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The Pines Twins walked back downstairs to the kitchen. Dipper sat down at the table while Mabel went to the fridge. When he was given a soda, Dipper watched as his sister sat down in the other chair.

"Are we going to address what happened today? And why there's a strange girl sleeping upstairs?" He asked.

Mabel looked up at him as she opened her soda can. "Well, I'll go out to the store tomorrow and pick up some groceries since we didn't have much anyway. The fridge has just soda and ice pops labeled 'for the hot days'. And I'll get her some new clothes so she doesn't have to wear the dress, and possibly call a doctor because she has quite a few injuries."

Dipper stared at his sister as she took another sip of her drink before picking up her purse and taking out a small glittery notebook to write something down.

"We also have to consider finding some more of that weird juice. And once she feels safe, we can try letting her relax around us, maybe clean her up a little." Mabel continued to list.


The girl looked up to see her brother with his arms on the table and his eyes wide like they always were when he was anxious or stressed.

"Yes?" She asked.

Dipper let out an exasperated sigh and threw his arms up. "Can we address the immediate issue?! We don't know anything about this girl! What if she isn't even human? She could be like that shapeshifter thing! Even then, she bares a strong resemblance to Bill! She could be one of his spies, trying to find a way for them to get back into our world! And her eyes glow too, she could be contacting him! Great Uncle Ford said to keep her in the house, but he didn't say we should trust her!"

Mabel waited until her brother stopped and panted for breath before speaking. "Why would our Great Uncle let us bring a potentially dangerous threat into the Mystery Shack? Wouldn't he be concerned for our safety?"

That stumped Dipper for a moment, and his finger drummed on the table surface briefly before he came up with a possible reason.

"The spell. That spell from the unicorn hair! It must still be in effect, I saw her eyes go back to normal when I entered the property. Ford must think that the safest way to detain her is to take away her powers!"

Mabel brought her hands up in annoyance. "That reasoning is full of holes, bro-bro! For one, she has not done anything yet that makes her a threat! Every time we faced Bill, he was always trying to find a way to benefit himself the fastest way possible. This girl has does nothing to imply that she is not to be trusted! Even the shapeshifter tried to trick us into benefiting for itself!"

Dipper rubbed the bridge of his nose with two fingers. "You're too trusting, Mabel. She could just be more patient than them, willing to wait until we trust her enough to let her into our thoughts or feelings. She could still be dangerous."

"Okay, mister smarty pants, explain this than; if she's an evil demon, why were you allowed to bring her into the house?"

Dipper opened his mouth to counteract, but paused.

Mabel continued knowing she had her brother stumped. "That shield protected this Shack during Weirdmaggedon, it didn't let anything in here that wanted to hurt us. But it let in other creatures, like the Gnomes and the little golf people! It is designed to protect this place against anything that can be seen as a threat. But she was allowed in. So why would the magic let her in if she was considered a threat?"

Dipper looked down, his feet shifting under the table. Mabel smiled and grabbed her bag.

"Ok, so I'll go to the store and get some groceries. Do we need anything besides candy and pancake mix?"

Dipper couldn't help smirking at his sister's choice of a diet. "I'll go to the store, sis. I don't trust you when it comes to food."

Mabel rolled her eyes but passed over the keys. Dipper grabbed them and went to the door, pausing when it was halfway open.

"Mabel...just be careful, okay? Don't...get too attached, okay?"

Mabel knew her brother was just looking out for her, so she smiled back and snapped her fingers.

"You got it, bro-bro."

Dipper nodded and left, jumping off the porch. Mabel stood there for a second before reaching into her bag again. She pulled out a ball of yarn and knitting needles.

Everyone deserves a welcome sweater.

On the shores of Oregon, a distinct boat named The Stan O' War II was docked at a fishing town. Two men were unpacking boxes and bags and loading them into a rented truck.

The Stan Twins haven't changed much except in age. But both were still in good shape from the years of adventures and fighting monsters. Stanford's glasses had a few more cracks in them, and Stanley had lost the gut he had the last summer he spent in Gravity Falls. But they were still undeniably the Pines Twins (first generation, so too not get confused).

Stan tossed down another box full of notes and specimens in jars. Ford put it in the practically overflowing trunk and slammed it closed, having to shove to get it closed all the way.

Stan knew this situation must be serious, though he didn't know the complete details. He just knew Ford got off the call to Dipper looking like he's seen a ghost and then demanding they chart a course back to Gravity Falls.

Ford stumbled as he walked around the truck, and Stand was quickly by his side. "You okay, Ford?"

"I'm fine, Stanley. Just a bit tired." Ford shook him off with a small shrug.

Stan rolled his eyes. Ford barely got any sleep on a normal basis, and he knows that he didn't get any at all ever since that call.

"I'm driving. I don't trust your butt behind the wheel." He said before climbing into the drivers seat. Ford huffed but got into the passenger without argument. They paid for the Stan O' War to be docked for a month, giving them plenty of time to come back for it if things prove more difficult and they have to extend their stay.

About a half hour into the drive, Stand glanced over at his brother. Ford was writing in a notepad while also skimming a book.

"Ford, could you tell me why we abandoned our search for Atlantis to go back to Gravity Falls? I mean, I love the kids and I want to see them, but you looked like hell was about to break loose."

Ford paused in his writing, a hand going up to run at his eyes. "I can't explain it now, Stanley. I just need to get there as soon as possible. And let's hope we're not too late."

Stan only sighed and drummed his fingers on the wheel. He was used to his brother being vague until he absolutely had to say something. He tried to get him to stop doing that, but unless there was a visual aid, Ford was impossible to get information out of.

So he focused back on the winding road. At this rate, they should be at Gravity Falls in about a day.

I was kinda on a creative role, and I managed to squeeze this out. Hope you like it.

Also, I realized I'd forgotten an important character; Waddles! So just to clarify, he came back with Mabel to the Shack, we just haven't seen him yet. Sorry about that. I looked it up, and turns out pigs can live 15 to 20 years, so by that logic, he would still be around. So he'll appear in the next chapter.

With love,

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