19: Settling in

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FEBRUARY 24 2021
4:05 PM

Scott is sleeping peacefully as Nøkk is sitting on his lap resting but she wakes up realizing they're close to landing.

Nøkk: "hey kærlighed, wake up we're here." She says turning to him as Scott groans in annoyance as she smiles. "stop being a baby, you slept for a good amount of the trip." She teases as Scott nods waking himself up.

Scott: "how long have you been on my lap?"

Nøkk: "for awhile, why this bother you?" She asks but Scott hugs her waist as she laughs a bit. "I guess not." She says as the plane lands as they exit feeling the cold air. "What made you move here? Weren't you born Baltimore?"

Scott: "I was but I needed away from the city life and Wyoming is quite literally the ass end of nowhere and I like the peace." He explains as they arrive at the city part of Jackson as Nøkk looks around enjoying the sights.

Nøkk: "it's beautiful here... Reminds me of home." She says as they take a bus as they're all the way in the back. "You said your home was near Yellowstone, that mean you have get visitors like wildlife?"

Scott: "from time to time but they usually mind their business." He says wrapping his arm around her waist as she rests her head on his shoulder as the ride is peaceful.

Their stop arrives as they walk the rest of the way to Scott's home but on the way there, Nøkk feeling bored holds his hand.

Nøkk: "please tell me you have a vehicle we can use."

Scott: "there is, hopefully it still runs." He says as they walk up a driveway as Nøkk sees a nice log home that's decently sized. "it has three bedrooms and two bathrooms... Including a secret escape tunnel should anything happen." He says as Nøkk looks at him.

Nøkk: "you had a lot of free time didn't you?" She asks as they stop before the door.

Scott: "I was very lonely at the time." He says grabbing a spare key and opens the door as they enter with Scott turning on the lights. "Make yourself at home." He says setting his bag down as Nøkk looks around the place.

Nøkk: "this is a very nice place Scott." She says as Scott smiles as she looks happy almost.

Scott: "I'll go make sure the vehicle is working, settle in." He says headed to the garage. Nøkk meanwhile begins exploring the home as it's nice and has a lot of space.

Nøkk eventually enters what appears to Scott's room as it's nice and tidy minus the dust. She begins cleaning off the dust but she comes across a set of pictures.

Nøkk: "hmm?" She asks seeing Scott in a Delta Force uniform standing with Leland as another picture shows him standing with Ash and Thermite after their Bosnia mission. Nøkk can tell Scott is happy in these photos but compared to now? She can tell Scott is severely stressed and angry from everything going on.

Scott meanwhile is checking on his truck which is a 2014 chevrolet silverado which was a gift from Thermite.

Scott: "okay girl let's see if you still run." He says starting it but sees that it's low on fuel. "That's not surprising... I'll change tomorrow." He says turning it off and heads back inside to find Nøkk searching the cabinets.

Nøkk: "when was the last time you were here?"

Scott: "a year and a half I think." He says walking up behind her and hits her waist. "We'll head into town and get some stuff, truck needs a refill anyway." He says as Nøkk turns around kissing him which he accepts but he notices it's much more passionate than before.

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