for a training session if you can even call Saif's murderous intent that.

Nøkk: "so it's clear you and Saif have history... How'd you meet?" With Scott glancing over making it clear to her he's not telling her. "Why?" She questions as Scott slams his SOCOM 16 into the locker.

Scott: "for starters, I don't know you and I'm not just tell my life story to a complete stranger, and secondly I've done things I'm not exactly proud of so I'd rather forget about or at least try to." He explains while removing his vest.

Nøkk: "it comes with the life does it not?" She asks rhetorically as Scott nods in agreement.

Scott: "doesn't mean I have to enjoy it, see ya around veiled one." As Nøkk softly chuckles at how appropriate that nickname is with Scott leaving her be as he meets up with Eliza.

Eliza: "you good Scotty?" To which Scott retorts saying he'll survive. "You can be honest with me, no need to act tough."

Scott: "honest huh? Well I sure could use a massage right now." As that earns him a punch to the shoulder as he chuckles a bit. "ow, I'm only joking." As Eliza sits next to him.

Eliza: "evidently, I know your career isn't clean but I'm sure you had your reasons." She reassures as Scott is relieved to have someone like her.

Scott: "thanks Liza, what would I do without you?" He asks as Eliza jokes saying he'd be a mess. "Heh true." He says as he hears that he's to head to harry's office. "Knowing my luck it's probably about what happened today."

Eliza: "he's likey looking for context of why Saif wanted to kill you." As Scott nods as that does make sense as he leaves her headed straight to Harry's office.

Harry: "ah Mr Branwen, please take a seat." As Scott does so but responds saying that he can just call him Scott. "Well Scott, Saif is usually calm and collected but once he saw you? He went berserk... Why?" He asks earning a reluctant sigh from Scott.

Scott: "This is was over eleven years ago... CIA sent me to do some wetwork or assassination in simpler terms in Lebanon." He says going in vivid detail.

*Eleven years ago.*
Crow is in a cellblock area of the prison clearing out the control room as he looks down at the console making the assumption that it'll open the entire cellblock as he activates the loudspeaker.

Crow (arabic): "I'm about to release you all, I'm not a threat to you so don't try anything." He says opening up all the cellblocks as he cautiously keeps his guard up when they turn to him as he catches the way they're looking at him. "Don't try it." He threatens while raising his M4A1 while backing up but they all charge him with the intent to kill him as Crow full autos into the crowd slaughtering then easily with his M4A1's 850 rate of fire.

Some are injured and crawling away as Crow is debating on finishing them off but begins walking but is shot in the shoulder but his protective layer absorbs the hit as he swings back around firing his M4A1 killing the ones who shot him.

Crow: "motherfuckers!" He growls out irritated by what they tried to do as he walks over making sure they're dead but finds one staying in his cell horrified by the scene that occurred before him. "Are you gonna be a problem?" He asks in arabic staying on his guard while reloading his M4A1.

Saif: "you're the one with the gun, not me." He responds scared out of his mind as Crow huffs quietly while leaving. Harry sits in his chair processing what Scott just told him.

Harry: "and these were Saif's friends?"

Scott: "prison friends but yes, I'm not expecting you to understand but that's why Saif snapped when he saw me." He says getting up out of his seat when Harry questions if he regrets what he did. "Regret... I'm still trying to figure that out myself." He says walking out of the office and heads to his room. He checks for bruises finding a large spot of purple on his back.

Scott applies an ice pack to his back grunting softly as he sighs from the fact that he isn't as young and durable as he used to be due to the years of his service.

Scott (mind): "wasted years of my life in the military... And for what?" He thinks to himself closing his fist and goes to punch the wall but stops when he gets a knock on the door. He opens up finding Yumiko who greets him. "Oh uh... Hello, wasn't expecting you."

Yumiko: "well given what happened with oryx, I wanted to check in on you, you okay?" She asks while tilting her head as Scott retorts saying he's had better days. "I'll bet."

Scott: "you must be Jack's girlfriend I presume?" He asks bluntly as Yumiko wonders how he knows. "Jack did slip up saying you'd kill him if you caught him playing strip poker." He says with a soft smile as Yumiko facepalms hearing this.

Yumiko: "and I'm gonna kill him if he continues slipping up." As Scott jokes saying his lips are sealed.

Scott: "it was good working with you and the others maybe the exception of Ace... Never met someone so attention seeking." He jokes earning a chuckle from Yumiko.

Yumiko: "you're not the only one, see ya around." She says taking her leave as Scott nods and lays down in his bed relaxing as he needs after the day he's had.

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