13: Scarlet Passion

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5:23 PM

Scott is currently passing the time by training while some are actually celebrating Valentine's day as Scott couldn't care less about the holiday as he's single. Eventually Erik and Jack arrive finding him sweating from the intense training regime.

Jack: "do you ever take breaks?" He asks as Scott looks while wiping his face with a towel.

Scott: "I get my sleep, I just need to keep myself busy... What's up?" As Erik speaks up saying there's a party going on. "And?" He asks not seeing his point.

Erik: "we were wondering if you wanted to attend? You know let loose for once." As Scott scoffs somewhat and looks away. "Oh come on, you're never relax, what harm could one night do huh?" He asks as Scott is reluctant not interested as Erik and Jack look at each other.

Jack: "what if we said Nøkk was there, would that change your mind?" As Erik looks at Jack in surprise fearing for what's next.

Scott: "the hell is that supposed to mean!?" He asks getting defensive as Erik gets between them.

Jack: "I'm just saying, you're good friends with her so it won't be all bad." He says as Scott sighs heavily and sees his point.

Scott: "fine." He says walking past them as he changes into fresh clothes headed to the pub area with Erik and Jack as he looks disinterested already.

Jack: "bro it hasn't even been a minute, give it some time." As Scott sighs and sits at a table with them as Yumiko welcomes Jack.

Yumiko: "surprised to see you here Scott, you seeing someone?" She asks out of curiosity but Scott shakes his head.

Scott: "I'm only here cause these two assholes insisted that I might enjoy it." He says with his arms crossed as he notices Saif enter the pub as he's ready to bolt the hell out of there.

Erik: "oh sit your ass down, Saif is not gonna do anything." He says as Scott growls to himself already hating everything as they get drinks but Yumiko stays out of it. "You sure you don't want to join Yumi?" He asks just making sure as Yumiko nods with certainty.

Yumiko: "yeah... Someone has to deal with a drunk Estrada and I rather do it whilst sober." She says as Jack looks over seemingly offended. "Jack you suck at holding your liquor." She retorts as Scott chuckles somewhat finding this hilarious.

Scott: "should we find him some gin then? It is a woman's favorite drink." He says as Jack flips him off as Farah joins in. "Oh no, I hate to see what a drunk Farah is like." Scott says as Farah chuckles and wraps her arm around Erik's neck.

Farah: "oh don't worry Scotty, I'm not interested in you." As Erik looks over at Scott asking for help but Scott shakes his head in response. "Alright fuckers time for never have I ever." Farah says as they reluctantly agrees to this.

Scott: "I'll start, never have I ever slept with the same sex." He says as Farah takes a shot as everyone at the table looks in surprise.

Farah: "what? She was cute, anyway never have I ever punched a superior in the face." As no one drinks but Scott looks right at Erik.

Scott: "don't lie you fucker... I still feel it." As Erik reluctantly drinks as Farah questions how that happened. "I confronted him over some misinformation, one thing led to another and he decked me in the jaw." He says as Farah nods finding that neat.

Erik: "okay... Never have I ever said the wrong thing in a different language." He says as both Scott and Jack take a shot. "Wait what?" He asks in confusion as Scott starts off.

Scott: "I was in Turkey for wet-work or assassination, I was trying to ask a lady to show me my room but I asked her to show her hole." He says headbutting the table soon after as Farah laughs uncontrollably.

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