18: Making a Plan

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FEBRUARY 23 2021
4:30 PM

Scott Branwen and Nøkk are outside waiting for Leland which is taking longer than expected as the two are passing the time playing a simple game.

Scott: "okay most annoying operator?"

Nøkk: "individually I'd say Ela, mainly for her sister issues, but I'd also say bandit and jäger when they're together." She answers rather bluntly as Scott is curious about the Ela bit. "I don't hate her but she can be quite bitchy for no reason at times... How bout you?"

Scott: "Ace... Mother fucker is soo obsessed with himself that he'd probably peg himself." Causing Nøkk to chuckle as she finds that hilarious and true.

Nøkk: "my that's quite an image you just put in my head." As Scott chuckles to himself. "So what's taking Leland so long?" She asks somewhat impatient.

Scott: "apparently he wants Liza and Jacob to know what we're doing so he's filling them I guess." He says tapping his finger against his cheek.

Leland and Eliza meanwhile are looking around for Jacob as they stop by the R&D department.

Leland: "seriously where the hell is he? He's not exactly a quiet... I swear if he's actually eating crayons."

Eliza: "I'm sorry what?" She asks not sure what she just heard.

Leland: "it's a Marine thing... Well more like inside joke but... It's a really stupid thing." As Eliza doesn't doubt it. "Jacob get your ass out here or I'll-" stopping himself when he sees Jacob and Elena in rather... Suggestive position nearly missing all their clothes.

Jacob: "bro what the hell!?" As Elena is covering herself with Eliza covering her eyes.

Eliza: "ugh are you serious Elena? Fucking in your own workplace? That's disgusting."

Leland: "okay... Jacob just finish whatever you two are doing and meet us outside." He says as he and Eliza quickly leave the two alone. "You okay Liza?"

Eliza: "that memory wipe seems really tempting right now." She says clearly disgusted as Leland shakes his head as they meet up with Scott and Nøkk.

Scott: "where's Jacob?" Noticing that Jacob is nowhere to be seen.

Farah: "oh him? He's busy fucking Elena right on a table." As Leland and Eliza are surprised to see her as they question if she followed them. "Yes cause you're being very obvious that you got something planned."

Leland: "if you tell anyone..."

Farah: "what are you gonna do yankee?" She asks with her arms crossed not intimidated at all. "And maybe I can help depending on whatever it is you're planning." She offers much to their surprise.

Jacob: "okay Leland what the hell is soo goddamn important you had to walk in on me?" He asks irritated as Farah looks over smirking.

Farah: "ah Jacob, I trust that Elena's been... Pleased?" Causing Jacob to question how she knows. "Uh I was literally in the next room over and you're not exactly silent like old as fuck Sam minus his arthritis but even if I wasn't I could still tell cause you reek of sex." She says as Scott snorts hearing this.

Scott: "oh Erik's just gonna have his hands full with you... Anyway Leland what's the plan to deal with Janette?" He questions as Leland leans against the fence.

Leland: "that's the thing I don't know, hunting someone in the CIA comes with a lot risk... We don't do this properly then it'll really bite us all the ass, not to mention your families will be at risk." As Farah, Jacob and Eliza realize what they're talking about.

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