3: An Offer

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12:20 PM

Crow finds himself resting in a hospital bed while strapped to it as he tests them finding that they're very tight and sees Maverick looking at him.

Crow: "I guess this is payback for when I zip tied you to your own bed." He jokes earning a slight chuckle from Maverick.

Maverick: "it's just a precaution Scott, after all Harry's suspicious that the CIA is denying you're a part of the organization so tell me what the hell happened?" He asks as Crow sighs heavily.

Crow: "the CIA had been hunting a Danish arms dealer going by Lars, I was sent to take care of him which I did not have a problem but..." He says looking at the ceiling. "His kid was there looking me right in the eyes, I asked my handler on what I should do and... She told me to shoot the poor kid." He says closing his eyes.

Maverick: "did you?" He asks just being sure as he knows that's not a decision to make lightly.

Crow: "no... I couldn't bring myself to do it and after that I knew I was fucked... Cause the CIA doesn't like it when someone doesn't follow orders especially when it came to my handler." He says finishing off that he's now likely on a CIA most wanted list as Maverick motions for someone to come in.

Harry: "hello Scott Branwen, my name is Harry the director of Rainbow but what were you doing at the cabin?" He asks curiously as Crow continues looking at the ceiling.

Crow: "I don't know... Guess I figured I'd do some good deeds while I'm alive cause god knows I haven't done much of that and I'm fully ready to die if that day comes." He says with little emotion with Harry looking at Maverick.

Harry: "you don't see yourself living through this?"

Crow: "it's either I die quick or die slow in a cell for the rest of my life... The CIA doesn't forget your wrongdoings and will use those against you." He says with honesty as he's seen one too many times. "But what are you gonna do? I'm technically a criminal now." He says as Harry adjusts his glasses.

Harry: "you disobeyed your superior's orders cause you felt it was the right thing to do yes?" As Crow nods reluctantly wondering what his point is. "I'll tell you what, provide your services to rainbow and I'll try my best to clear your name." Harry offers as Crow figures this is probably the best offer he's gonna get.

Crow: "very well... Not like I got any better options." He says being released from the restraints and is checked by Doc.

Doc: "your wounds should heal within the next few days but don't overexert yourself in your old age." As Crow raises his brows in annoyance cause he hates being called old but follows Maverick around being given the tour of the base.

Crow: "so where are we exactly?" He asks as Maverick responds saying they're on one of the Islands owned by Greece. "Greece... Not my first choice but it works." He says being shown around the base as they arrive at the mess hall recognizing Thermite.

Thermite: "Scott! You beautiful bastard!" He says laughing a bit and pulls Scott into a hug.

Scott: "hey Jordan, years have not been kind to you I see." He says playfully hitting him in the chest as Jordan scoffs in amusement.

Jordan: "you're not that much older than me wise guy, the hell have you been though?" He wonders as Scott chuckles to himself.

Scott: "question of my life that is." He jokes when Eliza approaches him. "Hey Liza, hell happened to your ear?" He asks seeing it bandaged a bit.

Eliza: "just a accident during training, it's good to see you in one piece Scott." As Scott nods feeling mutual as Erik continues showing Scott around the base.

Erik: "and this will be your room, all to yourself." As Scott acknowledges and sits down wondering what the hell he's gonna do with his life.

Scott: "be honest with me, if your superior ordered you to shoot a kid... Would you?" He asks wanting some insight.

Erik: "9 times out of 10 no, there's a difference between a kid coming at you with murderous intent and a kid just coming across you." He says as Scott nods thanking him for his answer. "Well I'll leave ya to get adjusted, remember to take it easy alright?" He asks as Scott nods in response being left alone in his rather boring room.

Scott: "screw this I'm not waiting around." He says headed for the gym as he wraps black tape around his hands and is approached by a woman wearing a hoodie and sweat pants.

Nøkk: "didn't Doc say you needed to rest?" She asks rather stoically yet rhetorically as Scott looks over.

Scott (Danish): "well I'd rather do something then wait around, plus I'm not fragile." As Nøkk is somewhat surprised hearing him speak Danish.

Nøkk (Danish): "your Danish is actually really good... Courtesy of Delta I imagine?" As Scott nods in response as Nøkk decides to be his sparring partner.

Scott: "you sure about this?" He asks as he can't remember a time when he actually had a sparring match with a woman.

Nøkk: "don't worry I won't hurt you too badly." She says bluntly and throws a quick strike which Scott blocks with his forearm.

Scott (mind): "okay she's very well trained." He recognizes continuing block every as Nøkk quickly kicks him in the leg and follows that up by trying to take him down but Scott shakes her off. Nøkk strikes again but Scott counters this by throwing her over his shoulder slamming her to the ground and attempts to keep her down but Nøkk strikes him right in the face as he stands up touching his nose.

Nøkk strikes her knees into his gut and uppercuts Scott who takes a moment to recover as he counters a knee and punches Nøkk in the stomach and slams her down on the floor looking into her amber eyes.

Scott: "not bad... Knew you Jaeger Commandos were good." He says getting up whilst helping her up. "What do I call you though?"

Nøkk: "just call me Nøkk." She says as Scott actually recognizes that.

Scott: "Nøkk? I've actually heard of you, I heard you forwarded information over where Maverick was being held, your reputation is nothing to scoff at." He says as Nøkk shakes her head.

Nøkk: "I'm just doing my job, simple as that." As Scott chuckles quietly.

Scott: "I can respect that." As he leans against a wall while unwrapping the tape around his hands. "In any event it's good to meet you Nøkk." He says with respect.

Nøkk: "feeling's mutual Crow, curious to see if your skills are what everyone says they are." She states while leaving him be as Scott finishes unwrapping the tape.

Scott (mind): "I can only hope I'm making the right choice." He thinks while closing his eyes but he feels someone tap him on the back seeing that it's Eliza. "Hey Red." He greets.

Eliza: "just saw you and Nøkk duel it out, you should be resting." She says crossing her arms as Scott says he'll be fine. "Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to worry." She says while hugging him which he returns brotherly like. "I missed you." She says as Scott gently rubs her back.

Scott: "well I'm here now... I'm a man of my word after all." As Eliza chuckles softly while looking up at him.

Eliza: "in that case I need you to promise me." She says as Scott responds saying anything. "Don't leave me in the dark again Scotty, you're like family to me." She says softly hitting his chest as Scott gently strokes her braid.

Scott: "of course Red, just promise you'll never stop being the overly serious one I call friend." As Eliza chuckles a bit.

Eliza: "you got it." She says as they don't realize Nøkk is watching them.

Nøkk (mind): "what a cute couple." She assumes based off how touchy and familiar they're being.

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